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Chapter 91 Printing Study Materials

Feng Xi stared at Xu Hai thoughtfully and asked, "If I have a channel to get a lot of test papers and exercise books, can you still sell them?"

Xu Hai raised his eyebrows and said, "Yes, now there are many people who want to buy these study materials not only in our county, but also in other counties and even in the provincial capital. Whether it is people who want to take the college entrance examination this year, or those who are currently in high school Students are buying study materials like crazy. If you have a channel to get them, you can probably sell them. "

Feng Xi looked at Xu Hai with shining eyes: "How much is enough?"

Xu Hai couldn't help but twitch his temples when he heard Feng Xi's words. Thinking of the last time, he asked, "How many are there?"

Feng Xi looked at the test papers and exercise books in front of him, and said carefully: "For our college entrance examination this time, Chinese, mathematics and politics are compulsory subjects. In addition, the liberal arts will take history and geography, and the science will take physics and chemistry. I should have 10,000 test papers for each subject. Among them, there are about ten types of test papers for each subject, and one thousand copies of each type. "

"Then it should be able to be sold. Generally, people who come to the black market to buy study materials will not only buy one test paper. Maybe some people will also I will buy ten test papers for each subject."

Feng Xi was relieved, picked up the comprehensive science exercise book on the table, and asked: "What about this kind of exercise book, can you sell one thousand of comprehensive science and comprehensive liberal arts?"

"Of course."

After hearing Xu Hai's words, Feng Xi's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly drove Xu Hai out, saying that she had something to do, and asked Xu Hai to come home tomorrow morning to get the study materials.

Xu Hai was still a little confused, thinking that Feng Xi might want to contact her boss, and didn't ask much, after all, everyone has their own secrets.

After seeing Xu Hai leave, Feng Xi opened the takeaway page, ordered a bowl of beef noodles, and ate happily.

After eating beef noodles, Feng Xi sorted out the study materials that Xu Hai brought.

She and Xu Hai were both going to take science exams, so the science materials were very comprehensive, but there were also some liberal arts materials.

When Xu Hai brought them, Feng Xi thought that she would not be able to use the liberal arts materials, but Xu Hai said that it was okay to keep them, maybe they could be used in the future, so Feng Xi kept them, but she didn't expect that she could use them now.

Feng Xi picked out ten test papers from each subject, and then took a science comprehensive exercise book and a liberal arts comprehensive exercise book.

After putting all the materials in a bag, Feng Xi fell asleep quickly while holding the bag.

After returning to modern times, Feng Xi did not plan to take these materials to a printing shop for printing. First, it was difficult for her to explain. Second, the amount she printed was a bit too much. Seventy thousand test papers plus two thousand exercise books would cost at least tens of thousands of yuan even with a discount.

She bought a printer for only a few hundred yuan, and she could print whatever she wanted. Maybe she could use it in the future.

Feng Xi simply packed herself up and went to a printer store. She bought a printer for five hundred yuan and 100,000 sheets of the worst quality paper in the store, which was also the paper that looked most like that era.

After returning home, Feng Xi printed smoothly according to the operating requirements of the printer.

The next morning, Xu Hai saw a pile of study materials in Feng Xi's house, and couldn't help but look at the boss behind Feng Xi more highly.

Although printing factories in various provinces are now printing study materials related to the college entrance examination, they also have their own tasks every day and cannot print study materials all the time.

Moreover, the college entrance examination was resumed suddenly this time. Many people threw away or burned their high school textbooks and study materials after graduating from high school, so there are so many people buying study materials now.

After Xu Hai delivered the study materials to Monkey's house, Monkey rushed Xu Hai home to review.

There was less than a month left before the college entrance examination. Monkey assured Xu Hai that he and Xu Yang would be responsible for the sales. If they were too busy, they could call Wang Fulai, who was smart and clever, and was also one of their own.

Xu Hai also believed in Monkey's ability. After giving the materials to Monkey, he went to Feng Xi's house to review.

A week later, Feng Xi stared at Xu Hai in amazement.

"This, it's sold out so quickly?"

Xu Hai nodded: "Yes, the black market leader in the neighboring province heard from somewhere that we have high school study materials for sale in our province, so he came to find Monkey and took all the remaining study materials, and also said that if there are more study materials during this period, they will also take them."

Feng Xi was a little confused and asked: "Aren't the questions in the college entrance examination different in each province? Why do people from the neighboring provinces buy our study materials? "

"Although the college entrance examination questions are different in each province, the types are similar, and everyone learns the same knowledge. And now everyone is trying hard to get into college, so when they see study materials on the black market, they will buy them and do it."

Feng Xi understood it after hearing this, it was just like when she was in high school. Although she knew that she would not be able to finish so many exercise books, she felt that she would be at a disadvantage if she didn't buy them when everyone else did, so she bought them with everyone else in the end.

"How many test papers and exercise books do you need?"

Xu Hai thought for a moment and said, "If possible, just do it the same as last time. After all, we still have two or three weeks before the college entrance examination."

Feng Xi nodded, and after Xu Hai left, she ate beef noodles again and returned to the modern world.

After returning to the modern world, Feng Xi first went to the stationery store and bought 100,000 sheets of low-quality paper. Then she returned home and continued her printing business.

During this period, Feng Xi counted her assets. The test papers cost one cent each, and she earned 7,000 yuan for 70,000 test papers. Exercise books cost five yuan each, and she earned 10,000 yuan for 2,000 books of one liberal arts and one science.

That is to say, she earned 17,000 yuan for printing once, and now she has 34,000 yuan.

Feng Xi couldn't help but grin. This money is really easy to make. She printed learning materials twice and made a courtyard house.

In addition, Feng Xi added the money from selling clothes, watches and food before, and she had a total of 223,125.5 yuan.

This shocked Feng Xi. She didn't know until she counted it. She was shocked. She knew that she should have more than 100,000 yuan, but she didn't expect that she had more than 200,000 yuan now.

At about 4:30 in the morning, Feng Xi finally finished printing the materials, packed them into a sack, and then carried the sack back to her home in Mangrove Village.

After Xu Hai transported the materials away, Feng Xi closed the door and fell into a deep sleep.

It seems that staying up late is not a good idea. Feng Xi felt that the two days of printing the college entrance examination study materials almost drained her body.

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