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Chapter 112 Assembling the Radio

Feng Xi slapped her head, she still has three houses in Beijing.

Why not tell her family tomorrow that she wants to stay at Tang Qingqing's house for one night?

After lunch the next day, Feng Xi told Feng's father and mother that she wanted to stay at Tang Qingqing's house for one night.

Feng's mother was a little bit against it at first, but later she thought that Tang Qingqing was a good friend of her daughter when she went to the countryside in Northeast China, and this time they were in the same university and the same major, so naturally they had a good relationship.

Unable to resist her daughter's coquettishness, she told Feng Xi that she could stay, but remember to bring Tang Qingqing home for dinner next time.

Feng Xi agreed repeatedly, and then went to the last 300-square-meter house bought from Uncle Yang.

The yard of this house is big. Feng Xi plans to put the clothes directly in the yard, and then go to Xu Hai and his team to transport the clothes tomorrow.

Feng Xi opened the takeaway page, ate beef noodles and returned to the modern era.

She packed up the sweaters and dacron shirts she bought before, and then took them back to the 300-square-meter house in the 1970s the next morning.

Feng Xi bought some toiletries on the takeaway page, and after washing up, she ordered a bowl of wonton noodles, and went to find Xu Hai after breakfast.

Xu Hai has been quite busy these days. He has some other ideas recently and wants to assemble a radio.

When he was in the dormitory, Chen Baishi's radio had some problems.

This guy is also a great guy. He thinks he has learned some physics knowledge, so he dismantled his radio.

In the end, the radio was not repaired and could not be reassembled.

After the other five people in the dormitory knew about it, they helped to tinker with Chen Baishi's radio. Unexpectedly, they actually fixed it in the end.

Therefore, in the past two days, Xu Hai went to various waste collection stations in Beijing City, bought a lot of radio parts, and tried to assemble them himself.

When Feng Xi arrived, he saw this scene. The yard was full of large and small parts, and Xu Hai was tinkering with some parts.

When Monkey saw Feng Xi, he said quickly: "Sister, you are finally here, go and persuade Shitou, he has been crazy these past two days!"

Feng Xi was puzzled: "What's wrong? Isn't he repairing something?"

Monkey said helplessly: "How can he be repairing something? I don't know what's wrong with Shitou, collecting these scraps of copper and iron everywhere, and even said he wants to assemble a radio. He didn't eat well these past two days, and cleaned up these messy things. The radio is a big item, how can these scraps of copper and iron be assembled successfully."


Just after Monkey finished speaking, the vague sound of the radio came from Xu Hai's side.

Wang Fulin was surprised to hear the box in front of him make a sound: "Brother Xu Hai, it really makes a sound."

Monkey and Feng Xi immediately went over.

"Shitou, why is there only a buzzing sound? I don't think it will work."

"Now broadcast to children, tick, tick..."

Monkey stopped talking immediately when he heard the sound of the radio broadcast, and looked at the radio curiously. It really worked.

Feng Xi was a little surprised that her partner could actually assemble a radio!

Xu Hai was also very happy. He finally succeeded.

He looked at Monkey's curious look with disdain. Just when he was about to assemble another one, he found Feng Xi.

"Xixi, why are you here?"

"I came here to tell you that I have a batch of clothes and I want you to pick them up. Why do you suddenly want to assemble a radio?"

"I just had a sudden idea and wanted to try whether I could assemble it successfully. I thought that if I succeeded, I could make a lot of money by reselling the radio."

Feng Xi nodded. At that time, the radio cost more than 100 yuan and required a ticket. Going to the scrap collection station to collect parts only cost a few yuan. This was indeed quite profitable.

"Your idea is not bad, and you can modify the appearance by assembling it yourself. If the size of the radio can be reduced, maybe more people will buy it."

Feng Xi thought of the old Walkman, and wondered if Xu Hai could make it.

Xu Hai kept Feng Xi's words in mind, and he felt that he had a new goal.

Xu Hai, Monkey and Wang Fulai worked together to transport the goods in Feng Xi's yard.

Before leaving, Xu Hai suddenly thought of something and pulled Feng Xi's hand.

"Xi Xi, what is your class schedule like? Do you have any free time? I have no classes on Monday night, Wednesday afternoon and Thursday night."

Xu Hai felt that after entering college, he and Feng Xi had less and less time to spend together. He wanted to ask Feng Xi about his class schedule and see if they had the same free time. If so, he also wanted to go to the movies with his little object, or study together.

Feng Xi felt sad when she thought of her schedule, and said bitterly: "I only have no classes on Wednesday afternoon!"

Xu Hai was overjoyed: "Then I will go to your school to find you next Wednesday afternoon and take you out to play?"

Feng Xi thought about it seriously and felt that it was a good idea. Apart from the weekend, she could only have a good rest on Wednesday afternoon. She also wanted to go out to play and relax.

"Okay, but forget about next week. Let's do it the week after next. Next Wednesday is Xu Li's 23rd birthday. Feng Xi hasn't decided what gift to give Xu Li yet.

Xu Hai held Feng Xi's hand tightly: "Okay, I'll pick you up on Friday, and we'll go out together the week after next."

Feng Xi nodded obediently: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

After Xu Hai and the others left, Feng Xi went shopping in the mall and bought a Parker pen, intending to give it to Li Li as a gift.

After shopping in the mall, Feng Xi went straight back to Feng's home.

Soon after having lunch at home, he returned to dormitory 201.

Feng Xi walked into the dormitory and found that everyone was chatting. Curiously, he went over to listen, and the more he listened, the more surprised he felt.

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