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Chapter 114 Isn't this inappropriate?

Although the other three people in Dormitory 201 didn't listen to the class seriously, they wanted to remind Feng Xi when they heard what she said.

But the director of the Department of Clinical Medicine kept staring at them, so they could only look at Feng Xi with hesitation.

Feng Xi still had an awkward but polite smile on his face: There should be no problem with my answer, I won't be called to the office.

Tang Qingqing: She can't learn this operation...

Other students in the Department of Clinical Medicine looked at Feng Xi: This is Feng Xi from the first class of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, she looks a little cute...

The director of the Department of Clinical Medicine looked disgusted and wanted to scold him, but he was afraid that Director Guan would fight him.

His eyes narrowed and he asked, "My question is very profound? You don't know how to answer it?"

Feng Xi nodded obediently: "Yeah, my knowledge is too shallow, and I haven't organized my words well."

The head of the Department of Clinical Medicine looked at Feng Xi expressionlessly, and he didn't ask Feng Xi to sit down.

He wanted to randomly pick someone to answer the correct answer, but he was afraid that the person being asked didn't listen to the class, so he called his most proud student.

"Li Jie, you come and answer the question I just asked."

Li Jie, whose name was called, stood up calmly, and everyone looked at him.

Feng Xi also looked at Li Jie. She was also very curious about what question the head of the Department of Clinical Medicine asked and what the answer was.

Li Jie wrinkled his beautiful sword-like eyebrows, glanced at Feng Xi with his deep eyes, and said: "Choose B for this question, it's written on the first line on the blackboard."

!!! !!! !!! !!!

Feng Xi's expression instantly cracked: This is actually a multiple-choice question! She thought it was a discussion question! It's over, it's over, this time it's a big loss!

The director of the Department of Clinical Medicine nodded to Li Jie: "The answer is correct, you sit down."

Then he glared at Feng Xi and said: "You sit down too, the three of you come to my office after class!"

Feng Xi lowered his head as soon as he sat down, picked up a pen and pretended to scribble.

As long as I'm not embarrassed, embarrassment can't find me~

Tang Qingqing lowered her head with a smile and covered her mouth with her hands. Why did she feel like laughing?

Seeing Feng Xi was also so embarrassed, Zhu Zhu felt much less embarrassed.

The other three people in dormitory 201 wanted to comfort these three unlucky sisters, but they didn't know how to comfort them.


Later, I don't know who laughed a little, and then the laughter grew little by little, and other students couldn't help laughing, and finally even Feng Xi laughed.

The director of the Department of Clinical Medicine also wanted to laugh, but he wanted to kill a chicken to scare the monkey, and his image couldn't collapse. After coughing a few times, he said: "Don't laugh, if anyone doesn't take the class seriously, come to my office after class!"

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