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Chapter 70 Coma

"Captain, we were deceived. There is nothing in there, only a female comrade who is unconscious."

Wang Tieniu couldn't believe it and said loudly: "This is impossible. I clearly saw that woman pushing something into the room. Did you search it carefully?"

The man who just spoke kicked Wang Tieniu and cursed: "Hey, are you doubting my ability?"

The captain wearing a red cloth frowned. He received a report letter today, which said that there was a large amount of goods in this yard. He was thinking that he could do a big job this time so that the director would look at him with new eyes.

"You guys go and look for it, and search this yard for me."

After a while, none of the people wearing red cloth found a large amount of goods, and only one person took a bag of flour.

The man asked naively: "Captain, do you think this counts?"

Captain Hongbu couldn't help but cover his face. What the hell is this...

Wang Tieniu was shocked: "No! This is impossible! It must be that female comrade who moved it away. Yes, it must be like this!"

The person who just searched Feng Xi's room also looked at Wang Tieniu: "Are you sure that female comrade can move so many goods? There is not even a cart in the room. What can she move in such a short time? Are you kidding? Could it be that the goods disappeared out of thin air?"

Xu Hai didn't know what happened. He did see Feng Xi pushing a large cart of things into the room, but the person wearing the red cloth didn't find the goods, which means they are still safe for the time being, and Feng Xi is still unconscious inside. With a little effort, he broke free from the three people who were controlling him and said, "We have a conflict with Wang Tieniu, and he came to slander us. Since we are innocent, you should let us go, and there is also an unconscious female comrade inside."

After saying this, Xu Hai ran to Feng Xi's side and briefly checked Feng Xi's body. He found no other injuries except a big swelling on his forehead, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Hai picked up Feng Xi and wanted to go to the hospital.

The captain wearing a red cloth stood in front of Xu Hai and said, "The situation has not been clarified yet, so no one can leave."

Monkey didn't know why the goods disappeared, but he couldn't lose the momentum, so he shouted, "Are you stupid? You were tricked by Wang Tieniu and you don't even know it. We are all innocent comrades, and if something happens to the female comrade, you can't afford it."

Wang Fulai added, "My sister must have been knocked unconscious by Wang Tieniu's men. If anything happens to her, I will report you to your unit!"

Xu Yang echoed, "That's right, I will report you too."

The captain wearing a red cloth was furious. He had never been so touched before. He glanced at Feng Xi's forehead and thought, forget it, he was also afraid of something happening. He ordered the two men beside him: "You two follow them to the hospital, don't let them get away."

Hearing this, Xu Hai ran to the hospital quickly with Feng Xi in his arms.

The two men wearing red cloths behind him couldn't help but cover their faces, can you please not run so fast! Can't you take a break!

Captain Hongbu became angrier and angrier as he thought about it. Usually he was the only one who showed off his power, but now he was threatened. He thought he could make a great contribution today, but catching Wang Tieniu was also a gain.

Captain Hongbu walked up to Wang Tieniu, squatted down, pinched Wang Tieniu's face with his right hand, and said: "You wrote this report letter, right?"

Wang Tieniu's eyes flashed: "It's not me."

Captain Hongbu didn't care, and said: "I think it's you. Last time you ran away, we had to look for you for so long, and this time you blatantly slandered me, are you kidding me?"

Wang Tieniu was unwilling to accept it. When he was studying, he couldn't compare with Xu Hai, and he couldn't compare with others in terms of reselling. Why can others reselling things without being discovered, but he was discovered when he was finally on the right track of reselling things. He was unwilling to be caught like this, hiding from place to place every day.

Just this morning, I saw Xu Hai and his team import a batch of good goods. I couldn't understand why I was doing so badly while Xu Hai was doing so well.

He was jealous. Since he had no future, he would drag Xu Hai and his team down with him, so that Xu Hai would have no future like himself. So he immediately wrote a letter of denunciation to the Revolutionary Committee, and then he took seven people with him to monitor Xu Hai and his team. When he saw Xu Hai was about to leave, he couldn't sit still, and quickly asked his brothers to pick up sticks to block Xu Hai. When the people from the Revolutionary Committee arrived, they could kill Xu Hai and his team.

But why? Why couldn't he find the goods?

"No! They hang out in the black market every day, I can testify!"

Monkey sneered: "I am dying of laughter, Wang Tieniu, you have committed a crime yourself, how can your testimony be trusted?"

Wang Fulai said loudly: "That's right, what can a skinny and weak kid like me do? Don't be afraid, brother Monkey, the captain is smart, how can he be fooled by Wang Tieniu so easily!"

Monkey couldn't help but look up to Wang Fulai, this kid is good.

Captain Hongbu thought, that's right, this kid is skinny and weak, how can he be a big trader, and even the boss of the black market will not hire a child who is still wet behind the ears.

"Do you think I'm a fool? You guys take Wang Tieniu and the other eight people to the Revolutionary Committee. I want to interrogate them personally."

"Captain, what about these three people?"

Captain Hongbu frowned and looked at Monkey, Xu Yang and Wang Fulai, and said, "Catch these three people and the two people in the hospital and record their statements."

Monkey was not convinced and said, "This is unreasonable. You didn't find anything, so why did you arrest us?"

Captain Hongbu glared at Monkey and said, "Why is it unreasonable? You guys are fighting in a group and it's reasonable. Why are you standing there? Arrest them too."

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