Part 72: Ring any Bells?

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(Pogo grabs a cigarette and looks back at Five and Y/n with a disapproving look on his face)

Pogo: I don't tattoo children. 

Y/n: Well that's a plus

Five: Swell, I'm not here for the ink.  I'm here becauseyou and us have a mutual friend. 

Pogo: I doubt that.

Y/n: I think we do. Sir Reginald Hargreaves. Ring any bells? 

(Pogo sighs)

 Pogo: Anala, even though it's good to see you again. Whatever he wants, I'm not interested. Also why do you look younger

Y/n: I don't think you understand. We're not here on behalf of him. And I look younger because I'm not Anala. 

Five: We're two of his children. From another timeline. 

(a group of 4 men start to walk toward the Five and Y/n trying to intimidate them) 

Pogo: Another timeline? (he laughs)

Five: As crazy as it sounds,The 3 of us have met before. Back in 1963, when you were a diaper-wearing chimpin dire need of a manicure. I don't know if you remember,but I have a scar to prove it. 

(Five pulls down his collar to show the scratch Pogo gave him that still wasn't fully healed.)

Pogo: If what you're saying is true, I'd be talking to a man and woman well into their sixties.But, instead I'm talking to a little boy and a younger version of someone I used to consider almost like a daughter. Now, if you'll excuse me,I've had a very long day. 

Five: Pogo, you need to listen to me. (Five goes to step towards him but a man grabs his shoulder making Y/n get angry and creates a fire ball in her hand)

Y/n: Don't... even think about it. 

(The man steps back a little but Pogo is finishing packing up  and walks out the back door. The men go back to block Y/n and Five)

Y/n: Okay, Enough is enough. 

(Y/n creates a gust of wind that knocks the group back as they all slam against the wall and Five blinks them out. They get outside to see Pogo driving away on a motorcycle)

Five: Shit

(He walks up to a guy)

Five: Hey, I need your bike. It's an emergency. 

Guy: Think you have me confusedwith someone who gives a shit. 

Five:  Give me the bike or else... (he drives away) Okay.

(Five blink on the bike and knock the guy off and continues to trail Pogo as Y/n laughs and uses her wind power to allow her to fly overhead of Five) 

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