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Chapter 118 Xu Hai is my target

Seeing that Feng Xi really didn't know, Li Li explained: "You three were really awesome this afternoon. You almost tortured the students from the Department of Clinical Medicine. I was about to leave the library to have dinner this afternoon when I saw a large group of students from the Department of Clinical Medicine rushing into the library. So, I asked a female classmate out of curiosity, guess what?"

"Uh, she's going to the library to study hard?"

Li Li said excitedly: "That's right, she also knows that I'm a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology. She was from the first class of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She asked me how I studied and whether all the students in the first class of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology were particularly good. I chatted with her for a few words. Later, when she saw that more and more people came to the library, she stopped chatting with me and ran to take a seat. I was still wondering at the time, but when I heard Qingqing and Zhuzhu say this during dinner, I realized that you guys had made such a big move this afternoon! "

Feng Xi was relieved when she heard Li Li's words. She thought it was nothing.

She answered the questions so actively in class just to get back at them.

After all, she was too embarrassed to see anyone last week.

Feng Xi waved his hands calmly and said, "Hehe, there is nothing we can do. We were so embarrassed last Wednesday afternoon. We must perform well this week."

Wu Ping covered her mouth and laughed, "You did perform well today, hahaha."

Li Li pulled Feng Xi's hand and said, "Yes, Xixi, do you know that when we were having dinner just now, Director Guan heard that you were called to the office by the director of the Department of Clinical Medicine, and he ran to the office to find you without even eating!"

Tian Caicai said excitedly, "Yes, we all saw Director Guan running to the office of the director of the Department of Clinical Medicine. Xixi, how is the office? The students in our school are all guessing where the two directors are. Who snatched you away? Xixi, tell us quickly. "

Tang Qingqing hugged Feng Xi's shoulders and said, "I guess Xixi will definitely stay in the first class of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology."

"Well, I'm doing well in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and I can't bear to leave you."

"Our Xixi is such a great student, she can shine wherever she stays!"

Li Li shook Feng Xi's hand excitedly and echoed, "Sister is right, Xixi, how come you are so good at studying? Not to mention that we students admire you, even the two directors are fighting for you."

Feng Xi had to explain this, the two directors did not fight for her, they are very democratic.

And she herself is not that good. Without Xu Hai's help, she could only remember the contents of the book and some understanding of the videos of modern famous teachers.

Xu Hai really understood the biochemistry book thoroughly and summarized it very completely.

"Actually, I'm not as good as you think. I have a cheat!"

Tian Caicai's eyes lit up and asked, "What cheat?"

Feng Xi said mysteriously, "It's impossible for me to learn so fast in a week. I learned with others!"

Wu Ping, Tian Caicai, Li Li and Zhu Zhu: !!!

Li Li asked curiously: "Who? Qingqing? It shouldn't be your family? Or a professor?"

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