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Chapter 126 Excellent College Student

What can Monkey do? He can only move clothes with Xu Hai.

He thought that if these strange clothes can't be sold, he can get back at Xu Hai, and maybe he can pretend to be a big shot in the future.

Xu Hai didn't know Monkey's thoughts. He just thought that these clothes could be a test.

In the past, everyone's clothes were either gray, white, black, or blue, green, and red. These floral shirts can make people's eyes bright, and maybe they can really lead a trend.

After Xu Hai and his friends moved the things away, Feng Xi went to Anya's house with a lot of bags.

Anya liked these pastries very much. She took a bite of tiramisu with a spoon and said to Feng Xi excitedly, "This is the taste!"

Anya tried donuts, jam snacks, coconut rings and waffles one after another.

Anya was happier and happier. She should be able to make such delicious pastries in the future!

Feng Xi handed the printed information to Anya and said, "Sister Anya, this is the information of the production process. What do you think?"

Anya was more and more excited as she read it. This information was too detailed.

"Feng Xi, these materials are written very clearly. I should be able to make it according to the steps above. By the way, Feng Xi, how did you get these things?"

Feng Xi had long guessed that Anya would ask this question, so she told Anya that she knew someone who was very good at making Western pastries, but that person didn't want to open a store, so he gave her these things and let her figure it out on her own.

"Sister Anya, if a store wants to go long-term, quality comes first. I hope you can not only make it, but also do it better. You can use these materials as much as you want. If it's not enough, I'll give you some next week."

"Well, don't worry, I will definitely try it a few more times."

Feng Xi had nothing to do with Anya, and seeing that Sister Anya didn't need her help, she planned to go back to school.

During class on Monday morning, Director Guan walked to the podium with a smile on his face, holding a lesson plan and two newspapers.

"Last week, our Beijing Education Bureau and the newspaper company published a newspaper for outstanding college students. Feng Xi from our class was honored to be selected by the Education Bureau and became the representative of outstanding college students in Beijing. Everyone applaud Feng Xi!"

For a while, warm applause rang out in the classroom.

When the applause stopped, Director Guan said again: "I have two newspapers here, one is for Feng Xi, and the other is in our classroom. Everyone can take a look when they have time. There are many things worth learning from them. Okay, let's start the class now."

After class, Director Guan handed a newspaper to Feng Xi, gave Feng Xi a few words of advice, and left.

The other people in dormitory 201 gathered around Feng Xi, wanting to see what was in the newspaper.

Feng Xi opened the first page of the newspaper. Wow, the entire left side of the newspaper was about her, and even her photo took up half of the newspaper.

Feng Xi read it at a glance and swallowed his saliva. The first part of the article was fine, talking about how she used her professional knowledge to help a pregnant woman last time.

The latter part was a bit exaggerated, almost all praising how hardworking she was, learning new knowledge in the library every week, not only mastering professional knowledge, but also being able to answer questions about other professional knowledge fluently, and even leading the entire Beijing university students to actively go to the library to study.

Feng Xi touched the non-existent sweat on his forehead. The hat was a bit high.

She only went to the library a few times occasionally, how could she lead everyone to study in the library?

The right side of the first page of the newspaper reported on Xu Hai and his roommates, and almost all of the content revolved around their research, but the newspaper did not report what research they did.

A total of four people were interviewed on the second page, two on each side.

One was Ma Chao from Tsinghua University, one was the oldest college student, and the other two were actually father and son!

Feng Xi raised her hand to support her forehead. Why was her layout so big? This made her a little panicked!

Tang Qingqing smiled and patted Feng Xi's hand, saying, "Xixi, you have a big row, one person occupies one side."

"Our Xixi is the best, so the newspaper has written such a big space."

"Big sister is right, Lao Wu, the one standing in the middle is your date, quite handsome!"

Feng Xi looked at Li Li with admiration and said pretentiously, "It's just, it's okay!"

Zhu Zhu pouted, she thought Li Jie was the most handsome.

On the other side, in a laboratory of Jingshi University, Chen Baishi looked at the first page of the newspaper with admiration and said, "This photo is well taken, look how handsome I am in the photo!"

Xu Hai had no time to care about Chen Baishi, this idiot, and was reading Feng Xi's report seriously.

Yang Kai slapped Chen Baishi and said, "He doesn't look handsome, but he thinks he is handsome. Look at Xu Hai, look at his girlfriend, are you jealous?"

Chen Baishi nodded with a pained heart, he was so jealous.

The photo of Xu Hai's girlfriend was five times bigger than his! ! !

In the office of the meat processing factory, Father Feng was reading the newspaper word by word.

The people around him saw that Director Feng was so happy and couldn't help asking, "Director, is there any good news in the newspaper?"

Father Feng raised the newspaper and said proudly, "My daughter is in the newspaper!"

Other people in the office heard what Director Feng said and gathered together to read the newspaper.

"Director, your daughter is really outstanding!"

"Yes, Miss Xi is on the newspaper. I have to talk to my daughter when I go back and ask her to learn more from Miss Xi."

Father Feng was so happy to hear everyone praising his daughter.

He read the newspaper three times and still felt unsatisfied. He planned to see who else was reported later.

Father Feng first looked at the photo. Why did he feel that the one in the middle of the six people looked so familiar?

He suddenly widened his eyes and then read the newspaper word by word.

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