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Chapter 61 Selling watches

Three days later.

Monkey looked at the watches in boxes in the yard, his expression a little gloomy, he felt that he was still inexperienced.

Stone wanted to say something several times but stopped after thinking about it.


Another man named Mutou couldn't help laughing, and he held back his laughter after being kicked in the butt by Stone.

Wang Fulai looked at the three people in the yard with a frown, thinking: Brother Monkey, don't you want to deny it?

Although he was shocked that Sister Feng Xi had a thousand watches, Sister Feng Xi's watches didn't require tickets. More importantly, he went to the county mall to check it out. He felt that Sister Feng Xi's watches were of better quality, and selling them for about 100 yuan was already cheap.

Monkey couldn't help but look up and down at the child in front of him. Is this child 15 years old? He remembered that he was still studying when he was 15 years old. Are children now so capable? Aren't you afraid of being robbed with so many watches?

"How old are you now? Are you sure you want to sell these 1,000 watches?"

Wang Fulai rolled his eyes at Monkey. He hated it most when people talked about his age. He was already very mature, but his age couldn't keep up with his experience! With a stiff face, he said expressionlessly: "Well, I'm sure. Also, my age has nothing to do with our cooperation. Brother Monkey, are you going to go back on your word?"

The monkey scratched his head and walked around with his hands on his waist. What did he say?

Shitou picked up a watch and shook it. The weight was OK. He put the watch in his ear and listened for a while, then listened to the watch on his hand. He raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect the quality was good.

After sampling and checking more than a dozen watches, he felt that the quality was fine, so he said: "We keep our word. What price do you plan to pay for this batch of watches?"

When Monkey heard that Shitou wanted to buy watches, he glared at Shitou. How could they have so much money?

Stone gave Monkey a calm look, he had a way.

Monkey thought that Stone was a man with his own ideas, he was very good at studying, he had listened to Stone since he was a child. And he was the one who agreed to this matter, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Not to mention Mutou, these two were his bosses, he had no right to speak.

Wang Fulai looked at the tall man in front of him, thinking that this was the one who made the decision, he looked at the man expressionlessly and said: "One hundred and ten yuan each, no tickets."

Monkey checked the quality of this batch of watches and felt that the price of one hundred and ten yuan was okay, but the quantity was too much, they couldn't afford it.

Shitou frowned and said, "Your quantity is too large. We won't make any money at 110 yuan each. How about 90 yuan each?"

"No, at least 105 yuan each."

Wang Fulai knew that there would be bargaining later, so he deliberately raised the price, but he didn't ask for too high a price, because someone might not bargain. Besides, Sister Feng Xi told him to let him do what he wanted, and the price could be between 90 and 100 yuan. Sister Feng Xi trusted him so much, so he had to do this beautifully.

Shitou also took a step back and said, "Let's do it in round numbers. One hundred yuan each, and we'll buy all your watches. If you want to raise the price, we can't afford it. And didn't you say there were 400 sweaters and trousers, and 50 leather coats? We can buy them all."

Here I have to add something. Since Feng Xi heard from Wang Fulai about the Monkey Brother three days ago, Feng Xi hurried back to the present. Thinking that he had bought 500 sweaters before, this time he bought 500 trousers, 50 leather coats and 1,000 watches.

Although Feng Xi also felt that buying 1,000 watches at once was a bit exaggerated, it was cheaper to buy them all at once for 1,000 yuan, and didn't Monkey Brother tell Wang Fulai that he would take as many as he could get. Feng Xi thought that since the other party was so powerful, she might as well do a big deal at once and then have a good rest.

Monkey couldn't help but take a breath when he heard that Shitou was going to buy all the stones. He was a little skeptical about whether they could do it.

Wang Fulai thought it would be better to sell them all at once, and a hundred yuan was also within his consideration. Now the price was a little more friendly, which would be convenient for cooperation in the future.

He closed his eyes pretentiously, sighed, and said, "Okay, then it's 100 yuan each, but the rest of the clothes can't be reduced in price. The sweater is 22 yuan, the woolen pants are 18 yuan, and the leather coat is 60 yuan."

Shitou thought the price of the clothes was acceptable, nodded and said, "Okay."

After the two of them finished talking about the price, Shitou calculated the price and said, "The total is 119,000 yuan, but we can't afford that much money now. How about this, we will give you 19,000 yuan first, and write you an IOU for the rest."

Wang Fulai also knew that it was unlikely to ask someone to take out so much money at once. Although he believed in Monkey Brother, he still wanted to be cautious and said, "What if you take the goods and run away?"

Shitou said, "We won't, we can swear on this. Then let's do this, we mortgage this house to you, and the street office also has Monkey's information. If we run away, everything in this yard will belong to you, and you can come here when you are free during this period."

Shitou pushed Mutou forward and said, "This is Mutou, he will be here during this period, there are You can come to him if you have any problems."

What can Mu Tou do? He can only look at Wang Fulai with a smile and say, "Don't worry, we won't lie to you, and they won't leave me and run away."

Wang Fulai also thinks this is the best way at the moment, so he can only pretend to be pretentious and say, "These goods are not mine. I am just an errand boy, and the people behind me are not people you can mess with. If you dare to run away, my boss will make sure you can't survive on this street."

Looking at the little boy in front of him, Monkey couldn't help but slap Wang Fulai's head: "You kid, you've learned to threaten people. Okay, your brother Monkey is a righteous man, not the kind of treacherous villain, don't worry, kid."

Shitou also patted Wang Fulai on the shoulder and said, "We will pay back some money before the New Year, don't worry."

Wang Fulai nodded, thought for a while and said, "In fact, you can also use some old things to pay, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, gold and other things are all fine."

Shitou agreed, "Okay."

He may not be able to get a lot of gold and other things, but he and Monkey can get a lot of antiques. Since they want it, he won't be polite.

Wang Fulai took the 19,000 yuan in his bag, the IOU and the property certificate, and rode his bicycle home quickly. It was the first time for him to carry so much money in his hands, and he couldn't let anything go wrong on the road.

After Wang Fulai left, Monkey hammered Stone's shoulder and said, "Are you sure we can eat so much?"

Stone put down Monkey's hand and said calmly, "No."

"Then why are you..."

"Hey, are you stupid? We can't eat it, but there are people who can eat it. Do you remember Brother Hu, who we met in the black market in the provincial capital last time? He has a lot of people there. Let's go find him. A thousand watches is not much. Brother Hu's people will only get about ten or so each."

Hearing this, Monkey slapped his thigh and said, "Great, how could I forget this guy. After this trip, I think we can make a lot."

Stone nodded and said, "After cleaning up these goods, I plan to take a break for a while. It's almost the New Year now." He has been hanging around in the black market for a while and hasn't had a good rest.

"Sure, I plan to have a good rest too."

Mutou agreed at the right time: "Indeed, I feel more comfortable lying at home."

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