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Chapter 147 Research

However, Feng Xi was well prepared. She had memorized the contents of the book before class and answered Director Guan's questions according to her own understanding.

Director Guan nodded, praised Feng Xi and continued the class without asking Feng Xi to answer any more questions.

When Feng Xi was in the second class, she read the whole book just in case and summarized the contents herself.

"I heard that Feng Xi scored 700 points in the final exam last semester. She is the first student in our school to get a perfect score. Feng Xi should be a role model for everyone. The teacher would like to ask about your understanding of this course."

Feng Xi: ...

During the third class, Tang Qingqing wanted to sit farther away from Feng Xi. She was also asked many questions during the class. This must be because of Feng Xi.

Feng Xi pulled Tang Qingqing back directly: "Qingqing, let's share the blessing!"

Tang Qingqing rolled her eyes at Feng Xi: "No, I'm not lucky. I give all to Xixi."

In the following classes, Feng Xi was not asked many questions, but they were all comprehensive questions.

Tang Qingqing was not spared. Even though she was far away from Feng Xi, she was still questioned by the teacher. In the end, she just gave up and sat next to Feng Xi. She could ask Feng Xi questions she didn't know.

Even Zhu Zhu was questioned many times, but Zhu Zhu would occasionally raise her hand to answer questions.

The most active person in the class was the class monitor Bai Meng. As long as she knew the answer, she would raise her hand.

After the last class on Friday, Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing hugged each other and cried. Why were there so many questions in this class?

Zhu Zhu was also a little exhausted. She wanted to show herself, but she didn't think of answering questions like this. She only had a half-understanding of many questions. She didn't even know what she said in class.

Wu Ping, Li Li and Tian Caicai looked at the three people with some amusement, but there was nothing they could do, and they didn't know how to comfort them.

At this time, Director Guan came in and said, "Feng Xi, Bai Meng, Tang Qingqing and Zhu Zhu, don't leave school yet, come with me to the office."

!!! !!! !!! !!!

Feng Xi: You won't let me leave after school?

Tang Qingqing: I didn't do anything, did I?

The classmates in the class looked at Feng Xi and the other three curiously: What did these four people do that we don't know about?

The four followed Director Guan out of the classroom.

Bai Meng asked curiously, "Director, what do you want us to do in the office?"

Director Guan said mysteriously, "You will know in a moment."

The four of them came to the office and found that there were many teachers inside.

In addition to the four people from Class 1 of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, there was also Luo Yifan from Class 2 and Cao Yinhua from Class 3.

Director Guan saw that everyone was present and said, "Our Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is planning to research a project recently. We called you six here to let you join our research."

Feng Xi and the other six were a little surprised. They were only sophomores. What could they come up with?

"You don't have to be too surprised. We have carefully considered the selection of the six of you. Feng Xi is gifted and has strong overall strength. Luo Yifan and Bai Meng have good grades, and both have won the second place in their grade. Cao Yinhua has stable grades and is steady in her work. Tang Qingqing and Zhu Zhu have strong explosive power and also have certain talents. Today's medical level is low, and the school needs to quickly train a group of excellent students so that they can serve the society as soon as possible after graduation."

Professor Chen looked at the confused faces of the six people and explained: "Don't worry, we are not asking you six to do the research by yourselves, but a few of our teachers will do the research, and you will learn from them and write a report for us in the end. Not only our obstetrics and gynecology department, but other departments will also select some people to follow the teachers to do research, and you just treat it as learning."

The six people were relieved after hearing what Professor Chen said, it turned out that they were learning from them.

This is a rare opportunity, which is equivalent to opening a small stove. Feng Xi and the other six people are very happy.

Director Guan nodded, looked at the six people expectantly and said: "If you have any other ideas, or want to do research, you can also tell us. The school encourages students to think divergently and do research. You can come to the laboratory when you are free. There are a lot of thesis materials here. It won't hurt to read more."

Professor Chen looked at Feng Xi meaningfully and said: "I heard that a student at Jingshi University has invented a new generation of radios, which was quite popular a few days ago. Our obstetrics and gynecology department is not weak either. The teacher believes that you will also be able to achieve results in the future."

Feng Xi touched her nose, afraid that it was not very good, and she didn't know how good she was.

After Director Guan explained the matter clearly, Feng Xi and the other six left the office.

Feng Xi suddenly remembered that Xu Hai might still be waiting outside the school, so she said "goodbye" to everyone and ran to the door.

Tang Qingqing shook her head helplessly: He forgets his friends for a beautiful woman!

Xu Hai had been waiting at the school gate for Feng Xi but couldn't get out, so he was planning to sneak into Beijing Medical University.

Just as he was about to go in, he saw his little girl running towards him.

Xu Hai took Feng Xi's hand and asked, "Why are you leaving school so late today?"

Feng Xi explained to Xu Hai that she was called to the office and that she might not have much free time in the future.

Xu Hai's temples twitched fiercely. They didn't have much time to spend together in college, and they would be even busier if they had to do research in the future.

There is no way, his little target is too good, it is normal for the school leaders to pay attention to him, it seems that he has to work harder.

The security guard of Beijing Medical University sat in the security room, holding a teacup, crossing his legs and listening to the radio.

Suddenly he saw a man and a woman standing outside the window, looked at them curiously, and immediately widened his eyes and shouted: "Hey, that male student, what are you doing with your hands!"

Xu Hai and Feng Xi were holding hands, and suddenly heard a shout, and both of them were startled.

Xu Hai quickly protected Feng Xi's face, and after Feng Xi got on the bicycle, he rode the bicycle quickly and ran away.

The security guard pouted. It was useless to run away. He remembered the face of the boy. He would have to teach him a lesson next time. How could he hold the hand of a girl in the street?

Feng Xi sat behind the bicycle and pulled Xu Hai's clothes: "Did the security guard see your face?"

"I'm afraid he did. I may have to wait for you somewhere else in the future."

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