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Chapter 146 A little panicked

Before the opening of Wuhu Hotel, Feng Xi also formulated an opening event. Everyone who came to eat in the restaurant on the first day of the opening could get a bowl of Shiquan Dabu Tang for free.

At the same time, Feng Xi also printed a lot of flyers for everyone to distribute to their colleagues and friends.

On the first day of the opening, the business of Wuhu Hotel was very prosperous. As soon as the store opened, many people came to eat, and everyone was almost overwhelmed.

Later, two chefs and two waiters were hired, and everyone's work was much easier.

Although there were not as many people on the second day of the opening as on the first day, there were still many customers.

Many people heard that Wuhu Hotel had delicacies from all over the country, and they came here one after another.

The business of Wuhu Hotel also became better and better.

The hotel's revenue on the first day was as much as 248 yuan.

There were also many customers the next day, with a revenue of more than 160 yuan.

Since then, the hotel has made more than 100 yuan a day, and sometimes more than 200 yuan.

Feng Xi provides Wuhu Hotel with three new dishes from different provinces every month, and has lived a life of collecting money without doing anything since then.


Soon, Feng Xi's sophomore life will begin.

In the class meeting on the first day of school, Director Guan walked into the classroom calmly and said, "Hello, students, congratulations on becoming a sophomore. How did you spend the New Year? Not bad, right?"

The students in the audience chattered and talked about what they did during the New Year.

Director Guan nodded with satisfaction: "Everyone had so much fun during the New Year, and it's time to have enough fun! The sophomore courses will be more difficult than the freshman courses. I hope that students can learn professional knowledge thoroughly and become qualified obstetricians and gynecologists in the future!"

"Today's class meeting will not talk about anything else. I will simply talk about the final exam results of the last semester."

When everyone heard the exam results, they all looked at Director Guan nervously.

"First of all, I want to talk about the extra points for students who won awards at the New Year's Eve party last semester. The school stipulates that if you win the first prize at the New Year's Eve party, you will get ten extra points, if you win the second prize, you will get five extra points, and if you win the third prize, you will get two extra points. Many students in our Obstetrics and Gynecology Class 1 signed up for the performance, and many of them got good results."

The students in the audience looked at Feng Xi and her group. They still remember the group dance at the New Year's Eve party vividly. They were really amazed!

"Among them, Zhu Zhu signed up for two performances at the same time, one won the first prize and the other won the third prize, a total of 12 points. Feng Xi, Tang Qingqing, Li Li, Tian Caicai and Wu Ping won the first prize, all of which were awarded 10 points. Bai Meng won the second prize, and was awarded 5 points. The above are all the students who received extra points."

Other students looked at the winning students with envy, they could actually get so many points, but unfortunately their programs didn't even have the opportunity to go on stage.

Everyone in the 201 dormitory was very happy, they actually got so many points!

Feng Xi was also a little surprised, she thought that adding three points would be the limit, but she didn't expect it to be so much.

Li Li said excitedly: "With so many extra points, I shouldn't fail, right?"

Wu Ping comforted: "Probably not, as long as the number of subjects you fail is not more than ten, it's okay."

Li Li and Tian Caicai nodded, but they were still a little nervous, after all, the final exam last semester was quite difficult.

Director Guan picked up a report card and said again: "We took seven exams last semester, with a full score of 700. Student Feng Xi scored 692 points in the final exam, and after adding ten points, it equals 702 points. But because the full score is only 700, Student Feng Xi's score last semester can only be 700! Full marks! He is also the first student to get a full score since the establishment of Beijing Medical University!"

Director Guan led the applause, and other students followed suit. This is the first person to get a full score! They have learned a lot!

Feng Xi wanted to keep a calm expression, but the corners of her mouth could not help but rise. She had no choice!

This is the first since the establishment of the school!

Director Guan continued: "In addition to Feng Xi's good performance in the exam, many students in our class also got very good results. Bai Meng ranked second in the grade with 653 points, and Tang Qingqing and Zhu Zhu tied for third in the grade with 647 points."

Tang Qingqing and Zhu Zhu glared at each other. They evenly divided the score!

Tang Qingqing sneaked up to Feng Xi and whispered: "Xixi, I actually performed exceptionally well!"

"Qingqing is great, you will definitely get a higher score next time!"

Director Guan looked at Tang Qingqing with satisfaction: her precious granddaughter is excellent!

Then, Director Guan's expression became serious and he said, "There were students who did well in the last semester, and of course there were students who did not do well! Three students in our class failed!"

When Li Li and Tian Caicai heard that someone failed, they were too nervous to look at Director Guan.

"The students who failed last semester are Tian Caicai, He Lai Di and Jiang Shan."

When Tian Caicai heard her name, her face turned pale and her legs began to tremble.

Other people in Dormitory 201 comforted Tian Caicai.

Director Guan glanced at Tian Caicai and said, "Tian Caicai failed one subject last semester, 53 points, but you can add 10 points, so Tian Caicai does not need to retake the exam, but you have to study harder this semester! Strive to get a good score!"

Everyone in Dormitory 201 breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they passed.

Tian Caicai nodded heavily to Director Guan, she will definitely do well in the exam this semester.

After the class meeting, it was time for the new semester.

The first class of Obstetrics and Gynecology Class 1 was Director Guan's class. As soon as Director Guan started the class, he asked the students to close their books and asked, "Study Committee, please tell me what you understand about this book."

Feng Xi: ??? ??? ???

The students in the audience looked at Feng Xi one after another. What happened? Such a difficult question was asked in the first class. It seemed that they just got the book yesterday?

Last semester, although the teachers often asked Feng Xi questions, they were not like Director Guan who did not talk about anything in the first class and asked about the content of the whole book. This made Feng Xi a little panicked.

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