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Chapter 48 Can't Sleep

After being chased home by his girlfriend, Xu Hai planned to go back to his room and go to bed early. Although it was not dark yet, he had to rest up and perform well tomorrow.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw his mother setting up the table and teased, "Oh, I thought someone didn't have to eat dinner at home this evening."

Mother Xu knew that her son had gone to stay with the educated youth Xiao Feng today. Since her son didn't come back at noon, it must be that the educated youth invited her to stay for dinner. With her son being like that, she would definitely agree without a second thought.

It was normal that the educated youth didn't invite her son to dinner. If a man and a woman were alone together at night, something would definitely happen. She just couldn't bear to see her third son looking so smug. He used to be a very stable person, but how could he become so stupid after dating someone?

"Hey, they are not my biological children. I just came back after dinner. I came back early to rest so that I can have enough energy to go up the mountain together tomorrow."

Xu's mother thought, he just got injured and he has to go up the mountain? It's really tiring. After thinking for a while, she reminded him, "Then you have to take good care of the young educated youth. Don't let them do it like last time..."

"Mom, don't worry. I love them. Even if I am injured, I can't hurt my partner. Besides, we are just going up the mountain to pick up firewood."

Xu's mother thought so too. Her third child has been running in the mountains since he was a child. There is nothing to worry about. She was also scared by the wild boar incident last time. I heard that the three female educated youth were seriously injured.

"It's good that you know. Oh, by the way, you two are dating, bring them home for dinner when you have time, it can also improve your relationship."

Xu Hai thought this idea was good, he would ask his little girl tomorrow, he would listen to her. Anyway, he must take the little girl home, sooner or later.

"Okay, I know. Mom, you guys eat, I'm going back to my room to rest."

Xu Hai couldn't fall asleep lying on the bed, his mind was full of today's kiss.

He wiped his face and forced himself not to think about it, at worst he would find a chance to steal another kiss tomorrow.

Xu Hai had trouble falling asleep over there, but Feng Xi slept soundly here.

He had no dreams all night.

Feng Xi felt that since he came to the 1970s, his daily routine had become very regular.

In the past, I either couldn't sleep until midnight and had to get up early the next morning to go to work. Or I would stay up until midnight on weekends and sleep until noon the next day.

Now, I basically go to bed early and get up early every day. Just like today, Feng Xi didn't want to get up so early, but her biological clock kept her awake.

Feng Xi stretched her waist, put on her big cotton jacket, tied a high ponytail, brushed her teeth, washed her face, applied vanishing cream, and sat at the table to order takeout.

What to eat this morning?

Feng Xi thought that Xu Hai would come later, so she opened a bun shop. Seeing the sweet potato buns inside, she suddenly remembered the sweet potatoes, potatoes, and cornmeal that she had prepaid before, but she hadn't touched them yet. It seems that she will have to find an opportunity to do it in the future.

I saw that this steamed bun shop offered a 20% discount for every 20 yuan spent, and a 50% discount for every 30 yuan spent. Although she had more than 300,000 yuan on her card, she had spent more than 10,000 yuan in the past few days. It seemed that she was still poor. In order to save money, Feng Xi decisively ordered 50 steamed buns and 5 sweet potato buns. Each steamed bun cost 50 cents, and each sweet potato bun cost 1 yuan.

Feng Xi originally planned to do the same as yesterday, giving Qingqing 7 steamed buns and Baifeng 9 steamed buns, but after thinking about it, she decided to exchange one steamed bun for one sweet potato bun for each person, just to change the taste.

In fact, there is a cognitive bias here. In Feng Xi's eyes, steamed buns are the cheapest, and you don't have to make them yourself. Feng Xi feels that giving Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng steamed buns every day is unfair to them. But in this era, being able to eat white flour steamed buns every day is a very happy thing.

When Tang Qingqing saw that it was white flour steamed buns again today, she couldn't help but want to give Feng Xi more money.

"Xixi, I think eating with you is the best choice I've made since I went to the countryside. How about this, I'll go to your house tomorrow morning to help you cook."

Feng Xi raised her eyebrows, she was in need of help: "That's great, I'll wait for you at home tomorrow."

"Well, I also want to find something to do, it's boring to stay at home these days."

Feng Xi thought Qingqing probably didn't store firewood, so she couldn't help reminding: "Have you prepared firewood for the winter? I I heard that it will be very cold here in winter, and everyone will basically stay at home, so we have to prepare enough firewood. "

When Tang Qingqing thought about going up the mountain to collect firewood, her face fell and she said, "What should I do? I don't want to go up the mountain..."

Feng Xi touched Tang Qingqing's head and comforted her, "It's okay, you can ask someone to help, and then you can exchange things with them."

Tang Qingqing understood it as soon as she heard it, why didn't she think of it.

Immediately, she smiled and took Feng Xi's hand and said, "You are still smart!"

Feng Xi said proudly, "That's right!"

Feng Xi gave the steamed buns and sweet potato buns to Bai Feng, and as expected, he received an embarrassed look from Bai Feng.

Feng Xi waved his hands repeatedly, saying that the food would not be so good in the future.

Feng Xi returned home and took a bite of the sweet potato bun.

Well, it's not bad.

After a while, Xu Hai came.

"You're here. Have you had breakfast? Try this sweet potato bun."

Xu Hai saw so many steamed buns on the table, and his mouth twitched. He knew that the little girl was helping the other two educated youths cook. He had heard that these three people ate white flour steamed buns every day, but he didn't care much before. Now he and the little girl are dating, and they will live together in the future. It seems that he has to work hard to make money.

Xu Hai didn't take the sweet potato bun. He passed through the little girl's hand, kissed the little girl's lips, and said, "I will definitely let you live a good life in the future."

This was a nonsense, just taking advantage of him. Feng Xi stuffed the bun into Xu Hai's mouth and said, "You're just greedy."

Travel back to the 1970s to order takeoutWhere stories live. Discover now