Part 116: Up to something

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*Back with Y/n*

(Five slowly starts to wake up to Y/n playing with his hair and reading a book. Slightly moving, Y/n looked own at him and smiled that he was awake)

Y/n: Good morning Love.

Five: Hi Baby.

(He smiles up at her before kissing her)

Five: What did I do last night?

(Y/n starts laughing at the memories)

Y/n: A lot.  And can I say that it was extremely entertaining. 

Five: Oh no. What did I do.

Y/n: How much do you remember? 

Five: I remember dancing with you, dad's speech, eating, and drinking a ton.

Y/n: What about your solo? 

Five: (his eyes widen) Solo?

Y/n: You sang for everybody. It was quite... cute

(Five groans)

Y/n: You also insulted Luther a bit.

Five: What else?

Y/n: you threatened to throw Ben off the roof.

Five: I would have done that sober.

Y/n: Then you disappeared and I found you about 20 minutes later passed out in an elevator. So I brought you to bed. 

(Five sits up looking in thought) 

Y/n: Five, what's wrong?

Five: I remember something.

Y/n: What do you remember Five? 

Five: I saw dad... last night 

Y/n: So, We all did, darling.

Five: No, I...I saw him after. Inone of the rooms. He was talking to someone.

Y/n: Who?

Five: That's the thing. I don't know, I didn't see them, or in just don't remember.

Y/n: You think dad is up to something? 

Five: Isn't he always? But the only question is who?

Y/n: Is that really a question?

Five: What?

Y/n: It's either Allison or Anala. They were the only 2 that left before I found you, but Anala left with me.

Five: You really think Allison would do that?

Y/n: I don't want to. But I think that greif messes with someone's mind and she is in pain. It's not like it matters too much anyway. The world is ending in a day or so anyway.

(Five nods as he snuggles into Y/n's side) 

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