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Chapter 16 Supply and Marketing Cooperative

Feng Xi and his group went to the supply and marketing cooperative as soon as they got off the bus. After all, the supply was tight at that time, and no one knew whether there was any wool left. If it was your turn to buy it and it was out of stock, who would you go to cry to?

The two male educated youth did not stay with the female comrades when they arrived in the town. At this time, it was better for male comrades and female comrades to keep a distance.

Along the way, Feng Xi couldn't help but sigh that the country's development was really fast. At that time, there were no shops on the street, not even stalls, and even not many people. Who could have thought that this place would become a high-rise building with a constant flow of people in the future.

The supply and marketing cooperative in the town is quite large, with food, fabric, sundries, and candy and snacks areas, and there is a female comrade selling things in each area.

Feng Xi heard that the supply and marketing agents in the supply and marketing cooperative are very arrogant, and they have iron rice bowls. If they don't like you, they can lie to you and say that there is no stock and don't sell things to you. And if someone in the family is a supply and marketing agent, it will be a great honor for the ancestors. Don't mention how face-saving it is to tell others.

Feng Xi and his group came to the fabric area. As expected, the supply and marketing clerk said unhappily, "What do you want to buy?"

Ma Hong quickly said, "Comrade, I heard that the supply and marketing cooperative has just received a batch of wool yarn. We want to buy some wool yarn."

Supply and marketing clerk Wang Man looked at Feng Xi and his group. Seeing that Tang Qingqing was dressed so well, she should not be short of money. Yes, this person should not be short of money either. Wang Man has been selling fabrics for so many years, so she naturally noticed that the sweater Feng Xi wore was different from others. The goods from Beijing were expensive.

Thinking that these should be educated youth who went to the countryside, they had some money in their hands, and they should not be like those village ladies who only looked but did not buy. She said, "A new batch of wool yarn did arrive a few days ago. Ordinary wool yarn is 1.8 yuan per pound, while wool yarn is a little more expensive, 6 yuan per pound."

"Why is this wool yarn so expensive?" Liu Zhaodi asked curiously.

Wang Man couldn't help rolling her eyes and said, "You are really ignorant. Don't you see how good the quality of this wool is? It is so many times softer than ordinary wool."

Ordinary wool yarn is indeed very ordinary, and the quality is not very good, but there are many colors, including black, white, red, blue, and gray. The quality of wool yarn is indeed very good, and it is estimated that it will not be pulled after wearing for several years, but it only comes in two colors: black and red.

Liu Zhaodi thought about it and still didn't buy it. She didn't have much money. He Hua didn't buy it without money. Feng Aihua, Ma Hong, and Lin Tang all bought three taels of red wool. Wang Xiaomei saw that everyone had bought wool, and she thought that she couldn't fall behind, so she gritted her teeth and bought three taels of red wool. Don't ask why everyone bought red wool, it's festive, auspicious, and beautiful!

Feng Xi thought that there were six people in the family, including herself, a total of seven, so she said: "Hello, comrade, I want eight taels of black wool and 1.2 kilograms of red wool." Feng Xi thought that if she was going to buy, she would buy good quality. The Feng family treated her well, and she also treated them as relatives, and she didn't want to treat the Feng family badly.

After Wang Man heard Feng Xi talk about the yarn she wanted to buy, she thought to herself that this girl was really a spendthrift. At the same time, she envied her wealth. She herself would hesitate for a long time before buying wool yarn to weave a scarf.

Tang Qingqing didn't want to buy it at first, because she didn't know how to weave a scarf. But seeing that everyone was buying it, especially Feng Xi, she bought two kilograms in one go. Moreover, she wanted to have a good relationship with Feng Xi, thinking that she could ask Feng Xi to teach her when the time comes. After a few exchanges, wouldn't the relationship be good? Tang Qingqing saw that everyone bought red yarn, so she bought black wool yarn.

Xu Meimei and others watched Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing buy the wool yarn without blinking an eye, especially the young educated youth Feng, who bought two kilograms in one go. That's six yuan a pound, not sixty cents. I couldn't help but think, you city people are still good at having fun.

Xu Meimei finally bought ordinary red wool. She wanted to buy wool, not because she didn't have money.

Wang Juhua saw that everyone was buying, so she begged her mother to buy it. Aunt Wang would not be used to her daughter. What's the matter? It's already very good to buy a piece of cloth for you to make clothes these days. Who doesn't have three years of new and three years of old, and then three years of sewing and patching.

After buying wool, Feng Xi bought a pound of egg cake and a pound of fruit candy. Finally, thinking that he would go to the village head to talk about moving out of the educated youth site after returning to the village, he bought another pound of fruit candy as a favor.

Tang Qingqing thought that her snacks were almost finished, and the food ordered by the educated youth was not very good, so she waved her hand and bought a pound of fruit candy, a pound of egg cake, a pound of glutinous rice sticks, and two pounds of peach cakes.

Lin Tang and Feng Aihua also bought a pound of peach cakes. Ma Hong, Wang Xiaomei, and Liu Zhaodi bought a pound of glutinous rice sticks. He Hua also followed suit and bought half a pound of glutinous rice sticks. There was no other way. Everyone bought it. If she didn't buy it, she would be laughed at by those aunts.

Finally, Feng Aihua reminded Feng Xi and the others: "The clam oil from the supply and marketing cooperative is very useful. In winter, hands are prone to cracking. You may not know this when you first come here, so it is better to buy some clam oil. It is a little expensive, a small box costs 20 cents."

Ma Hong also said: "Yes, I didn't know when I first came here, and my hands were frozen and cracked. It was very painful. It was only after Sister Aihua applied clam oil on me that I felt much better."

Feng Xi felt a little scared when she heard this, and didn't care about anything else. She quickly bought two boxes of clam oil. Tang Qingqing also bought two boxes, and the other educated youth bought one box each.

Xu Meimei saw that everyone was buying clam oil, so she couldn't help but buy a box as well.

Wang Juhua wanted to cry, her mother wouldn't buy it for her~

After buying things, everyone went their separate ways. Feng Xi and Lin Tang went to the post office to send a letter home.

After Feng Xi sent the letter, he thought it would take half a month for the letter to arrive home. In order not to worry his family, he sent a telegram home. Seeing this, Lin Tang also sent a telegram.

After doing all this, Feng Xi looked at his watch, thinking it was almost time for dinner, so he went to the state-owned hotel with Lin Tang to eat.

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