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Chapter 79 Falling into the Water

After Feng Xi returned home, she opened the takeaway page and ordered a bowl of beef noodles. After eating, she rested for a while and then went to sleep.

Back to the present, Feng Xi walked to the door and opened it. Sure enough, there were several large boxes of express delivery outside the door.

These days, Feng Xi thought that selling food every day was not a solution. She thought that the Dacron shirts in the 1970s and 1980s were all the rage. I heard that everyone was willing to queue for two or three hours to buy Dacron shirts.

And now the weather is getting warmer, it is just right for her to sell shirts. Now you can wear a Dacron shirt, and then wear a coat or sweater outside. It will be better in summer, you only need to wear a shirt. You can also wear it in autumn.

So Feng Xi went back to Modern a few days ago and bought 1,000 Dacron shirts at one time through Taobao. Since she bought a large quantity, the manufacturer charged her 10 yuan per shirt, so she only spent 10,000 yuan in total. There were 600 women's shirts and 400 men's shirts.

There is no way, who said that women have stronger purchasing power than men.

Although Feng Xi doesn't quite understand why people like to wear Dacron shirts so much nowadays, in her opinion, pure cotton clothes are more comfortable to wear, but this does not prevent her from making a lot of money by reselling Dacron shirts.

Feng Xi unpacked the express delivery neatly, checked the Dacron shirts several times and found no information about Hyundai, then took a large sack and put all the Dacron shirts in, and then hugged the sack to sleep.

The next day was a day off, Feng Xi opened the takeaway page, ordered a bowl of wonton noodles, and then rode her bicycle to Wang Fulai's house.

Feng Xi did not go to Aunt Lin's house again, mainly because she was lazy and did not want to sell things by herself.

Since Feng Xi and Xu Hai knew each other's identities, their transactions became more and more frequent during this period.

However, Feng Xi directly put all the goods at Wang Fulai's house, and then left the sales to Wang Fulai and Xu Hai. Anyway, no matter what, her money was the same.

When Feng Xi was about to reach Wang Fulai's house, he went to an empty corner as usual, opened the takeaway page, clicked into the takeaway supermarket, bought 100 kilograms of apples and 100 kilograms of oranges, and then knocked on Wang Fulai's door.

Monkey looked at the shirts in the bag with a smile and said, "Sister, these dacron shirts are good things. It's just right to sell them now. Your boss is really awesome."

"Of course, I plan to sell these dacron shirts for 15 yuan each, without coupons."

Monkey thought about it. At that time, dacron shirts cost 12 yuan each and needed cloth coupons. Although 15 yuan was a bit expensive, the market for dacron shirts was huge at that time, and he was confident that he could sell them.

They thought it was food again, so Xu Hai left the matter to Monkey without any worries, and then Xu Hai went to the next county to sell watches.

Unexpectedly, there were a lot of Dacron shirts this time, and he was a little hesitant to make a decision. They still owed the girl 50,000 yuan for the watch.

Wang Fulai didn't care what Monkey thought. He had seen it before in the supply and marketing cooperative. As long as there were such Dacron shirts in the supply and marketing cooperative, there would be a very long line there. He immediately said, "Sister Feng Xi, I want 500 Dacron shirts to try. I don't want those fruits. As for the money, I'll write you an IOU. Don't worry, I will definitely pay you back when I have money."

"Yeah, okay."

When Monkey saw Wang Fulai asking for 500 Dacron shirts, he suddenly lost his composure and immediately said that he wanted all the remaining goods and paid for them in one lump sum.

Feng Xi took the money Monkey gave her, then went to the supply and marketing cooperative for a while, bought a pound of glutinous rice noodles, and rode his bicycle back to Mangrove Village.

When approaching the village gate, Feng Xi saw Xu Li holding a bucket while riding her bicycle, so she stopped her bicycle and asked, "Xu Li, what are you doing?"

Xu Li touched her head embarrassedly and said, "Sister Feng Xi, I don't have to work in the village today, so I thought about going to the river to pick up some snails to eat at home. Villagers don't like to eat this thing, but I, I like it very much."

In fact, Xu Li was embarrassed to tell the truth, she herself didn't like to eat it very much. Snails only have so much meat, and they are so fishy, ​​but there is nothing else to eat at home, so she thought about going to the river to pick some snails, and it would be even better if she had the chance to catch a fish.

Feng Xi didn't know this, she herself liked to eat snails very much, and in modern times, she often bought some snails as a midnight snack.

Anyway, she was bored at home alone, so she decided to go to the field to catch some snails.

"Xu Li, can I go with you? I like to eat snails too."

"Well, sure, Sister Feng Xi, let's go together."

Although Xu Li didn't quite understand why Sister Feng Xi liked to eat snails, maybe it was because Sister Feng Xi was curious.

"Sister Feng Xi, we can just look for it here, don't go up there, the water there is very deep, if someone who can't swim falls into the water it will be very troublesome, I heard someone drown there before."

"Pu Tong..."


"Help, help..."

Just as Xu Li finished speaking, the two heard a huge sound of falling into the water, accompanied by screams and shouts.

The two of them were startled and immediately followed the sound to the place where the person fell into the water.

Feng Xi was sharp-eyed and immediately recognized that one of the people who fell into the water was Tang Qingqing, and was about to jump into the water to save her.

Before Feng Xi jumped in, he saw Xu Erzhu quickly jump into the water and swim towards the person who fell into the water.

Feng Xi saw this scene and didn't understand anything. Thinking about what happened a few days ago, it was not difficult to guess Xu Erzhu's thoughts. It was estimated that there was a group of people on the way.

She jumped into the water immediately, but her speed was not as fast as Xu Erzhu, so she could only swim behind Xu Erzhu.

Xu Li couldn't swim, so she could only look at Sister Feng Xi worriedly on the shore. Then she took off her clothes that were patched with many patches, thinking that Sister Feng Xi would use them later.

Xu Erzhu swam to the place where they fell into the water. He was very strong and grabbed two people with both hands at the same time, and then swam to the shore.

Neither Tang Qingqing nor He Hua could swim, but fortunately they had not been in the water for a long time, so they were still conscious now, but they were choked by the water and felt a little uncomfortable.

Although Xu Erzhu was very strong, it was a bit difficult for him to drag two people in the water. He did not have time to see which one was Tang Qingqing, so he decided to get ashore first.

He Hua was afraid of death. She knew someone was coming to save her, so she hugged Xu Erzhu and refused to let go. Tang Qingqing watched Feng Xi swimming over and struggled beside Xu Erzhu. Feng Xi swam to Xu Erzhu in time and took advantage of Xu Erzhu's inattention to hold Tang Qingqing and swam away.

After the four people got ashore, Xu Li gave her coat to Feng Xi. Feng Xi took the coat and put it on Tang Qingqing. After briefly checking Tang Qingqing and making sure that she was fine, he planned to take her away.

At this time, a group of people came.

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