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Chapter 62 Inventory

While Wang Fulai was trading with Monkey Brother and the others, Feng Xi was not idle either. She rode her bicycle with 100 sweaters and trousers to Auntie Lin.

The bicycle Wang Fulai was riding was a second-hand one he bought on the black market. He had money now and he had his own bicycle, so it was much more convenient for him to sell goods.

Wang Fulai hurried home and did not see Sister Feng Xi. He thought that Sister Feng Xi should have gone to sell the remaining 100 sweaters and trousers, so he would wait for Sister Feng Xi at home.

Feng Xi stayed at Auntie Lin's place for a long time this time, mainly because those dozens of aunties kept picking and bargaining. It was not until noon that Feng Xi sold more than 80 sweaters and more than 60 woolen trousers. He sold the remaining goods to Auntie Lin at a low price.

Although Feng Xi's mouth was dry from selling clothes to Auntie Lin, Feng Xi still gained a lot. For example, he gained a Ming Dynasty official kiln five-color bowl, a pair of emerald earrings, 350 copper coins and 4,120 yuan.

Feng Xi rode his bicycle and got off when he was about to reach Wang Fulai's house. After opening the takeaway page and buying a dozen meat buns and vegetable buns, he knocked on the door of Wang's house.

Wang Fulai had been paying attention to the movement at the door, and he immediately went to open the door when he heard someone knocking.

"Fulai, how are things going over there?"

"Sister Feng Xi, Brother Monkey and the others want all of them."

Wang Fulai reported the entire process of their transaction to Feng Xi in detail, and then handed Feng Xi the IOU, property certificate and 19,000 yuan, saying, "Sister Feng Xi, don't worry, I will go over there to take a look in the next few days."

Feng Xi nodded, she believed that Wang Fulai was a man of measure, and then counted out 1,850 yuan for Wang Fulai.

"Fulai, this is yours."

Wang Fulai didn't take it, shook his head and said, "Sister Feng Xi, I'm just helping you deliver the goods, you don't have to give me so much."

This kid, here he comes again...

Feng Xi didn't care, stuffed the money into Wang Fulai's hand, and said, "We agreed before that you will get a commission of one yuan for every piece of clothing or watch you sell, this is what you deserve. And without you, I wouldn't know that Monkey Brother. Besides, maybe we will have a lot of cooperation with Monkey Brother in the future, then you will be busy."

"Well, thank you Sister Feng Xi, I'm not afraid of being busy."

Wang Fulai looked at the big reunion in his hand and felt very happy. He will definitely make more money in the future!

After Feng Xi finished lunch with the two brothers at Wang's house, she rode home soon.

When she got home and opened the door, a cold air hit the house. She turned around and went to the stove.

Feng Xi filled the pot with water and started to heat the kang and water. These days, Feng Xi was very grateful to Xu Hai for helping her store so much firewood. Otherwise, if she relied on herself, the firewood would probably not last until the New Year. After adding firewood to the stove and feeling that the temperature was right, Feng Xi climbed up the pit to count the money.

She worked at full capacity these days. Excluding expenses and money for Wang Fulai, she earned a total of 123,430 yuan. Adding the previous 5,195.5 yuan, her total assets now amount to 128,625.5 yuan.

Feng Xi felt that if she could not leave here now, she would have thought about going to Beijing to buy a courtyard house immediately.

While houses are not so expensive now, she wants to stock up more houses, so that she can live a rich life even if she does nothing in the future.

However, people still have to have a dream, otherwise what is the difference between them and salted fish. Feng Xi now has a dream, that is, to become the first batch of college students after the resumption of the college entrance examination. College students at that time were not as shabby as those in later generations. The first batch of college students after the resumption of the college entrance examination was of high quality. If someone in a family passed the exam, it would be a great honor for the ancestors.

Feng Xi packed the money and the antiques she collected today, and then picked up the exercise book and worked hard. Feeling a little hungry, she opened the takeaway page and bought a bowl of beef noodles.

After returning to the modern era, Feng Xi counted the old items she collected in the past few days. She planned to sell all the copper coins and Yuan Datou today. Feng Xi collected a total of 920 copper coins from the Qing Dynasty and 17 Yuan Datou coins from the Republic of China.

She didn't plan to sell those antiques, after all, she still had a lot of money now.

Feng Xi took a taxi to the antique shop she visited last time. When she saw the old man, she said with a smile, "Grandpa, I have dug up a lot of Qing Dynasty copper coins and Yuan Datou coins from the Republic of China at home these days. Can you tell me how much they are worth?"

The old man remembered Feng Xi. Last time, this lady brought a Qing Dynasty official kiln bottle, and this time she brought so many copper coins and Yuan Datou coins.

"These are quite common, the price is still the same as before, 400 yuan for a copper coin, 800 yuan for a Yuan Datou."

"Yes, OK, thank you, Grandpa."

After Feng Xi received the transfer of 381,600 yuan from the old man, she said goodbye to the old man in the antique shop and went home.

There are now more than 600,000 yuan in her bank card, almost 700,000 yuan, which is estimated to be enough for a long time.

In the next few days, Feng Xi stayed at home, reading books, doing exercises, and occasionally cooking. Sometimes she traveled back to the modern times at night to watch videos of famous teachers and learn more. When she was free, she went shopping and had beauty treatments. She lived a comfortable life.

Until He Hua was getting married...

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