Part 101: Pills

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Sloane: Dad, have you been taking your pills? 

Reginald: As a matter of fact, I haven't.

Sloane, Ben, and Anala: (mumble) Shit. 

Reginald: And I can confirmthat I've never felt better in my life. You thought you could dope me upand slow me down, take control of my affairsand squander my fortune. 

Anala: That wasn't not the plan. We just wanted you to stop being a dick.

Reginald: Well, Klaus here was good enoughto wean me off that wretched poison.

Y/n: (whispers to Five) The one time he can get clean, he helps one person who needs to be on drugs to get off them. 

Five: (whispers back) Kind of ironic isn't it.

Reginald: And now that the fog is lifting, I can see all your dastardly designswith a bracing clarity. 

Sloane: You took him off his meds?What were you thinking?

Reginald: He's the only one doing any thinking. 

Anala: That doesn't seem to fit at all. 

Reginald: All of you could learn a thing or twofrom this impressive young man. 

(Diego starts to laugh)

Five:(mumbles) Impressive isn't the word I would use to describe it. 

(Y/n elbows Five lightly for the comment)

Deigo: The world really is ending! Oh my God. 

Reginald: As for the rest of you,your training is to resume post-haste. 

Anala: No. 

Reginald: What was that Anala? 

Anala: No, I'm done spending my whole life training, waiting for the next mission. Y/n and Five are right. At this point if the world wants to end that fucking bably just let it. It's over, we lost. It's inevitable. You know what. I'm ready to die. So bring it.

Reginald: This is not how I raised you to be.

Anala: YOU DIDN'T RAISE ME AT ALL. You are a sad excuse for a father and a sadder excuse for a man.  

Reginald: We're running out of time.We have a mission to complete. 

Ben: I'm ready. Let's do this. 

Anala: (huffs) Of course you are.

Five: Let me guess. Project Oblivion? 

Reginald: How do you know about that? 

Five: We heard all about it...

Y/n: from Pogo.

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