Part 16: We meet again

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(20 minutes later, Y/n wakes up from a nightmare and find Five still asleep. She smiles and exits the room and sees Vanya exciting her room)

Y/n: Hey V, You okay?

Vanya: Y/n, just the person I wanted to see.

Y/n: Thanks?

Vanya: I want to talk to the Sparrows and I know you don't want a war and that you talked with Anala. I was hoping you could have my back.

Y/n: Yeah sure, just let me leave a note for Five.

(Y/n goes back into the room and sees Five asleep and leaves a note for him saying she went for a walk with Vanya and comes back out)

Vanya: Ready? 

Y/n: Yeah, Let's go. 

(You both walk over to the Sparrow Academy. You see Marcus working out on the top floor with a crowd underneath him) 

Y/n: Popular Guy. 

Vanya: Tell me about it. 

(They wait until Marcus is down and he look out to the crowd and sees both of you. He goes back inside as the crows disappears Marcus comes out) 

Marcus: Back so soon?

Vanya: We just want to talk.

(He turns to Y/n)

Marcus: Anala was hoping you would come back.

Y/n: Is she now? 

Marcus: I can get her and you to can talk and I can talk with her.

(Y/n looks over at Vanya for approval. She wanted to do this. She wanted to learn about Anala. And Vanya could tell that. Y/n had always helped Vanya, so it was Vanya's turn. They look back at Marcus and nodded their heads. He went back inside)

Vanya: Are you okay Y/n?

Y/n: huh?

Vanya: Are you okay?

Y/n: Yeah I'm fine, I jut never thought I would have a talk with... well me.

Vanya: You with reverse powers.

Y/n: Reverse?

Vanya: Yeah, You control one half of main 4 elements and she controls the other half.

Y/n: Yeah I guess your right. 

(Marcus came out 5 minutes later with Anala at next to him) 

Anala: So, We meet again Y/n. 

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