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Chapter 97 Going Home

The next day, Xu Hai heated up the hangover tea over and over again. When he couldn't help wanting to wake Feng Xi up, Feng Xi finally opened her eyes.

Feng Xi touched her dizzy head, and she knew that she couldn't drink well. In modern times, people who can blush when they are slightly drunk must have felt dizzy the next day after drinking white wine last night.

But last night was a rare happy night, so I won't drink next time.

After waking up, she saw Xu Hai in the yard, and she got up with difficulty and opened the door: "Happy New Year!"

Xu Hai looked at Feng Xi's poor spirits and felt distressed: "Go back and sit down, I'll get you some hangover tea, you'll feel better after drinking it."

Feng Xi took the hangover tea and drank it in small sips. It tasted weird.

Xu Hai gently pinched Feng Xi's cheek: "Are you dizzy? Let's see if you dare to drink again in the future. If I were a bad guy last night, I would have done you a favor and you were still stupid and didn't know it."

Feng Xi felt guilty, but she was not drunk. She pinched Xu Hai's waist and retorted: "I was sober last night. I remember everything. Don't try to deceive me."

"Hey, you still don't admit it. Then tell me what's going on with the necklace on your neck?"

Necklace? What necklace?

Feng Xi looked at the star necklace on her neck and was a little dazed. This star, it seems that He Jiandang said last night that he wanted to make stars and moons or something? No, he confessed to Tang Qingqing, not her.

Feng Xi was more and more horrified as she thought about it. She couldn't have lost her memory like this, right?

Xu Hai knew from Feng Xi's expression that the little girl was just daydreaming, so he stopped teasing her and said, "Who else could it be except me? You little girl, don't drink for no reason in the future, okay?"

Feng Xi immediately hugged Xu Hai and said, "I knew it was you who sent it. You said it out. Who drinks for no reason? Even if there is something wrong, they don't drink!"

Xu Hai also hugged Feng Xi back and said, "Does your family know that we are dating? Should I visit your home before I go to school?"

Feng Xi touched her nose with a guilty conscience and said, "I haven't told my family about this yet. I plan to go to school ten days earlier and go home by the way. I will tell my family when I go home."

Xu Hai held Feng Xi's hand tightly: "Okay, I'll listen to you. Tell me when you go home, and I'll go with you."

"Yeah. Do I need to give Monkey some food before I go home?"

"No, Monkey will also go with us to Beijing."

Feng Xi was puzzled: "Hmm? Does Monkey have an introduction letter? Or does he have a way to go to Beijing?"

Xu Hai looked at Feng Xi's innocent look and said: "Yes, there is a way. Monkey doesn't have many relatives here, and he also wants to go with us to Beijing. Even the two brothers Wang Fulai want to go with them, mainly to follow you."

Feng Xi thought about it seriously. The two brothers Fulai really didn't have many relatives here, and even if they did, it was the same as having no relatives. She remembered how Wang Fulai looked when she first saw him, as thin as a bamboo pole.

"Can the two Fulai brothers go with me? Just treat them as my younger brothers and go to school with me."

Xu Hai thought for a moment and said, "I'll ask my friend to try, it should be possible, you don't have to worry about it, we'll do it."

Feng Xi nodded. She guessed that Xu Hai should not take the right path, but she didn't understand, so she would see how the situation turned out.

"Yeah, by the way, Xu Hai, do you think my bicycle can be sold?"

"If you don't need a ticket, it should be possible. There is still a big market for such a big item on the black market."

Feng Xi wanted to say something, but her mouth was blocked.


Feng Xi felt that Xu Hai was a little anxious today, and the place where she was kissed was numb, and her hands were weakly placed on Xu Hai's shoulders.

"What's wrong with you?"

Xu Hai's throat rolled, and he said with an unsteady breath: "It takes five years to study medicine."

"Well, it may take longer."

Xu Hai couldn't help but bite Feng Xi, this bad girl.

Feng Xi had no choice. She couldn't go to school while pregnant. She had her ideals. Now she could only comfort Xu Hai.

A few days later, Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing went out with a small bag of luggage. They had mailed the large items back home a few days ago. Now they were carrying some daily necessities and snacks.

Tang Qingqing also went back with Feng Xi in advance. Their families were all in Beijing, so they could go back together to keep each other company.

A few people were waiting for the ox cart at the entrance of the village, and the Xu family came out to see Xu Hai off.

Xu's mother's eyes were blurred with tears. This child has always been opinionated, but she still couldn't help but say: "Remember to take good care of yourself when you go to college, remember to put on more clothes when it's cold, be careful when you go out, and don't cause trouble everywhere..."

Xu Hai listened quietly to Xu's mother's mumbling. Although he had heard these words two or three times last night, he still listened to Xu's mother carefully.

"You are a sensible kid, so I won't say much. You should study hard after you get into college. I don't ask you to do great things, I just ask you to have no regrets."

Xu Hai nodded heavily: "Dad, don't worry, I know."

After telling Xu Hai, Village Chief Xu said to Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing: "You two female comrades should be careful when riding in the car, keep an eye on your luggage so that it won't be stolen, and don't worry about the two houses in the village. I will help you find a good one, and if the price is right, I will help you make a move."

Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing thanked Village Chief Xu repeatedly.

A few hours later, Feng Xi and others got on the train to Beijing.

Tang Qingqing pulled Feng Xi's hand and whispered, "Are Monkey and these two kids going to Beijing?"

Feng Xi patted Tang Qingqing's hand calmly and said, "Yeah, don't be too surprised."

Tang Qingqing didn't say anything more. Maybe this was a secret between them.

After the train started, Wang Fulin excitedly leaned on the window to look at the scenery outside, and said happily, "Brother, look at the trees retreating outside, it's so magical!"

"Yeah, it's really magical." They can actually take a train one day, and even live in the capital.

Dad and Mom, don't worry, I will definitely make a name for myself!

Three days later, Feng Xi and his group finally arrived in Beijing.

Tang Qingqing said goodbye to Feng Xi as soon as she got off the train station and took the bus home.

Feng Xize and Xu Hai went to the guesthouse first, noted its location, and then carried their luggage back home.

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