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Chapter 64 Killing the New Year Pig

Today's weather is very cold. Feng Xi thinks this is probably the coldest day of the year.

However, although the weather is cold, it can't stop people's enthusiasm.

Today the team killed the New Year pig. Almost everyone in the village went to watch the excitement. Feng Xi was also very curious and pulled Tang Qingqing to watch.

Killing the New Year pig is an important way for people to welcome the new year. The pork in the team is evenly distributed according to the number of households in the village. At that time, Village Chief Xu will organize everyone to draw lots, and whichever piece is drawn is the pork.

The educated youth camp was counted as one household, so even if Feng Xi, Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng moved out, they were still counted together. Therefore, the educated youths planned to eat together at the educated youth camp during the New Year's Eve dinner.

There were too many people at the place where the pigs were slaughtered. Feng Xi could only vaguely see a stove built with bricks in the middle, with a big iron pot steaming on it.

After a while, a big fat pig weighing about 100 pounds was tied up and brought in on a cart. The big fat pig seemed to feel that it was about to encounter an accident, and it kept screaming and making its last struggle.

Feng Xi could not see what happened later because she and Tang Qingqing were squeezed out.

Feng Aihua saw Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing being squeezed out, and said with a smile: "I thought you two probably wouldn't like to watch this kind of thing, and I was wondering where you were going, but I didn't expect you two to run to the front."

Feng Xi said with a smile: "I've seen this before, so I just wanted to join in the fun."

Tang Qingqing said proudly: "Huh, I didn't plan to watch it in the first place, it was Xixi who dragged me there."

Feng Xi glanced at Tang Qingqing, who was it that dragged me to the front just now.

Tang Qingqing didn't care about Feng Xi, she said it wasn't.

At this time, Aunt Guihua came over and said, "You new educated youth have never seen this scene, right? Auntie, let me tell you, those big fat pigs are all raised by my family, and the heaviest one weighs more than 160 kilograms. What do you think, it's amazing, right?"

Feng Xi has seen those big fat pigs, and they are indeed fatter than other pigs. Although they can't be compared with modern pigs that weigh 200 to 300 kilograms, in the 1970s, raising a pig that weighs more than 100 kilograms was something to be proud of.

"Yes, yes, uncle is really amazing!"

"That's right, little educated youth Feng, I'm not bragging, my son's ability to raise pigs is second in the team, but no one dares to claim first place..."

Men, women, old and young who watched the slaughter of the New Year pigs chatted with each other, sometimes praising the pig farmer for his great ability, and sometimes talking about what they planned to do with the pork and how to do it...

Although the weather was very cold, everyone was very happy today, and it seemed that they had even forgotten the cold for the time being.

After a long time, the slaughtered pig dishes were finally ready.

Feng Xi and the people at the educated youth point lined up to kill the pig dishes, and then took their lunch boxes to find an open space to eat the slaughtered pig dishes while chatting.

The female educated youth gathered together to talk about food and clothes for the New Year, while the male educated youth talked about life ideals.

Feng Aihua reminded Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing: "By the way, we still have to make sticky bean dumplings tomorrow. Remember to come and help."

Feng Xi also knew about sticky bean dumplings. She liked to eat them very much. She said: "Okay, I will definitely come!"

Tang Qingqing pulled Feng Xi's cotton padded jacket and said: "I haven't made them yet. Xixi, you can teach me when the time comes."

Feng Xi said proudly: "No problem! There will be no accidents with me here!"

Feng Aihua covered her mouth and smiled, saying: "Look how proud you are. Qingqing, sticky bean dumplings are easy to make. When the time comes, we will ask the male comrades to grind the yellow rice into powder, sieve it, mix it into flour, and warm it on the kang to a moderate temperature. Finally Then we can wrap the red bean filling inside, and then a bean bun will be ready."

Wang Xiaomei interrupted at the right time: "Tsk, a smart person like me can make sticky bean buns since childhood."

On the other side, the captain's aunt looked at her daughter's eyes looking at the male educated youth, and then looked at Xu's mother beside her and said: "Xu Hai's mother, your Xu Hai is not young anymore, has he said when he will get married?"

"My third child didn't say that, but I listen to the children. They can get married whenever they want."

Xu's mother was quite anxious about the marriage, but she would not discuss her children with others outside.

The captain's aunt sighed deeply and said, "Hey, my Meimei is only 19 years old this year, and I was thinking about staying for a few more years. But look at my Meimei, her mind is on the educated youth Bai every day, it's true that a girl can't be kept when she grows up!"

Mother Xu thought to herself, that's right, if her third child hadn't come back to sleep every night, she would have thought that her third child was "married".


In the next few days, in addition to going to the educated youth's point to make sticky bean buns, Feng Xi also went to the town twice. These two times were mainly to resell the "four big items" with Wang Fulai, that is, chicken, fish, ribs and pork elbows.

The Chinese New Year is the most important day of the year for people. Every household attaches great importance to the New Year's Eve dinner, and the traditional New Year's Eve dinner includes the "four major items". If one of the dishes is missing, the New Year's Eve dinner will not seem so "authentic".

Therefore, no matter how frugal every household is, they will make the New Year's Eve dinner beautifully. Even the poorest families will buy a fish home, which means "surplus every year".

Therefore, Feng Xi and Wang Fulai made a lot of money in these two days, and Feng Xi himself made 1,900 yuan.

Feng Xi also got up early today, bought some rice and steamed buns at a takeaway supermarket, cooked a big pot of porridge with rice, gave the porridge and steamed buns to Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng, and then rode her bicycle to Wang Fulai's house.

She returned to Modern Times last night and bought two ordinary retro cotton jackets, intending to give them to Wang Fulai and his brother as New Year gifts.

In addition, she also heard from Wang Fulai that Monkey Brother and his friends had recently exchanged a lot of antiques. Wang Fulai was not sure about the price, so he asked her to go to his house tomorrow to have a look.

Feng Xi was very happy with Monkey Brother and his friends' practice of using antiques to pay for money. She would never refuse such a good thing.

When she was about to reach Wang Fulai's house, Feng Xi thought that the legendary Monkey Brother and his friends might be there, so she dug some soil on the side of the road and wiped her face a little.

She looked in the mirror and her face didn't look very deliberate, but she couldn't see her face clearly. After putting on her hat, she knocked on the door of Wang's house.

When Feng Xi entered the yard and looked at the scene in front of her, she was shocked...

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