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Chapter 101 Humph, she also has someone to play with

Mrs. Feng couldn't help but cover her mouth and laughed, "You two are really in sync. Xiaoxi bought fresh fruits and hens, and you bought the same thing right after."

Mother Feng took out the fruits bought by Feng Xi and put them on the table to compare with Feng Chao's. She couldn't help but laugh, "Hey, the size and color look like they were bought from the same place. Xiaoxi, don't go to that place to buy in the future, just ask your brother to buy it."

Father Feng glanced at Feng Chao. Why didn't he see any fresh fruits and hens when he went to the black market yesterday? Could it be that they were only available today?

Feng Chao frowned and looked at Feng Xi intriguingly.

Feng Xi was thinking about something. She had just delivered the things to Xu Hai at noon. How come her elder brother bought them so quickly?

It seemed that Xu Hai and his men had successfully sneaked into the black market in Beijing. Not bad, not bad, this speed was good!

The next morning, Feng Xi got up early and walked to the kitchen to see that Feng's mother had already started to make breakfast. She hurried over to help Feng's mother light the fire.

"Mom, I haven't started school these days, so let me do the cooking. You're tired enough from working every day."

Mother Feng looked at Feng Xi with satisfaction. Her daughter was filial and knew how to care for herself. She said, "I'm used to getting up early. People get less sleep when they get old. You should sleep more while you're young."

Not long after, breakfast was ready.

After breakfast, those who should go to work go to work, and those who stay at home with nothing to do just find something to do.

However, when Brother Feng went out, he deliberately looked back at Feng Xi, and sighed when he saw Feng Xi didn't understand.

This really made Feng Xi feel helpless. Did he have something to ask her? Or did he want her to do something? It feels a bit strange.

"Sister-in-law, are you making clothes for Xiaoyu?"

Sister-in-law Feng nodded and said, "Children grow up easily, so I plan to make some new clothes for Xiaoyu now. When the baby in my belly grows up, he can wear his brother's clothes."

Feng Xi has been bored recently. Seeing that sister-in-law seems to need her help, she asked, "Sister-in-law, do you need my help with something?"

Sister-in-law Feng looked at Feng Xi teasingly, "No, I can do it myself. Aren't you going to find someone to play with today?"

Ah, she felt that Xu Hai and the others should be very busy today, so she could go in the afternoon.

Seeing that sister-in-law didn't need her help, she looked at Feng Wan. She was so good at the college entrance examination, so she must be able to help Feng Wan with his homework.

Feng Wan seemed to have sensed something, and raised her head and smiled, "Second sister, go and play with your future brother-in-law, don't worry about me. I am the sister of the provincial champion after all, I can still handle these homework, and I will ask you when I can't do it."

Okay, then she should go and play with Xu Hai obediently.


Feng Xi knocked on the door for a long time, but there was still no one inside. There was no need to think, they must have gone out to work.

Feng Xi couldn't help but raise her hand to support her forehead. No way, even Wang Fulin didn't stay for her to play with her?

Feng Xi took a deep breath, it's okay, she still has someone.

After taking the bus to the destination, she told the uncle in the security room the name of the person she was looking for, and the security uncle asked her to wait a moment, he would be back soon.

Not long after, Feng Xi finally saw the person she was looking for.

Humph, she also had someone to play with.

"Xixi, you finally came to play with me. I was almost bored to death these days."

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