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Chapter 104 Save me

Feng Xi tugged at Xu Hai's clothes with her little hands, her eyes full of distress signals.

Save me!

The origin of her goods was unknown, but Xu Hai and his friends were fine, because they didn't know her previous relationships, so she could get away with making up stories.

But Feng Chao was different. He was her brother, and he knew Feng Xi's connections, if not everything. If Feng Xi's goods were to be questioned, Feng Xi didn't know if her lies would work.

Xu Hai understood and gave Feng Xi a look that said "I understand." He thought that the little girl didn't want to worry her family, so she didn't want others to know about her being in the black market.

Monkey pulled Wang Funin aside: There shouldn't be anything for them here.

Wang Fulai glanced at Sister Feng Xi worriedly, then glared at Feng Chao fiercely. Why did this guy start cursing as soon as he entered the room?

Feng Chao sat on the table and was a little confused when he saw Wang Fulai glaring at him. Did he offend this kid? He looked at the people in the room again and sighed helplessly.

He heard from his brothers yesterday that several foreigners came to the black market and had a lot of good stuff in their hands. If they could get along, they could try to cooperate.

After all, he had not been in the black market for a long time. Last time, relying on the news from Feng's father, he learned in advance that the country might resume the college entrance examination, so he thought about mixing in the black market and reselling some learning materials.

Moreover, he had a brother who was doing quite well in the black market. After a few years, he made several times more money than he did as a worker.

He was a little itchy and wanted to join his brother in the black market. After discussing with Feng's father for a long time, Feng's father finally agreed to let him sell his workstation.

Sure enough, the college entrance examination was restored soon after, and he and his brother made a lot of money.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, because they made too much money at that time, and accidentally attracted people's jealousy, resulting in no good goods received in the past few months.

Yesterday, I met Xu Hai and his friends and found that the goods were indeed very good, and the people were smart. He also vowed to his brothers that their cooperation would be very successful.

When he was going to go home yesterday afternoon, he thought that his wife was pregnant and needed to eat something good to replenish her body, so he bought some fresh fruits and hens from Xu Hai.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got home, his sister bought the same things first.

It was impossible not to be suspicious. He remembered that Xu Hai and his group had not opened up before he came. After he came, it was even more so. They were busy discussing cooperation and had no time to sell goods.

Where did Feng Xi buy the fruits and hens from?

When he went out this morning, he deliberately looked at Feng Xi, but he didn't expect that his sister didn't seem to know about them, which made him a little confused.

When he talked about cooperation with Xu Hai and his group today, he deliberately identified their accents, which sounded like they were from the northeast.

But he also kept a watchful eye, thinking that he would ask Feng Xi if he had the chance in the future, in case something went wrong. After all, he admired this group of people. Xu Hai had far-sightedness, Monkey was eloquent, and even the 14-year-old Wang Fulai was smart.

He didn't expect to see Feng Xi as soon as he entered the door today. What else did he not understand?

Feng Chao stared at Feng Xi and asked, "Xiao Xi, do you have something to explain?"

Feng Xi grabbed Xu Hai's clothes and refused to let go: "I, what should I explain?"

Xu Hai said carefully: "Brother, it was my idea to get involved in the black market. It has nothing to do with Xi Xi."

Feng Chao couldn't help but twitch his temples when he heard Xu Hai call him brother. He looked at Xu Hai and said, "Are you the one my sister is looking for?"

Xu Hai nodded firmly, "Yes."

"Didn't you get into Beijing University? How come you still have time? Aren't you afraid that being involved in the black market will affect your studies?"

"No, I will do it without affecting my studies. And now the policy is clearer. I guess the country will not crack down on private transactions so strictly in the future."

Feng Chao nodded with satisfaction, and then taught: "You should focus on your studies now. Fortunately, you met a good person like me this time. Okay, our cooperation will not change, and we will make other plans in the future."

Feng Xi was a little confused. Did everyone in the family know that his elder brother was involved in the black market? It shouldn't be right?

"Brother, don't you still have to go to work? How do you have time to hang out in the black market? Does anyone in your family know about your involvement in the black market?"

Feng Chao was a little embarrassed when he heard Feng Xi's question, and explained: "I sold my workstation. Dad knows about it, but others don't know yet. Remember not to talk nonsense when you get home. Your sister-in-law is fine, but Mom is still very persistent in her iron rice bowl job. I plan to tell them later."

Feng Xi nodded obediently: "Oh~ Don't worry, brother, I know everything. We are the same."

Feng Chao glanced at Feng Xi, okay, then he wouldn't tell his family about their involvement in the black market.

This matter came to an end, and Feng Xi secretly made a gesture to Xu Hai before leaving.

Xu Hai shook his head in amusement. To be honest, he didn't expect it to be such a coincidence.

Feng's mother was surprised to see Feng Cao and his sister go home together. She knew Feng Xi was just going to find her boyfriend. But Feng Chao had been acting strangely in the past few months. He didn't often go home with his wife after get off work.

In the next few days, Feng Chao and Xu Hai's cooperation became smoother and smoother. Feng Xi also sold another batch of goods to Xu Hai before school started.

Soon after, Feng Xi's leisurely life ended like this, and she officially started her diligent college life.

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