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Chapter 63 He Hua's Wedding

On the day of He Hua's wedding, Feng Xi got up early, washed up, and went to the educated youth center with Tang Qingqing.

The people at the educated youth center also got up early, after all, someone's marriage is a big happy event, and the educated youth center hasn't been so lively for a long time. Feng Xi and others helped make breakfast in the kitchen, while Feng Aihua and Ma Hong helped He Hua with her hair and makeup.

After making breakfast, Feng Xi took breakfast to the three people in the room and said, "Sister Aihua, stop working and eat breakfast first."

"Hey, Feng Xi, look, isn't our He Hua particularly beautiful today?"

Ma Hong covered her mouth and laughed, "That's right, our He Hua is in high spirits when she is happy."

Feng Xi looked at the happy smile on He Hua's face and said, "You're right, our He Hua is the most beautiful bride today."

Lin Tang also echoed, "Yeah, Sister Feng Xi is right."

He Hua's face was almost red when she heard the jokes from others, but she was very happy in her heart.

Finally, it was Feng Aihua who spoke up and everyone stopped joking.

When it came time to give gifts, everyone took out their own gifts. Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing each gave a piece of cloth, Feng Aihua gave a pair of gloves, Lin Tang gave a pound of candy, and the others also gave something more or less.

Not long after, the wedding party arrived...

Feng Aihua had experience before, and when she saw the groom coming to pick up the bride, she quickly organized everyone to close the door and not let the wedding party in. The wedding party also had experience, knocking on the door a few times outside, and then giving a few red envelopes through the door slit, Feng Aihua opened the door.

When He Hua saw Tian Erzhuang, she smiled shyly, and then quickly lowered her head.

Tian Erzhuang was obviously also very excited, looking at He Hua and grinning.

When getting married, the bride's feet cannot touch the ground, so the groom has to carry her on his back. When Tian Erzhuang carried He Hua on his back, many people cheered and blew whistles, and the scene was very lively.

The group arrived at Tian's house and the feast started soon.

After Feng Xi and his friends had a hurried lunch, they went to the bridal chamber to accompany He Hua and talk about some personal matters.

Finally, after everyone made a little noise in the bridal chamber, they left the space for the two newlyweds.

This was Feng Xi's first wedding in this era. At that time, marriage was very simple and there were not many customs, but everyone had a very happy day.

After lunch at Tian's house, everyone went back to their own homes.

Feng Xi planned to do some homework at home. After going to the stove to heat the kang, he planned to go back to his room.

At this time, Xu Hai came over with a big bag of apples and mutton in his hands.

Feng Xi felt that the apples and mutton looked familiar to her inexplicably...

Xu Hai held the little object's hand and said, "You must be tired today. These are what I found in the black market. Apples are rare in winter, so I bought a lot. The mutton may be a bit fishy. I will make mutton soup for you to warm your stomach later."

Xu Hai took an apple to wash it, then handed it to Feng Xi and said, "Eat it. I have tasted it before. It is very sweet."

Feng Xi took a bite and it was indeed very sweet.

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