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Chapter 52: Another way to resell grain

The weather in the north is getting colder and colder, and the snowflakes in the sky are bouncing and floating down, bringing a little chill to everyone.

Now, there is no work to do in the fields, and the New Year is getting closer and closer.

The adults can only have a good rest at this time of the year, and the children gather together to make snowmen and have snowball fights.

Feng Xi, wearing thick cotton clothes and cotton pants, sits on the kang like a cotton ball and counts money.

In the more than one month since the team distributed grain to now, Feng Xi, in addition to knitting scarves at home or doing homework with Xu Hai, has also gone to the town to resell grain about ten times.

If Feng Xi went to the town with others, she could only hurriedly give food to Aunt Lin and Wang Fulai, and then took the money and left after a short stay. If Feng Xi went alone, she would have a lot of free time, and sometimes she would go to sell food by herself.

Feng Xi earned a total of 3,275 yuan in the past month. After deducting the money she earned from other miscellaneous purchases and adding the money she earned before, she now has a total of 5,195.5 yuan.

In addition to this much money, Feng Xi also has ten 100-gram goldfish and a Huanghuali box.

In theory, it is a very happy thing for a person to have so much money.

Of course, Feng Xi was also very excited.

However, she was also a little sad in her excitement. With so much money, she was afraid that it would be stolen. Moreover, if someone found out that she had so much money, would she be reported or something?

Feng Xi couldn't help but sigh. Her takeaway page could only be used to order takeaways, not to save things. Moreover, she didn't have any other secret places, so she could only eat beef noodles occasionally and return to modern times. This was too useless.


Feng Xi suddenly had an idea. If she could travel back to modern times, would it be possible for her to bring all the money and gold back?

Feng Xi used to sleep normally, and she didn't like to hold anything when she slept, so when she returned to the modern world, she just went back alone, without taking anything with her.

Feng Xi became more and more excited as she thought about it. She looked at her watch. It was past four in the afternoon. She thought that Xu Hai had come this morning, so he probably wouldn't come again at this time. As for other people, it was so cold now, and no one would come to see her.

She locked the door immediately, sat at the table, opened the takeaway page, quickly ordered a bowl of beef noodles, and paid for it.

After eating the beef noodles, Feng Xi counted out five thousand yuan, then wrapped the large pile of money in cloth and put it in a huanghuali box. The gold was also placed in the box. After rummaging through the luggage, he found a larger piece of cloth, wrapped the box, and tied it to his body. Feng Xi was afraid that he would not sleep well, so he tied the cloth with many knots. After confirming that there was no problem, he lay on the bed and went to sleep.

When Feng Xi woke up again, he saw the box tied to his body, and then looked at his bright and spacious house in the modern era. Feng Xi was excited...

After checking that his gold and money were still in the box, Feng Xi felt that God really treated him well!

The abbot of Hongshu Temple said that he could travel back and forth between the modern era and the 1970s for ten years. He could do a lot of things in these ten years.

Feng Xi had never thought that he could travel back and forth with things before, but now that he knew, he couldn't waste it. Feng Xi thought quickly, and she felt that she might be rich.

In the 1970s, although many antiques were smashed, as long as you look for them carefully, you should still be able to find a lot. Feng Xi can ask Aunt Lin and Wang Fulai to keep an eye out, and use antiques and gold to exchange for food, or exchange for money. Then Feng Xi can take the gold and antiques she got in exchange and store them in modern times, or even wait until her bank card is almost empty, and then sell one or two to make a lot of money.

Feng Xi does not need a lot of modern money, she just needs to ensure that her bank card has money to order takeout in the past ten years. After all, ten years later, she will always be Feng Xi in 1959.

After thinking through all this, Feng Xi took a quick shower, changed his clothes, and seeing that it was only a little after seven in the evening, he went out to the mall.

Feng Xi planned to buy a safe to store his money and gold. Thinking that he might have antiques in the future, he bought two larger safes, spending almost 10,000 yuan, and after filling in the address for home delivery, he went to other parts of the mall.

Feng Xi walked around and felt that there was nothing to buy, so he just bought some unlabeled cookies and snacks and went home.

Not long after he got home, the safe was delivered. Feng Xi put the box of gold bars and money in the safe, and after confirming that there was no problem, he prepared to go to bed.

She planned to go to the town again tomorrow and try to sell food in a different way.

The next morning, Feng Xi ordered a bowl of oatmeal porridge, thinking that it would be good to eat some hot oatmeal porridge to warm her stomach in such a cold day.

After breakfast, Feng Xi put on a cotton jacket, a hat, locked the door, and went out with a dozen steamed buns.

Feng Xi went to Bai Feng first, and after delivering the steamed buns to Bai Feng, she went to Tang Qingqing's house.

"Ding ding ding..."

"Xixi, you're here so early, come in."

"Qingqing, I have something to do in the town later, can I borrow your bike?"

Tang Qingqing answered readily: "You can take it, it's so cold now, I don't want to go out. But, Xixi, when you come back, please buy me three pounds of peach cakes and two pounds of glutinous rice sticks, I'm almost finished with the snacks I bought before."

"Yeah, okay, thank you Qingqing, then I'll ride your bike and leave."

Feng Xi rode his bike to the town, and couldn't help shivering on the way, it was too cold today.

After riding for more than an hour, Feng Xi finally arrived in the town.

Travel back to the 1970s to order takeoutWhere stories live. Discover now