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Chapter 25 Shopping

"Xixi, I think there is nothing to buy in the town, how about we go to the county?"

Feng Xi nodded indifferently, she just wanted to get to the town quickly.

"Okay, but our speed is a bit slow, it may be dark when we come back."

"It's okay, I plan to buy a bicycle, I checked last time, there are no bicycles in the town, I plan to go to the county to have a look."

Feng Xi couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Tang Qingqing when she heard this, this guy is really rich. A bicycle costs more than 100 yuan, and even if you have money, you can't buy it, you still need a bicycle ticket.

Bicycles were big items at that time. If a family had one, it would be very prestigious. Take Mangrove Village for example. In such a large village, only the village chief's family had one.

Feng Xi had more than 130 yuan before going to the countryside, but now she only has more than 80 yuan. Even if she had enough money to buy a bicycle, she didn't have a ticket.

"Xixi, do you want to buy a bicycle together?"

Feng Xi touched her little dirty face distressedly and said, "No, don't talk about it, I don't have a ticket~"

"It's okay. I have a car, and you can borrow it from me if you need it in the future."

"Qingqing, you are so kind. But if we have the opportunity to go back to the city, what will happen to your bicycle?" Feng Xi couldn't help but remind her.

"That's right. I've always been a nice person. If I can go back to the city in the future, I can sell it at a low price."

Feng Xi thought about it and felt it was okay, so she said, "Yeah, that's fine."

The two girls came to the town and then took a bus to the county.

The county is much more prosperous than the town. The supply and marketing cooperative sells a lot of things, and there is also a shopping mall.

Feng Xi and the others went to the supply and marketing cooperative to take a look, but they didn't think there was anything they wanted to buy, so they went to the shopping mall instead.

The shopping mall has three floors. The first floor sells all kinds of snacks, candies, grains, and various daily necessities. The pot that Feng Xi wanted to buy is on the first floor.

However, Feng Xi planned to buy it when she returned. It was not pleasing to see a little girl carrying a pot on her back shopping in a mall.

The second floor was where all kinds of fabrics, shoes, bags, ready-made clothes, cotton padded jackets, and sweater yarns were sold.

Perhaps it was because Feng Xi and her partner were too eye-catching. As soon as they arrived on the second floor, the salesperson at the counter saw them and said, "Serve the people! Do you two female comrades want to buy anything?"

Tsk tsk tsk tsk, look at how good the service attitude of the female salespersons in Renmin University Mall is. In comparison, the supply and marketing staff in the town are almost beaten to the ground.

In fact, not all salespersons have such good service attitudes, but Feng Xi and her partner knew at a glance that they were from wealthy families, so they did not dare to neglect them.

Feng Xi looked at the clothes and could not deny that some were very tacky, but some were indeed very good. He asked, "Hello, comrade, how much is that purple sweater?"

"This purple one, as well as the blue and pink sweaters, were just received today and are in great demand. But they are a bit expensive, 30 yuan each, while the other ordinary ones are 25 yuan each."

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