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Chapter 136 Sign up for the performance

Time passed day by day, and soon it entered winter.

In December, the weather in Beijing was still quite cold.

If it weren't for the classes every day, Feng Xi would want to lie in bed all day!

Wednesday morning was Director Guan's health care class. After class, Director Guan did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he said to the students: "It's less than a month before New Year's Day. The school will hold a New Year's Day party and encourage each class to perform at least one program. If you are selected to perform on New Year's Day, the performer or team will receive a certificate and prize. If you can get first, second or third prize, you can get extra points in the final exam."

Zhu Zhu finally waited for her talent. She was not very good at studying, but she was good at singing and dancing. She asked first: "Director, how can one person perform?" Can I sign up for multiple performances? "

Director Guan nodded: "Yes, everyone is allowed to sign up for multiple performances, but they must do it within their ability. On December 23, which is Sunday, those who sign up for performances will line up in the auditorium to perform. Leaders will be there to screen all day, and only the selected programs can be performed on stage."

Director Guan handed a notebook to Zhu Zhu and said: "People or teams who sign up for performances must first register with the Cultural and Entertainment Committee."

After Zhu Zhu got the notebook, she decisively signed up for a singing performance. She also wanted to sign up for a dance. She recently thought about a dance, which is very special, but it requires six people to cooperate to complete it.

Wu Ping used to be a teacher and knew a little bit of dance. Thinking that it could add extra points at the end of the semester, she planned to sign up and give it a try.

Li Li and Tian Caicai also wanted to sign up for the performance, but unfortunately they didn't know how to do anything.

Li Li saw so many people in the class who wanted to sign up for the performance, and almost surrounded Zhu Zhu.

Zhu Zhu and Wu Ping had also signed up, so she turned around and wanted to ask Feng Xi if she would sign up for the New Year's Day performance.

"Old Five, are you signing up for the performance? Huh?!"

Li Li pulled Tian Caicai and asked, "Second sister, did you see the fourth and fifth sisters?"

"I didn't seem to pay much attention. They seemed to have left as soon as the class was over."

Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing were sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch at this time.

"Xixi, why do I feel like there are fewer people in the cafeteria today? We almost don't have to line up for food."

Feng Xi spit out the bones of the ribs and said, "There must be a lot of people who want to sign up for the New Year's Day performance, so they delayed the meal time."

Tang Qingqing nodded: "Is that so, Xixi, why don't you go and sign up and try it out."

Feng Xi blinked at Tang Qingqing, you know!

Tang Qingqing understood, everyone is the kind of person who can lie still.

After Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing returned to the dormitory, the others had not returned yet, and the two decided to take a good nap.

Feng Xi got up at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and he was still a little confused when he got up.

Seeing that Tang Qingqing and Feng Xi were awake, Zhu Zhu said excitedly: "Well, do you two want to join our group dance?"

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