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Chapter 59 A bit overwhelming

Although the weather was cold, it couldn't stop Feng Xi's determination to make money.

After arriving in town, Feng Xi went to the post office to send a package to his family, then pretended to be himself and took the things to Auntie Lin's house.

Feng Xi planned to let Auntie Lin take advantage of him this time, so he bought a lot of good things.

When Auntie Lin saw Feng Xi, she smiled at him first, then glanced at the back seat of the bicycle, and saw that it was full of things. She immediately smiled more enthusiastically and pulled Feng Xi in.

"Niece, what do you have this time?"

"Fifty kilograms of flour, fifty kilograms of fresh apples, fifty kilograms of pork, twenty chickens, and a lot of melon seeds, snacks, and candies. What do you think, auntie?"

Auntie Lin slapped her thigh and said, "That's really great, but niece, you have to let me pick it out first, and then give me a cheaper price."

"Okay, Auntie Lin. The flour is still the original price, apples are one yuan and fifty cents per kilogram, pork is two yuan and fifty cents per kilogram, a chicken is six yuan, and melon seeds, snacks, and candies don't require tickets."

Auntie Lin thought the price was acceptable, and the quantity was not too much, especially the apples. God knows how excited she was when she saw the red fresh apples, so she wanted to order them quickly. Now it is winter, and the only food she usually eats is sauerkraut, and only occasionally can she buy cabbage, radish, and potatoes. Meat is even harder to come by. Only at the end of the year, when pigs and chickens are slaughtered in the countryside, can she buy some meat on the black market.

"Niece, I want five pounds of apples, five pounds of pork, two chickens, five pounds of flour, one pound of candy, and three pounds of melon seeds."

Feng Xi counted and said generously: "Auntie Lin, it's a total of thirty-six yuan, just give me thirty-five yuan."

"Okay, niece, I have two hundred and ten copper coins here, do you want to take them?"

Feng Xi took them, of course, she would never refuse such a profitable deal.

"Yes. The price is the same as last time, two cents each?"


Auntie Lin happily went to the inner room and took out thirty yuan and eighty cents to give to Feng Xi, saying, "My niece, you wait in the yard now. I will call my old sisters over. They have a lot of good things in their hands."

After a while, Auntie Lin came with a dozen aunties.

The aunties glanced at Feng Xi hurriedly, and then went to see the goods in the yard. A dozen aunties crowded together to touch this, look at that, and said that these fruits are good, which chicken is a little small, etc.

"Hey, ladies, come find me if you need anything."

However, everyone was looking at apples and pork, and no one paid attention to Feng Xi.

Feng Xi felt that it was time to use her trump card, and she said loudly: "Aunts, this batch of goods may be the last batch, so hurry up and you will get it. If you want to buy, come to me and buy it."

Sure enough, when the aunts heard that these goods were going to be gone, they immediately swarmed around Feng Xi and said:

"How much are these apples?"

"I want five pounds of pork."

"Hey, I came in first, let me choose first."

Aunt Lin saw this and felt so proud in her heart. She had guessed that this would happen a long time ago. It seems that she is the one who has the ability to choose first and buy first.

Seeing Feng Xi surrounded by her old sisters, she said, "Hey, stop talking, you guys are forcing the child. Everyone, be quiet for a while and see what my niece has to say."

After hearing what Auntie Lin said, the aunties finally calmed down a lot.

Feng Xi looked at Auntie Lin with gratitude. She really didn't expect that these aunties' fighting power was so explosive.

Facing the lecherous looks of a dozen aunties, Feng Xi cleared her throat and said, "Hello, aunties. I just want some antique calligraphy and paintings. If you have these, you can come to me first to pick them out, and then some gold, Yuan Datou, copper coins, and finally buy them with money."

Although Aunt Lin didn't understand Feng Xi's logic, it didn't stop her from supporting Feng Xi. She bought goods from Feng Xi in the past few months and then sold them to the old sisters in the residential area. She has already become the big sister of this residential area. She is so happy these days.

"Everyone has heard what my eldest niece said, right? If there are antique calligraphy and paintings, you can come and pick them first. Cuihua, don't you have an antique inkstone from the Ming Dynasty? Take it out quickly."

Cuihua, who was called, walked up with an inkstone and said, "Girl, this inkstone of mine is genuine and authentic. My family hasn't used it in these years. I brought it here because I heard you wanted it."

Cuihua felt a little guilty. In fact, she put this inkstone on the table as a footrest. A few days ago, she heard Aunt Lin say that an antique bottle from the Qing Dynasty was sold for fifty cents, and she remembered that her family had an inkstone from the Ming Dynasty. Anyway, they were all old items from the past, so they could be sold for fifty cents.

Feng Xi looked at the inkstone, which was a bit old and not well maintained. It seemed to be worth about 10,000 yuan, so she nodded and asked, "Auntie, how much do you want to sell this inkstone for?"

When Cuihua heard that Feng Xi wanted it, she said, "Miss, I won't lie to you, just 50 cents each!"

Feng Xi nodded, "Okay."

Cuihua didn't expect that she could really sell it, so she quickly said, "Miss, then I'll pick it. I want to buy a chicken, two pounds of pork and three pounds of apples."

After a while, all the things Feng Xi brought were sold out. Some of the ladies were disappointed that they didn't buy any meat.

Feng Xi took the opportunity to say, "There should be more in a few days, so don't be sad if you didn't buy any."

When the ladies heard Feng Xi say that she would come again next time, they said:

"Girl, remember to bring more meat next time."

"That's right, this little meat is not enough, and you need more apples."

Feng Xi agreed to all of them, and at the end he asked, "How many ladies want to buy?" Sweaters? Sweaters in the county usually cost 25 yuan each, and you need cloth coupons. The ones here don't require cloth coupons, but they are also 25 yuan each. "

The sweater Feng Xi bought on Taobao yesterday cost 13 yuan each, but it costs 25 yuan each when he sells it here. Feng Xi thinks that reselling clothes is quite profitable, and the purchasing power of money in the 1970s is many times greater than that of today.

Auntie Lin was originally planning to buy a sweater. When she heard Feng Xi say this, she quickly asked, "Niece, bring it over to us next time. If the quality is good, I will definitely buy a few more."

"Yes, if it's nice, I will buy one for my daughter."

"I will buy one too."

Feng Xi nodded and said, "Okay, don't worry, ladies, I will definitely bring a lot next time."

Auntie Lin took Feng Xi's hand and said affectionately, "It's a deal, I must bring more next time. Come to Auntie's place."

Another aunt also pulled Feng Xi and said, "There's me too. I live nearby. Remember to call me."

Cuihua also said quickly, "Girl, remember to take the red one. I like red."


"Okay, I've got it all down. I have something else to do now, so I'll leave first. Goodbye, aunties."

Feng Xi ran out of Auntie Lin's yard with her bicycle and couldn't help wiping her face. These aunties were too enthusiastic and she couldn't handle it...

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