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Chapter 122 Jinqi

The door of the obstetrics and gynecology operating room opened, and a female doctor came out.

"You sent the baby here just in time. Both mother and child are safe."

Anya heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the doctor's words, and quickly asked, "Can I go in and see her now?"

The female doctor shook her head and said, "The patient is still very weak. You can go in and see her later."

"Okay, thank you, doctor."

Knowing that her sister-in-law was fine, Anya finally put down her worries.

Then she turned around and thanked Feng Xi, Grandma Wen, and two neighbor uncles.

The old lady took An Nuo and said to Anya: "You're welcome. I didn't help much. I just hope the mother and son are fine."

One of the uncles also said: "Yes, we are all neighbors. We should help each other."

Another uncle echoed: "Your life is not easy. If you have any problems in the future, just come to us directly."

Anya looked at everyone gratefully. When she saw Feng Xi, she walked over and took Feng Xi said, "Thank you. If it weren't for you, I would have panicked."

The mother-in-law couldn't help but praise him, "You are indeed a college student. You know so much."

Feng Xi smiled and waved her hands, saying, "This is what I should do. Since we met, it is fate. How can I just stand by and watch?"

Cai Mingli was slightly surprised to hear that it was the little girl in front of her who handled the emergency of the parturient.

Most people don't know what to do, but directly send the parturient to the hospital.

"Where are you from?"

When the mother-in-law heard the doctor's question, she said first: "I am a student of Beijing Medical University. Oh, and I am from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Maybe you will be colleagues in the future!"

When Cai Mingli heard Beijing Medical University, she was a little surprised. She thought that the little girl in front of her was not very old and might be a freshman.

She wanted to introduce her to her mother-in-law and said: "That's really possible. What's the girl's name? I want to get to know you. Your professional knowledge is very solid. You handled the amniotic fluid very well after it broke, and there were no other bad phenomena. Without these treatments, pregnant women are likely to..."

Feng Xi was a little happy. In fact, she had seen these when she watched the famous teacher's video in Modern Times before. She didn't expect it to play such a big role.

"Hello, doctor. My name is Feng Xi."

"Feng Xi? Feng Xi from the first class of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Beijing Medical University?"

Feng Xi was a little surprised to see the doctor in front of her so excited. They shouldn't know each other, right?

Cai Mingli didn't expect that she would meet the proud student that her mother-in-law always talked about. She explained: "I am the daughter-in-law of your director Guan and Qingqing's aunt. I didn't expect that my mother-in-law was right. You are really smart."

Feng Xi was a little embarrassed. She didn't dare to show off in front of the doctor.

She can brag about theoretical knowledge, but she is a scumbag in practice.

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