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Chapter 46 Scrap Collection Station

The place Feng Xi wanted to go was the scrap collection station. It was said that there were treasures everywhere in the scrap collection stations in the 1970s and 1980s. Feng Xi said that she also wanted to go and take a look. Maybe she could find one or two antiques.

It didn't matter if she didn't find anything. She had to buy newspapers anyway. The college entrance examination had to take the political science test regardless of the liberal arts or science subjects. Moreover, if she didn't read more books, it would be a bit of a shame for her photographic memory.

"Xixi, what are you going to buy at the scrap collection station?"

"I want to buy some newspapers and see if there are any exercise books or something like that."

Feng Xi and Xu Hai came to the scrap collection station. There was only a master inside. He was sitting at the door, lying on a rocking chair and reading a newspaper.

The grandfather glanced at Feng Xi and the others through his reading glasses and said, "All are 30 cents per pound. Just go in and pick them out."

Xu Hai responded and then pulled Feng Xi in.

"Xixi, how many do you want?"

"Anything from recent years is fine. I want to buy more. It's almost winter now, and there's not much to do in the fields. I want to read some newspapers to relieve my boredom at home."

After Xu Hai responded, he became as active as if he had been injected with chicken blood. Just kidding, this is something for his little one to relieve his boredom in winter. He wanted to find and organize all the newspapers from recent years.

Feng Xi followed Xu Hai to pick newspapers for a while, and then went to other places to have a look, wondering if there was any chance to see some exercise books or something like that.

After a while, Feng Xi really found a set of high school Chinese practice books and a set of self-study books for mathematics, physics and chemistry.

However, Feng Xi did not find antiques, jade, gold and so on. But Feng Xi thought about it, how could these things be picked up so easily. Instead, he saw a brown empty box, which was neither big nor small, exquisitely made, and very heavy!

After Xu Hai selected the newspaper, he looked up and saw that his little girl was holding a box. He went over to take a look and said, "This looks like it is made of huanghuali, which is quite rare. The little girl is lucky."

Feng Xi smiled sweetly at Xu Hai: "Of course."

Xu Hai looked at his little girl and couldn't help but pinched Feng Xi's little face. It was chubby and felt good.

"Little girl, you've been looking for so long, are you hungry? Let's go to the state-owned hotel for a meal?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't feel hungry if you didn't tell me. Let's go to the grandfather to settle the bill first."

The grandfather saw Feng Xi and Xu Hai coming out, slowly took the newspaper and exercise book, and said: "These exercise books and newspapers are fifty cents in total, and the box is also fifty cents. A total of one dollar."

Feng Xi gave the money readily, and then took Xu Hai's bicycle to the state-owned hotel.

Xie Yingying didn't know what expression to put on when she saw Xu Hai again. Anyway, he had a partner, what else could she do.

"Xixi, what do you want to eat?"

"Beef noodles!"


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