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Chapter 150 Aunt Guihua's Highlight Moment

"What? You want to change my job? No, no, I can't do that. I'm pretty good at folding boxes! The team leader even praised me for my dexterity!"

Aunt Guihua thought Xu Hai wanted to change her job because she was too slow at folding boxes.

She didn't want to change. Folding boxes is such an easy job, and she can chat with her old sisters while working.

Xu Hai explained: "Aunt Guihua, the job I want to change for you is a salesperson in a department store. If you do well, I will immediately let you be the team leader of the sales team, and the salary will be twice as high as your current job."

Aunt Guihua's eyes lit up immediately. There is such a good thing!

"Director Xu Hai, you have a good eye. Wow!!!!!!"

Xu Hai explained to Aunt Guihua what a salesperson should do and promised Aunt Guihua that if she performed well in a week, she would be promoted to team leader immediately.

Aunt Guihua said that there was no problem. It was just selling things. Aunt Guihua dared not say anything else, but her eloquence was first-rate.

Aunt Guihua was a little unable to move when she arrived at the department store on the first day.

She thought that the department store was similar to the supply and marketing cooperative. She didn't expect it to be so big and luxurious. She always felt that she didn't seem to fit in with the department store.

Xu Hai saw Aunt Guihua's reservedness, so he gave her a set of uniform salesperson clothes and asked Monkey to help look after her.

As soon as Aunt Guihua changed into her clothes, she instantly felt that she looked much more decent in the mirror, and she seemed to have more confidence in her heart.

Later, when a customer came to buy clothes, Aunt Guihua saw that the girl who was working with her didn't say a word and let the customer choose clothes by himself.

Aunt Guihua felt that this was not okay, so she had to show her eloquence and took several sets of clothes back and forth to help the customer match.

"Girl, I'm not exaggerating. If you wear this dress when you go shopping, you will definitely be the most beautiful girl in Beijing!"

"Your daughter is so beautiful. If she wears this dress in my hand, she will be like a fairy!"

"You like both dresses? Then buy them all! These two dresses and the one next to them are tailor-made for you. I'm telling you, these three dresses will only look best on you!"

"You don't like green? It doesn't matter. I have red, yellow, and white ones here..."

Everyone loves beauty.

Customers who go to department stores to look at clothes basically want to buy clothes. After hearing Aunt Guihua's sweet talk, everyone took out their wallets to buy clothes.

Some people who originally only planned to buy one piece of clothing, after hearing what Aunt Guihua said, hurried home to get money and bought all the selected clothes.

During this period, Monkey came over to look at Aunt Guihua a few times, and couldn't help but give Aunt Guihua a thumbs up. This aunt is really amazing!

After Aunt Guihua's enthusiastic sales all day, the clothing area's sales today are three or four times higher than yesterday.

A week later, Aunt Guihua successfully became the leader of the sales team.

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