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Chapter 1 Ordering takeout and traveling through time

"Ding-ling-ling-ling..." In a two-bedroom apartment in Taipei City, Feng Xi opened her eyes with difficulty, picked up her phone, and turned off the alarm she set last night for twelve o'clock. Feeling her stomach was empty, she prepared to order takeout.

Clicking on a certain takeout software, a takeout link suddenly popped up on the mobile page for a new user discount of 0.01 yuan. With the idea of taking advantage of a bargain, Feng Xi clicked in without hesitation.

"Free takeout? It's really good, but there are not enough varieties."

The only things that can be ordered are pork and cabbage dumplings, braised pork, minced meat and eggplant, steamed buns, steamed buns, beef noodles, and clear soup noodles.

Feng Xi ordered a bowl of beef noodles. She thought that takeout usually takes 30 to 40 minutes to arrive, so she turned on the alarm again and planned to take a 30-minute nap.


When she woke up again, Feng Xi was confused by the old-fashioned house. She clearly remembered that she slept in her two-bedroom house in Taipei, not in this small and crowded room. But she felt very sad because of the memory of another "Feng Xi" in her head.

After reading time-travel novels for so many years, Feng Xi still had nothing to not understand. She just didn't want to believe the fact that she had traveled through time.

She thought she was a strong person. In modern times, because her parents died early, she became independent very early, so she quickly accepted that she had traveled to a 17-year-old girl with the same name and surname in 1976. Just thinking about her experience and the money she had saved with great effort, Feng Xi wanted to cry.

"Dangdangdang..." A knock on the door sounded, followed by the soft and sticky voice of a little girl.

"Second sister, get up and have breakfast~"

Feng Xi opened the door, looked at the people in the room, and smiled with difficulty.

The original family was well-off and lived in the capital. There were seven people in the family. Father Feng Jianguo and mother Chen Aihua. Well, a very old-fashioned name. My father is the director of the meat processing factory, and my mother is a textile factory worker. I was originally the second child in the family, with an older brother and a younger sister.

The eldest brother Feng Chao is 23 years old this year. When he graduated from high school, he just caught up with the meat processing factory to take care of the children of employees. After graduating from high school, he can become a formal worker after passing the assessment. Feng Chao is smart and motivated. He passed the assessment smoothly and became a formal worker. Now he is an excellent worker.

The eldest sister-in-law Xia Qing and the eldest brother were high school classmates. Before getting married, she was a temporary worker in the meat processing factory. After getting married, she gave her job to her younger brother. Now she is at home taking care of the baby and doing housework. The two have a son, who is white and chubby and so cute.

The second oldest, Feng Xi, is 17 years old and has just graduated from high school.

The third oldest, Feng Wan, is 15 years old and has just graduated from junior high school.

This year is 1976. A few days ago, someone from the street office came to our home to inform us that at least one person in each family must respond to the call to go to the countryside.

The only ones in the Feng family who meet the conditions to go to the countryside are Feng Xi and Feng Wan. Feng Xi is older and is the elder sister, so the matter of going to the countryside falls on Feng Xi.

Travel back to the 1970s to order takeoutWhere stories live. Discover now