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Chapter 86 Ordinary Life

The next day, the news that there was a ghost in the grove next to Xu Pozi's house had spread throughout the entire Mangrove Village.

"Have you heard that there is a ghost in our village!"

"That's right, Xu Pozi just told me that there are two female ghosts, one black and one white. It is said to be very scary, and it is said to be a sure thing. I don't know if it is true."

Auntie Guihua had a fight with Xu Pozi yesterday, and now she is very angry. She said, "I don't believe there are any ghosts in this world. Xu Pozi must have a guilty conscience and did something bad, so she is talking nonsense here. I am not that easy to fool."

Xu Pozi was not convinced "Yes, there is. I don't have any ghosts in my heart. I really saw ghosts last night. Two female ghosts, one black and one white, with frighteningly pale faces, red tears, and mouths that looked like they had just eaten a human. They laughed horribly. Oh, my son also saw it. If you don't believe me, go to the grove to see for yourself at night."

Auntie Guihua said disdainfully: "I won't go to such a thing."

Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing listened for a while and felt that they had nothing to do, so they prepared to leave quietly.

Unfortunately, Captain Xu came at this time.

"Why are you guys here again? What nonsense are you talking about? Superstition is not allowed after the founding of the People's Republic of China. If I hear someone say there are ghosts in the village again, don't blame me for being ruthless and reporting you to the commune! What are you still standing there for? Why don't you go to work!"

Mrs. Xu was furious. Why didn't anyone believe her?

Turning around, she saw Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing. She thought that the ghost she saw last night might be because of what happened to Tang Qingqing that day. She ran away immediately without even looking at Tang Qingqing and the others.

On the way, she met Xu Erzhu. Xu Erzhu turned around and left immediately. Now he couldn't mess with his buddies. These little educated youth Feng and Tang were so cute.

Xu Erzhu was not afraid of Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing. He was scared by the ghost yesterday and now avoided all women.

Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing looked at each other. It seems that the effect is not bad?

After this matter came to an end, Feng Xi's life returned to normal.

Every day, apart from going to work, she would order takeout and then sleep. On her days off, she would take some goods to Wang Fulai and Xu Hai.

Dacron shirts sold very well. Feng Xi later bought another 1,000 Dacron shirts. Yesterday, she heard from Xu Hai that they were almost sold out. She planned to buy another 1,000.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter now. After returning to the modern world, Feng Xi couldn't help turning on the air conditioner. She thought she could still sell some vests, especially men's ones, which should be easier to sell at this time.

Without saying much, Feng Xi immediately turned on her mobile phone, clicked on Taobao, and bought 1,000 Dacron shirts first.

Then I found a manufacturer with good quality and low price, and bought 2,000 vests at one time. 1,000 vests, 7 yuan each, 2,000 vests, 5 yuan each, so Feng Xi decisively chose to buy 2,000 at one time.

Girls' favorite thing to wear in summer is definitely skirts. Feng Xi bought 500 old-fashioned bragis and 500 floral skirts online.

After placing the order and paying, Feng Xi fell asleep with a beautiful dream of getting rich.

Finally, it was a rest day. Feng Xi got up early as usual. After washing up, he planned to order takeout for breakfast.

"Dang dang dang..."

"Xixi, are you up?"

Okay, I won't order takeout for now.

Feng Xi opened the door and saw Xu Hai standing outside. He said, "Not yet?"

Xu Hai handed the two eggs in his hand to Feng Xi: "Eat them first to fill your stomach. I'll cook anything you want."

"Noodle dumplings?"

"Sure, I'm the best at this. Wait."

Feng Xi looked at Xu Hai with a smile. She felt that she was about to turn Xu Hai into a cook.

Xu Hai handed the noodles to Feng Xi: "Come, try your partner's cooking skills."

Feng Xi took the chopsticks and took a bite. The taste was not bad.

"Well, not bad."

Xu Hai looked at Feng Xi eating the noodles he made with satisfaction. He couldn't help thinking how nice it would be if he could watch him for a lifetime.

"Well, are you going to the town today?"

Feng Xi originally thought that if Xu Hai had something to do and didn't come today, she would take the clothes and give them to Wang Fulai and Houzi, but now there is ready-made labor, she might as well use it.

Feng Xi said to Xu Hai with a smile: "I won't go, you can take it to the town for me. There are 1,000 Dacron shirts, and the price is still the same. 2,000 vests, 3 yuan each. 500 floral skirts, 7 yuan each. There are also 500 bragis, 12 yuan each."

Xu Hai nodded, took out the cloth bag with money in his hand, and said: "Okay. Xixi, here is the 50,000 yuan I owe you before."

Feng Xi touched his nose and took the cloth bag with a guilty conscience. How could she know that these 1,000 watches were so hard to sell? It took more than half a year to sell them all.

She was careless. She is not cut out for business!

After paying back the money, Xu Hai did not leave in a hurry. He watched the little girl doing physics problems and helped Feng Xi find ideas from time to time.

"Well, this is how you should solve this problem. Xixi, I feel that you have already learned these knowledge points. Why do you still want to do this kind of problem?"

"I am afraid that I will miss some knowledge points, just in case."

What a joke. She is determined to be the top scorer in the national college entrance examination in science, so she has to review well. If she doesn't get the top score, she will be sorry for her ability to remember everything she sees and the review she has done for so many months.

Feng Xi calculated that it was already August, and the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination would be announced in mid-October. She was still very confident that she would take the college entrance examination in December.

Feng Xi looked at Xu Hai. Xu Hai had been selling things on the black market these days. He probably made a lot of money, but he didn't have much time to review with her.

Although Xu Hai was indeed very smart, it was better to make plans early for such things.

"Xu Hai, my father told me that the country now attaches great importance to talents. The college entrance examination may be resumed in the next two years. Maybe there will be some notice about this at the end of the year."

College entrance examination!!!

Xu Hai was very excited when he heard the words "reinstate the college entrance examination". Although he had graduated for six years, he had a good memory and ranked first in high school every year. Moreover, he had helped Feng Xi with his homework in the past few months, so high school knowledge was not difficult for him.

A few days ago, he heard that Beijing had held a conference on the development of talents. He also felt that it was impossible for the country not to reinstate the college entrance examination. Now that he heard Feng Xi say so, he felt that the reinstatement of the college entrance examination might be true.

Xu Hai nodded to Feng Xi and said, "Well, I also believe that the country will resume the college entrance examination soon. Xixi, read more books when you have free time. It won't do any harm."

Feng Xi looked at Xu Hai in confusion. Wouldn't most people be excited to hear about the resumption of the college entrance examination? Why is her partner so calm? Is there something wrong?

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