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Chapter 68 Going to the Captain's House

"Xixi, what are you going to do with a big bag of candies and snacks?"

Feng Xi smiled mysteriously at Tang Qingqing and said, "I'm going to the Captain's house."

Tang Qingqing looked at Feng Xi suspiciously, and felt that this guy had something good to do. She pulled Feng Xi and said, "Why do you want to see the Captain? I'll go with you."

"Hehe, we will go to work in the fields soon. I want to go to the Captain's house quietly and tell him that I don't want to earn so many work points, so that he can arrange an easy job for me."

Tang Qingqing's eyes lit up, she knew that something good was going to happen, and said excitedly, "Xixi, I want to go too, wait for me."

When Feng Xi and Xu Meimei arrived at the Captain's house, there were only the Captain and Xu Meimei in the main room.

The captain was having a headache because his daughter was asking him to assign her some hard work, saying that she would have to earn enough work points in the future. He felt so distressed because he had raised his daughter since she was a child. Although she could complete the task of weeding in the fields before, it was because weeding was easy. If he assigned her some hard work, she would be exhausted.

The captain disagreed, so he kept arguing with Xu Meimei until Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing came.

As usual, Feng Xi talked and Tang Qingqing was the vase. Occasionally, Tang Qingqing would agree with him from time to time.

Feng Xi smiled at the captain and said, "Hello, Captain! So beautiful!"

The captain was having a headache, and when he saw Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing coming over with gifts, he said, "If you have something to say, just say it."

"Okay, Captain, we heard that spring ploughing will start soon, which is the top priority in our village. I think we are useless, and I'm afraid that something bad will happen. I want the captain to arrange an easy job for us, even if it's a job with fewer work points."

The captain didn't understand why someone wanted a job with fewer work points, so he advised, "Didn't you do a good job when you were weeding before? And I think you two should have adapted to the work in the field. There's no need to change to a job with fewer work points. You may get higher work points in the future. And if You have less work points this year, and you still have to pay at the end of the year."

Feng Xi felt guilty. How could these two people not do the work of one person? He could only say: "Uncle Captain, it was before. It was mainly because we were hit by a wild boar before, and we were afraid that we would have some diseases. Just arrange an easy job for us, we are not picky."

Tang Qingqing echoed: "Yeah, Uncle Captain, my waist is still a little painful now."

Xu Meimei saw that her father was so difficult to deal with. He didn't let her change her job when she wanted to, and Feng Xi and the others wanted to change their jobs but he didn't let them either. So she said: "Dad, you are the best. Please be kind and let Feng Xi and the others change their jobs. Can you also change one for me?"

Feng Xi gave Xu Meimei a grateful look. It turned out that he was right to help Xu Meimei pull weeds before. Look, now he is speaking for himself.

The captain obviously thought of Feng Xi's help to his daughter before, so he owed Feng Xi a favor. He looked at Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing, then at his daughter, and suddenly had an idea in his mind, saying, "Okay, I will arrange it."

Xu Meimei was very excited, and she went out after saying "Hey".

Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing were also very happy, and they thanked the captain repeatedly and followed him out.

Feng Xi said to Xu Meimei: "Meimei, thank you for speaking for us."

"You're welcome, I just said it casually. Well, I won't chat with you anymore, I have something else to do."

"Yeah, bye."

After Xu Meimei left, Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing held hands and skipped home.

They can definitely complete a job that is easier than weeding~

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