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Chapter 47 Kissed

Feng Xi didn't have to go to work today. Apart from delivering steamed buns to Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng for the day, she was reading at home.

Xu Hai came in the morning, carrying two loads of firewood, a pheasant and two pounds of wild boar in his hands.

When he came in, he saw his little animal with a bitter and resentful expression, and couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, who made my cute little animal unhappy."

Feng Xi saw Xu Hai carrying firewood in, and immediately stopped doing the questions and wanted to go over to help.

"Why did you bring the firewood?"

Xu Hai didn't let Feng Xi help, he put the firewood away by himself and said, "I'll do it, you go ahead, don't dirty your clothes. The weather is getting colder and colder, there are many places that need firewood, I'll try my best these few days to help you store more."

Feng Xi thought about it and felt that she really needed to store firewood. Although she didn't cook often, sometimes when someone came to the house, she still had to light the fire, and she also had to boil water and heat the kang every day.

"Then I'll go with you to the mountain to collect firewood tomorrow."

Xu Hai raised his eyebrows and said, "You've just recovered from your injury and you're going to suffer. I can do it by myself. You stay at home. And, aren't you afraid of wild boars?"

Feng Xi glared at Xu Hai, and said angrily, "It shouldn't be that you encounter wild boars every time. The last time was an accident. And with you by my side, I'm not afraid."

Xu Hai really loves the look of his little elephant and wants to pinch it. Seeing his dirty hands, he immediately went to wash his hands.

He held one of the little elephant's hands and felt a little cold. He held the other hand and put it in his clothes bag.

"You trust me so much."


Xu Hai thought that if the little elephant wanted to go, he could go. Maybe he would be more motivated to work if he stayed with him.

"Then I'll come to see you tomorrow. You don't have to get up early. Get more sleep. By the way, I've brought you the wild boar meat that was distributed before. You can put it away. Also, I just shot a pheasant. You can make some chicken soup when you have time to replenish your body."

Feng Xi looked at such a big pheasant and said a little embarrassedly: "I can't kill a chicken, but I can make soup. You can eat at my house at noon later?"

Xu Hai hurriedly agreed when he heard this. He was happy to eat with the little elephant and wanted to move in directly.

Xu Hai pulled Feng Xi to sit on the table. Seeing the little girl doing math problems, he asked, "Is that what you were doing just now?"

Feng Xi nodded. She had a hard time doing math today. She could remember all the formulas, but she just couldn't solve many problems. It seemed that she had to find time to return to modern times and watch famous teacher videos to make up for it.

Xu Hai raised his eyebrows and said seriously: "Hey, you are looking for trouble. I have never heard that your girlfriend is good at studying in the village. From now on, I will come to your house every day to teach you. I guarantee that you will be able to answer this kind of questions as soon as you see them in the future."

"Really? Then you try to solve it."

"Hey, wait."

Feng Xi did hear the aunties in the village mention that Xu Hai is the only high school student in the village, and he is also very good at studying. He should also take the college entrance examination. It is not bad for the two of them to do the questions together now, so that when the college entrance examination is announced to be resumed, they will not be in a hurry, and they may even have a second round of review.

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