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Chapter 137 Familiar Figures

Six people walked onto the stage and stood in position according to the rehearsal.

Zhu Zhu stood in the middle of the first row.

Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing stood on both sides of the second row.

Wu Ping, Tian Caicai and Li Li stood in the third row.

Feng Xi actually didn't understand why she, an uncertain factor, was placed in the second row. She should be placed in the middle of the third row, so that even if she made a mistake, not many people would notice.

Zhu Zhu felt that Feng Xi had her own popularity and had a good chance of winning.

Moreover, she observed Feng Xi during this period and found that she was just a little uncoordinated in her limbs. She still remembered the movements, but occasionally she would move her hands and feet at the same time, which was harmless.

So Zhu Zhu felt that it was more appropriate to put Feng Xi in the second row than in the third row.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Zhu Zhu nodded to the leaders and signaled that they were going to start the performance.

The dance was over.

This time, everyone performed very well, and almost no one forgot the moves.

After Feng Xi and the others finished their performance, the leaders applauded.

The leader sitting in the middle said, "This dance is very special. Everyone's completion is very high. I think this program can be retained."

"It is indeed very novel. I think there is no problem."

Other leaders also said that this dance can be performed on the New Year's Eve party.

All members of the 201 dormitory were overjoyed, and everyone ran out of the auditorium hand in hand.

A leader in the auditorium looked at the list and said, "The class that just performed was Obstetrics and Gynecology Class 1. I didn't expect that this class is not only good at studying, but also has good talents!"

"Yes, the student on the left in the second row is called Feng Xi. I heard that this student has been on the newspaper three times. I didn't expect that he is also good at dancing."


Everyone came to the outside of the auditorium, and Li Li said in surprise: "We were selected, and the leader praised us!"

Feng Xi nodded: "I didn't expect that I didn't make any mistakes!"

Zhu Zhu said proudly: "Huh, with me here, our dance will definitely be You will definitely be selected, and even winning the prize will not be a problem! "

Tian Caicai said happily: "Yes, yes, thanks to our Xiaoliu, next we will see how the New Year's Eve performance goes. "

Wu Ping thought about how happy she was today and asked, "Do you want to go out for a meal?" We haven't had dinner together for a long time. "

Li Li suggested: "I heard that Fengya Bakery has a lot of new products. Should we go there? "

Feng Xi nodded. Of course, she was too bored during the summer vacation. She bought a new product from the takeaway page almost every week for Sister Anya to study.

Sister Anya is very talented in making pastries. She can make pastries in two or three days, and the taste is not inferior to the pastries Feng Xi bought from the takeaway page.

After all this time, Fengya Bakery has added a lot of new products, and Feng Xi is considering whether to open a branch or something.

Others have no objections, they also want to drink a cup of hot coffee in the cold winter.

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