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Chapter 132 Note

The old man put down the jade seal tremblingly, then picked up his reading glasses and looked at the jade seal again carefully, and said to Feng Xi excitedly: "Miss, this is the jade seal from the Qin Dynasty! Since the Qin Dynasty was gone, this jade seal has disappeared. I didn't expect it to be in your hands!"

Feng Xi opened her mouth in surprise. No way, she spent 80 yuan to buy a rare treasure!

What kind of luck is this! ! !

Fortunately, she bought it according to her heart at that time, otherwise she would regret it later.

Seeing that Feng Xi seemed to know nothing, the old man took a box to help Feng Xi put the jade seal in, and reminded him: "You must keep this jade seal well, it is a priceless treasure! If you can donate it to the country in the future, it will be a great merit. But this depends on your own wishes. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else."

The old man looked at the jade seal with pity. When he first knew that the jade seal was missing, he was heartbroken for a long time. This is a national treasure!

Fortunately, the jade seal is still in the motherland!

Feng Xi nodded, thought about it for a while, and had an idea in his mind.

"Grandpa, will you accept this famous painting from the Qing Dynasty?"

"Of course! Or will you transfer it to the previous account?"

Feng Xi nodded obediently: "Yes, yes."

After seeing the 1.2 million in the bank card, Feng Xi left the antique shop and went to a stationery store to buy a notebook and a pen.

The old man looked at Feng Xi's back with worry, hoping that this lady could take good care of the jade seal in the future, because this is...

The old man left the counter and went to the bookshelf, picking up some books about the jade seal that he had read before.

I read for more than an hour without realizing it, and I felt a little sleepy, so I was about to close the shop and go to sleep.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar box on the counter.

Isn't this the box that he just took out to give the lady the imperial seal? ? ?

The old man shuddered slightly in his heart, ran to the counter as fast as he could, and carefully opened the box.

The imperial seal of the Qin Dynasty was indeed lying inside! ! !

The old man was startled and hurried to the door to look, but unfortunately there was no one outside the door.

The old man closed the box containing the imperial seal. He couldn't take this thing. He would return it to the lady when she came next time.

The old man picked up the box and was about to find a place to put it, when he suddenly saw a note under the box.

Hello, Grandpa. I found this jade seal by accident. I want to give it to the country. But I am not free recently, so I want to ask you for help. Of course, if you like this jade seal, you can also keep it as a gift from me to you.


Feng Xi hid in the corner and saw Grandpa open the box and then left.

She did this for a reason.

Maybe she had some complex in her heart. She thought that she would leave the modern world forever in eight years. She had lived here for at least 30 years, so she wanted to leave something in this world.

From what happened just now, she could see that Grandpa cherished this antique very much and should hand it over to the country. The country should have rewarded the old man with something at that time. She didn't care, anyway, she would leave forever soon.

Even if the old man didn't hand it over to the country, it didn't matter. Her knowledge of antiques was taught by the old man, so she would just treat it as a gift to the old man.

Feng Xi returned home, did a skin care before going to bed, and then lay on the bed, thinking sadly that her summer vacation was about to end...

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