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Chapter 144 That's all

Mother Feng knew that the old man was making trouble when she saw his expression. He obviously liked her very much, but he had to pretend to be disgusted.

He just wanted to trick Xu Hai and let him know that his daughter was not so easy to marry. He wanted Xu Hai to cherish Feng Xi.

But Xu Hai specially gave her a new generation radio, a special model, which showed that he had put a lot of thought into it.

"Xu Hai is a thoughtful kid. Big brother, thank him later."

Feng Wan was surprised: "Brother Xu Hai is too amazing. He can even buy special models. I thought it was great for my classmate to buy a new generation radio!"

Feng's father blew his beard and glared. Don't even think about buying him with a radio: "What's so amazing about this? The person who can invent this radio is amazing!"

Feng Xi blinked and said to Father Feng: "Dad, this radio was developed by Xu Hai and his roommate. At that time, I was in the newspaper of excellent college students. But for the sake of confidentiality, the newspaper did not report what research they did."

"Second sister, is it true? Brother Xu Hai is too awesome!"

Mother Feng nodded. It seems that her daughter's boyfriend is quite powerful.

Father Feng was upset and suddenly felt that this radio didn't seem to be anything special.

It was just a little cheaper, a little smaller, and a little better in quality. It seemed to be similar to the radio at home!

The next morning, when Father Feng finished breakfast and was about to go to work, he stared at the radio on the table and thought for a while.

After a lot of internal struggle, I decided to take it to the office, so as not to feel annoyed when I put it at home~

The head of the purchasing department was still listening to the new generation radio, and there was a group of people around him.

"This radio is really good, but it's too popular. It was sold out when I went to buy it yesterday."

"Yes, my wife is always asking for a new generation radio. The second batch of radios will not be available until two months later. Where can I find a new generation radio?"

"Yes, I didn't buy it either!"

"Me too, it seems that the head of the purchasing department is really good!"

"No, no, you can buy it in two months, don't worry!"

The head of the purchasing department took a sip of tea from the teacup. He looked happy, but he was actually more proud in his heart.

He looked at Director Feng, thinking that this old man also went to the mall to buy a radio yesterday, and asked with a smile: "Old Feng, did you buy the new generation radio yesterday?"

Father Feng pursed his lips: "No!"

The head of the purchasing department looked at Director Feng's angry look and comforted him: "It's normal that you didn't buy it. They didn't buy it either. I heard that the next sale will be two months later. How about this, I will be generous in the next two months and play it for you in the office."

Father Feng glanced at the head of the purchasing department, took out the radio he loved and hated as if nothing had happened, turned on the radio and listened to it.

Others were instantly attracted by Director Feng's radio, and this radio seemed more special.

The head of the purchasing department saw that this old guy actually had a radio and asked, "Old Feng, this is not okay. Didn't you just say that you didn't buy a new generation radio? How come you have one now?"

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