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Chapter 13 Helping Hands

After Feng Xi gave the Wo Wo Tou to Tang Qingqing, she sat aside to eat. The Wo Wo Tou was too sticky, so she didn't want to eat it, and then quietly picked up the biscuit and ate it.

"Hey, Tang Zhiqing and Xiao Feng Zhiqing also eat this kind of Wo Wo Tou, I thought you ate white flour ones?" Mrs. Li stretched her neck and looked at Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing and said.

Aunt Guihua also said: "Every day I hear people say that you two are the richest in your family, but I didn't expect that you eat the same as us. Hey, what kind of biscuits is Xiao Feng Zhiqing eating?"

Tang Qingqing was upset at the moment. She worked so hard, but she still ate so poorly every day. These days, these aunts laughed at her every day. She felt that she was very kind to have endured until now. She said loudly: "It's none of your business!"

"Hey, you are such a hot-tempered girl."

"That's right, that's all I said."

Seeing that Tang Qingqing was about to lose her temper again, Feng Xi thought of yesterday and quickly stopped her: "Aunties, what kind of joke are you talking about? Didn't I say before that no matter if you are from the city or the country, everyone's life is actually the same."

Auntie Guihua didn't believe Feng Xi's words and said: "If the city is the same as the country, then why do everyone want to be a city person?"

"Auntie Guihua, how can I know this? Why don't you ask those people?"

Auntie Guihua thought to herself, if I could get the answer by asking others, why would I need to ask you? She said, "I'll ask them then. But what kind of biscuits are you eating? Can you give me some to try?"

Feng Xi refused to give them any, saying, "It's nothing special. My mother made it herself. There aren't many, just a few."

"Hey, you're small, give me some to try."

"It's just an ordinary biscuit. How about this? I have some candies here. Can you ladies give me some to sweeten your mouth?" Feng Xi didn't want to give them biscuits. She did have a lot of candies bought by her mother. They were quite cheap. She could also give two pieces to each of the girls and ladies in the same group. It would be nice if she could get along well with these people.

Sugar is a precious commodity at this time. Rural people live frugally and would rather spend every penny carefully. They usually only buy sugar for their children during the Chinese New Year. They have rarely eaten sugar.

Aunt Guihua took the candy quickly. This girl was quite generous. She gave her candy after just a few words. It seemed that she had to get along well with the young educated youth Feng in the future. She said, "Oh, this young educated youth Feng is so polite. If you have any questions in the future, just come to Auntie. Auntie is very easy to talk to."

Mrs. Li looked Feng Xi up and down, thinking that this girl was quite good at handling things. This candy was a good thing. She could give it to her grandson when she went back. She smiled and said, "That's right. As soon as I saw this young educated youth Feng, I knew that this person was not only good-looking, but also kind..."

Feng Xi's mouth twitched. This kindness could be seen.

Tang Qingqing looked at Feng Xi chatting with these aunties coldly, wondering if she should learn from this guy? She felt that Feng Xi was really smart, and he had established good relationships with these aunties in just a few words.

After Feng Xi finished chatting with these aunties, he sat down in a secluded place to eat bread and biscuits.

While eating biscuits and drinking milk tea from a kettle, Feng Xi lamented about his miserable rural life. After a while, Feng Xi saw a young, thin girl walk up to him and eat something called wild vegetable porridge. Feng Xi didn't pay much attention to her at first, but the girl looked at him secretly while eating, but didn't say anything to her.

Feng Xi felt that the girl had something to say, but she was too shy to speak, so she took the initiative to ask, "What's your name? What do you want to talk to me about?"

Xu Li actually knew for a long time that there were two beautiful and rich educated youths in the educated youth center. These days, she has also heard the aunties in the village discussing them every day. Tang Zhiqing is good-looking, but has a bad temper. Xiao Zhiqing is cute, has a good temper, and smiles all day long. But the two of them are clumsy and can't work. But she didn't care much, after all, her own family was doing well, her mother loved her, and her brother was sensible.

But today the village chief said that the village had to pay more public grain, so her family would get less grain. Originally, her family had few laborers, and the grain they got at the end of the year was not much. She was the only one in the family who could get full work points. Her younger brother was small and only got five work points. Since her father passed away, her mother had to work very hard to support the family. Soon her health broke down and now she could only do some housework at home.

When she was cooking today, there was not much food left at home. She thought about the painful look of the educated youth Xiao Feng when she was working this morning, and an idea flashed through her mind.

And just now, she saw that the educated youth Xiao Feng was so generous and his temper was much better than that of the educated youth Tang, so she became more determined in her mind.

But when she walked next to the educated youth Xiao Feng, she was a little nervous again. She was afraid that the educated youth Xiao Feng would not agree.

When Xu Li heard Xiao Feng talking to her, she was excited and said, "Hello, Xiao Feng, I'm Xu Li, I know you. I came to you because I want to work for you."



Feng Xi's eyes lit up when she heard this. She was thinking about how to finish the work before. This is a helper who came to her door. However, she still wanted to ask, "Why do you want to help me?"

Xu Li was very nervous before she heard Xiao Feng's answer. When she heard Xiao Feng's question, she looked up and saw Feng Xi smiling brightly, and she knew that this should be possible. She knew that the educated youth Xiao Feng was not only good-looking but also a good person, so she told Feng Xi everything about the situation at home.

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