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Chapter 45 Heavy Bleeding

After a while, the doctor came out.

"The child was not saved, but the adults were. You sent the person here too late, and we have done our best. The woman in labor had heavy bleeding, and although the bleeding has stopped now, her body is still very weak and needs to be hospitalized."

"Oh, my dear grandson, how could he be gone like this? You said that the daughter-in-law of the old Li family in the next village could give birth to a child on the ridge of the field, but you can't, my poor grandson."

Mrs. Tian couldn't help beating her chest and stamping her feet. She had been looking forward to a grandson for a long time, and the previous two were girls. She asked someone to see it, and it was said that this baby must be a grandson, but now it's gone like this, she was angry.

Now I heard from the doctor that I have to be hospitalized again. She immediately stopped. Who needs to be hospitalized for childbirth these days? Why does she have to be hospitalized? She immediately said, "No, the bleeding has stopped. Why do we need to be hospitalized? We won't."

Tian Dazhuang clenched his fists. Fortunately, his wife was still alive. If he had known earlier, he should have let his wife rest at home today, and it wouldn't have happened...

"Mom, just let my wife be hospitalized."

Village Chief Xu also felt it was a pity. Although it was common for pregnant women to go to the fields to earn work points in rural areas, the belly of the eldest daughter-in-law of the Tian family was so big and she was about to give birth. Couldn't she rest at home for a few days and go back to work after giving birth? He had said everything he should say. Now he could only persuade Mrs. Tian to let her eldest daughter-in-law be hospitalized for treatment. It would be terrible if someone died.

Xu Hai turned around and saw his little elephant looking at the ward with a worried look on his face. He walked over, gently held the little elephant's hand, and said, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I'm just a little worried."

Feng Xi couldn't help but sigh. She had heard from the older generation that pregnant women in the 1970s and 1980s were not as delicate as modern pregnant women. Pregnant women in rural areas basically have to work in the fields to earn work points. For ordinary families, no one is allowed to be idle at home. Even when the child is about to be born, the pregnant woman will continue to work in the fields, and will rush home to give birth when the amniotic fluid breaks. Feng Xi was terrified when she heard it, let alone seeing it now...

Besides, the medical level in the 1970s and 1980s was not high, and the quality of health was not good, not to mention effective special medicines. Postpartum bleeding could kill a woman at any time...

Village Chief Xu persuaded the people of the Tian family for a long time in the ward, and finally made Mrs. Tian agree to her eldest daughter-in-law's hospitalization, and then she asked Xu Hai to go home.

"Xixi, then I'll go home first, I'll pick you up in a few days."

"Yeah, be careful on the road."

When Feng Xi returned to the ward, she still looked disgusted. Feng Aihua asked her what was wrong, and Feng Xi told her what had just happened.

Feng Aihua also sighed and said, "I saw this when I went out to fetch water just now. Don't think too much about it. In the countryside, it is very common for pregnant women to work in the fields. It can only be said that the child is unlucky."

Tang Qingqing also felt it was a pity. Her aunt is an obstetrician and gynecologist, and pregnant women occasionally have difficult labor in the hospital. But now she is more afraid. There are not only wild boars in the countryside, but also pregnant women have to work in the fields. Damn it, she wants to go back to the city.


"Xixi, we'll be back in the village tomorrow, I want to eat something good tonight."

Feng Aihua has become familiar with Tang Qingqing these days, and teased: "You've been eating badly every day. I've seen you and Feng Xi gain weight during the days you were in the hospital."

Feng Xi, Tang Qingqing was shocked: What!!!

"That's right, you and Feng Xi eat meat and fish every day, and I'm jealous of you." Wang Xiaomei said sourly. She finally knew how rich these two people were. When they spent money, they never cared whether they had no money or not. They were nothing like her, who wanted to spend every penny in two halves.

Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing looked at each other for a long time. It seemed that they had indeed gained a lot of weight, but...

"Xixi, I don't think you have gained weight."

"Qingqing, you are right. I also think you have not gained weight."

Feng Aihua looked at the two of them and couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh. She said, "Neither of them has gained weight, neither of them has gained weight. Tell me, what do you two want to eat? Feng Xi and I will go buy it."

Tang Qingqing said, "I want to eat white rice and braised pork. By the way, Xixi, Sister Aihua, are you going to the supply and marketing cooperative?"

Feng Xi thought about it and wanted to buy something, so she said, "Go ahead, I just want to buy something else."

"Then Xixi, buy me a pound of fruit candy and two pounds of peach cakes."

"Yeah, okay."

Wang Xiaomei licked her lips, she also wanted to eat: "Sister Aihua, then buy me some clear soup noodles, and then go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy a pound of glutinous rice noodles."

"Yeah, okay, then Feng Xi and I will go buy food."

Feng Aihua and Feng Xi went to the supply and marketing cooperative first, and then went to the canteen.

Feng Xi went to the fabric area first and asked, "Hello, comrade, do you have any black wool yarn?"

Wang Man remembered this spendthrift girl. She bought two kilograms of wool yarn at one time before, and bought it again last time. Why is she here again this time?

"There is still some black, but I want to tell you secretly that the supply and marketing cooperative has received a new batch of blue wool yarn today, which is rare. There are only six taels left. Do you want it?"

Feng Xi heard it and thought that the blue one was better than the black one, so he took all of it.

Wang Man raised her eyebrows. This girl is really a spendthrift.

Feng Aihua saw Feng Xi buying wool yarn again, and her mouth twitched. She asked, "Are you going to knit a sweater?"

Feng Xi smiled and replied, "Hehe, I can't say it."

After buying some snacks, the two went to the hospital canteen to get food.

Feng Xi saw that there were cabbage and pork dumplings today, so she ordered half a catty. After buying braised pork and rice for Tang Qingqing, she went back to the ward with Feng Aihua.

The next morning, Xu Bo came to pick up Feng Xi and the others with a bullock cart.

However, Feng Xi did not get on the bullock cart, and Xu Hai also came to pick her up on a bicycle today.

Tang Qingqing teased Feng Xi for a while, and then left on the bullock cart.

Xu Hai looked at the little object's red face. If they were not outside, he would have wanted to pinch it.

"Xixi, shall we go for a walk?"

"Yeah, but I want to go to a place to have a look." Feng Xi answered mysteriously.

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