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Chapter 111 What to do

Feng Xi was just about to tell Xu Hai that she was transferred to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, but Xu Hai actually knew about it!

"How did you know? I accepted the transfer when I went to school to report, and I didn't have time to tell you."

Xu Hai laughed and said, "You and your obstetrics and gynecology class are quite famous. I heard rumors about you at Jingshi University."

Feng Xi was shocked: No way...

After the meeting at the Education Bureau, the president of Jingshi University was a little confused. Didn't the top scorer of the Northeast College Entrance Examination come to their school?

After thinking about it, he felt that something seemed wrong, so he hurried back to the office and found the newspaper of the previous Northeast College Entrance Examination.

It was clear at a glance. He said that he remembered that there was a top scorer in the Northeastern College Entrance Examination named Xu Hai in his school. He had heard about Xu Hai's deeds a few days ago.

Recently, he often heard the head of the Physics Department praise this kid for his intelligence. He didn't expect that his target was actually in Beijing Medical University.

Remembering the suggestion of the leaders of the Education Bureau, the president of Beijing University held a meeting that day to discuss the importance of library learning and told the directors about the example of Beijing Medical University.

After the meeting, the president of Beijing University deliberately kept the head of the Physics Department and had a long discussion with him about the two academic masters, Feng Xi and Xu Hai.

One led a "library learning trend" at Beijing Medical University, and the other was a physics genius at Beijing University.

A few days ago, the wiring in the dormitory building of their school was broken. Because it was already evening, the wiring workers had already gone off work, so if they wanted to find someone to repair it, they had to wait until tomorrow.

Xu Hai was also very brave. He actually repaired it himself, and his roommates handed him tools or used flashlights to help him.

Unexpectedly, after only ten minutes, the wiring in the dormitory building was repaired.

At that time, this incident caused a lot of discussion in Jingshi University.

The head of the physics department heard such explosive news from the president, and his eyes looked at Xu Hai more enthusiastically during class.

Jingshi University is a top university in the country. There are more than ten or twenty provincial champions in their school, and there are also several in the physics department.

At that time, he knew Xu Hai at most, and Xu Hai did not run for class committee, nor did he raise his hand to answer questions in class. The only thing he remembered was that this person would run outside the school whenever he had free time.

What made him look at Xu Hai with new eyes was the circuit repair incident.

They had just talked about circuit knowledge for a short time, and this person dared to repair it, which showed that Xu Hai was not only courageous, but also had a solid grasp of physics knowledge.

Later, he deliberately asked Xu Hai a few questions in class, which surprised him. He didn't expect Xu Hai to be so talented in physics and could draw inferences from one example.

This time, he heard that Xu Hai's partner had done such a big thing, and he secretly thought that maybe Xu Hai would do something big next time.

Xu Hai felt a little confused at the time. He hadn't done anything in the past few days.

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