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Chapter 34 Then give me a relationship that will allow me to help you

Xu Meimei didn't expect Feng Xi to really be willing to help her. She thought Feng Xi was just talking. It seems that not all good-looking female educated youth are troublesome.

"Feng Xi, thank you for helping me."

"You're welcome, and I'll get work points for helping you."

"But I still have to thank you. By the way, I heard that Bai Zhiqing is eating with you? Then can I eat with you? I will pay and pay!"

After hearing this, Feng Xi stopped pulling the grass and looked at Xu Meimei and said, "No, and although Bai Zhiqing said that he was eating with me and Tang Qingqing, we didn't eat together, and we didn't see each other many times a day."

So, your method won't work.

Xu Meimei sighed in disappointment and said, "Oh, okay then."

After a while...

"Feng Xi, do you know what Bai Zhiqing's family is like? How many people are there in his family? Are his parents easy to get along with?"

Feng Xi said helplessly, "I don't know about this. I'm not very familiar with Bai Feng."

"Oh, okay then."

After a while...

"Feng Xi, what do you think of my personality? Do you think Bai Zhiqing likes me like this?"

Feng Xi pulled out the grass one by one in annoyance, and replied weakly, "These You have to ask Bai Feng about the problem yourself. I don't know what he thinks. "

"Yeah, I think so too. Then..."

Seeing that Xu Meimei wanted to ask her more questions, Feng Xi said quickly: "Let's hurry up and work. If people know that we have been chatting and not working, it will have a bad impact. If this gets to Bai Feng's ears, it will be very troublesome for you. And if we can't complete the task in the field today, we will be laughed at in the future."

Xu Meimei also felt that it was a big deal. She couldn't let Bai Zhiqing know that she was not serious about her work.

"Yeah, let's finish the work quickly. Feng Xi, don't chat with me anymore, I still have to work hard."

Feng Xi looked helpless...

Who is chatting with whom? Forget it, as long as the child is happy.

My ears are finally clean.

Feng Xi and Xu Meimei finally finished their tasks before leaving work. Xu Meimei was very happy. She took Feng Xi's hand and said, "Feng Xi, you will be my good friend from now on."

Feng Xi also smiled and said, "Yeah, good friend, good friend."

When leaving work, Xu Hai gave Feng Xi ten work points and looked at the little girl with heartache. Look how tired these ten work points made him.

In fact, Feng Xi was not that tired. It was mainly because Xu Meimei was too helpful. Feng Xi felt that she did not help much.

Feng Xi returned home and ordered a bowl of beef noodles as usual. Feng Xi could not help but raise her hand to support her forehead. She did not want to eat beef noodles tomorrow if she ate beef noodles every night~

After eating beef noodles, Feng Xi counted the number of steamed buns and found that there were still ten left. Thinking that she had to get up early to go to the fields tomorrow, she made a basket of steamed buns in advance.

After doing all this, Feng Xi went to weave a scarf. After about three hours, Feng Xi could not help but fall asleep after weaving her father's scarf.

When she woke up again, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening. Feng Xi took a fragrant hot bath, then washed clothes, boiled Chinese medicine, soaked her feet, drank Chinese medicine, took care of her skin, and changed clothes all in one go.

Just kidding, she had to get up early to work tomorrow, so she couldn't sleep too late.

The next morning, Feng Xi sat at the table in high spirits and ordered takeout.

What to eat today?

Feng Xi walked into a breakfast shop and ordered a bowl of oatmeal porridge, a fried dough stick, and three cups of hot soy milk. Hehe, Feng Xi planned to pour the soy milk into the military water bottle and take it to the field to drink.

After Feng Xi calmly finished her breakfast, she took a pound of egg cake and five steamed buns for herself, one steamed bun and one wow bun for Xu Li, two steamed buns and five wow buns for Tang Qingqing, and two steamed buns and seven wow buns for Bai Feng.

The steamed buns bought at a discount were finally solved...

Feng Xi gave the steamed buns and wow buns to Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng as usual, and then ran to the field.

Xu Li hadn't come yet, but she wasn't looking for Xu Li, but the tall and handsome figure.

Xu Hai came very early today. After seeing that the work in the field was almost half done, he thought that the little girl should be here soon, so he prepared to leave. As a result, when he turned around, he saw the little girl looking at him with a half-smile.

"Hey, what is Comrade Xu doing?"

Xu Hai raised his eyebrows, hey, this little girl!

"What am I doing? Isn't it obvious? Can't Xiao Feng, the educated youth, see clearly?"

Feng Xi narrowed his eyes. This man is too arrogant. Forget it, let's make it clear as soon as possible.

"Comrade Xu, thank you very much for helping me these two days. I don't have anything good here. I'm giving you this pound of chicken cake as a thank you for helping me these two days."

Xu Hai didn't take the chicken cake, and stared at Feng Xi, saying: "I'm helping you voluntarily, you don't have to give me these."

"How can that be possible? You have nothing to do with me, how can I I'm asking you to help me for no reason."

Xu Hai clenched his hands and said nervously: "Then give me a relationship that allows me to help you."

Feng Xi blushed and said incoherently: "You, I don't know, I haven't thought about it yet, we are not very familiar with each other yet."

Xu Hai looked at Feng Xi's blushing face, forget it, the little girl is still young, don't force her too much.

"Okay, I'll wait until you think about it. But I'm doing the work for you voluntarily, you can't control it."

Feng Xi didn't know what was wrong with her, she was incoherent. Seeing that Xu Hai couldn't be persuaded, she took out three steamed buns from her bag and a pound of egg cake and stuffed them into Xu Hai's hands, and then ran away.

Xu Hai looked at Feng Xi's back helplessly and smiled. The little girl was really nice to him and even brought him breakfast.

Feng Xi was very confused now. Looking at the half-finished work in the field, she couldn't help but sigh. She knew Xu Hai's intentions, but she hadn't decided whether to talk about the object so quickly...

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