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Chapter 38 Town Hospital

After a flurry of activity, Feng Xi, Tang Qingqing and Wang Xiaomei were arranged to stay in a ward.

Among the three people, Wang Xiaomei was the most seriously injured. Her right shoulder was bleeding, her right hand was slightly fractured, and her right leg was stepped on by a wild boar, so the fracture was even more serious and she needed to be hospitalized for treatment.

Tang Qingqing was standing in the middle at the time, so the places where she was hit by the wild boar were very painful. In addition, because she was knocked away, her head was also scratched, and her waist was slightly fractured, so she also needed to be hospitalized for observation.

Feng Xi's injury was the lightest among the three people, because she was standing at the side and her body was only knocked away. In addition to the scratches on her head, her left hand landed first when she was knocked away, so her left hand and left shoulder were slightly injured, and other parts of her body were also slightly scratched.

Feng Xi's injury was not serious, so she did not need to be hospitalized, but Xu Hai thought it would be better to be hospitalized for observation, in case she had any problems in the future. Feng Xi also thought it would be better to be hospitalized, after all, it takes a hundred days to heal a broken bone.

When the village chief Xu saw that the three educated youths were awake, he said, "You three should stay in the hospital now and don't rush to work. You can do the farm work after you recover. I see that your injuries are quite serious and it is somewhat inconvenient for you to move. Can you stay in the hospital and take care of them for a few days? It's not in vain. I will give you work points."

Feng Aihua originally planned to stay in the hospital to take care of them. After all, they were all educated youths who went to the countryside. It was not easy for everyone. Any help would be helpful. Now, after hearing Village Chief Xu say that she could earn work points by taking care of people in the hospital, she quickly responded, "Okay, Village Chief, I understand. I was planning to stay in the hospital to take care of them."

Village Chief Xu felt that the educated youth Feng Aihua was a reliable person, and he felt relieved to leave the three people to her care. He said, "Well, then I'll thank you for your hard work in the next few days. By the way, do you three need anything? If you do, tell the educated youth Feng, and he will come back to the village with us later. Then I will arrange a bullock cart to take him to the town hospital."

Feng Aihua responded, "Okay."

Seeing that everything was arranged, Village Chief Xu called Xu Hai and asked him to go out.

Xu Hai didn't want to go out at first, the little girl was weak. But there were only female comrades here, and his father was out again, so it was not convenient for him to stay here, so he had to follow his father out. However, he could go to the mountain to see if there were any pheasants or something, and make some chicken soup for the little girl.

Seeing that everyone else had gone out, Feng Aihua asked, "Think about what you need me to bring to the hospital for you."

Feng Xi thought about it. When she counted the money last time, she put some change on her body, which was 8.68 yuan, and more than a pound of food coupons. It cost 80 cents to stay in the hospital for one day. Feng Xi thought that the money on her should be enough, so she asked Feng Aihua to help her get some clothes, toiletries, wool and knitting needles. If Feng Xi felt bored in the hospital, she could probably knit a scarf.

Tang Qingqing and Wang Xiaomei also asked Feng Aihua to take some clothes, toiletries, and money.

After a while, Feng Aihua followed the village chief and others back to the village.

"Why am I so unlucky? Why did I encounter a wild boar today?"

Feng Xi looked at Wang Xiaomei complaining speechlessly and said, "Wild boars generally don't attack humans, but if you attack it, it will definitely attack you."

"If neither of you threw stones at it, it would have knocked you away."

Tang Qingqing got angry when she thought of this and said, "We were so close to you, if it hit you, it would definitely hit us."

"Well, then I don't know. This is the first time I've seen a wild boar so close, how could I have expected so much." Wang Xiaomei felt wronged. She didn't know it would be like this.

Tang Qingqing didn't want to talk. She was in pain.

Feng Xi didn't want to talk. Not to mention, seeing the wild boar so close today didn't scare her to death.

The three of them had nothing to do, and they were so shocked today, so they lay on the bed and slowly fell asleep.


"Feng Xi, Feng Xi, get up and have dinner."

Feng Xi was woken up by Feng Aihua. When he woke up, it was almost dark.

"When I went back today, the captain said that since the three of you were so badly injured by the wild boar, I gave you two pounds of pork each. Except for the men who cut the wild boar, everyone else only had a few pounds of pork." Feng Aihua said slowly.

Wang Xiaomei was very excited when she heard this and said, "Really? Where's the pork that was allocated to us? Why didn't you bring it?"

Feng Xi looked at Wang Xiaomei speechlessly. Why did she bring the pork to the hospital?

Feng Aihua continued, "Your pork is at the village chief's house. You can get it after you are discharged from the hospital. However, the village chief wanted to give you some supplements today, so he made pork bone soup for you and fried some meat for you. You can eat it while it's hot."

Feng Xi's injury was not serious and he could drink soup and eat by himself. Tang Qingqing was not so good because both her hands hurt. Wang Xiaomei was also in pain because her right hand was broken. So Feng Aihua mainly took care of Tang Qingqing and Wang Xiaomei.

After dinner, Feng Xi and the others chatted for a while and then prepared to go to bed.

The next morning, the hospital provided breakfast with white porridge, noodles, steamed bread, cornmeal porridge, and steamed bread. Feng Aihua asked Feng Xi and the others what they wanted to eat.

Feng Xi could walk by herself, and her injury was her left hand. She was afraid that Feng Aihua could not carry so much by herself, so she said, "Sister Aihua, I will go with you. My injury is not very serious."

Feng Aihua thought about it and felt that it was a good idea. She could not carry so much at a time.

"Xixi, please buy me some noodles."

Wang Xiaomei felt that she was injured, so she had to eat something good on the first day, and asked for a bowl of noodles like Tang Qingqing.

The hospital provided noodles for 1 cent a bowl, and required 2 taels of grain coupons. Feng Xi also asked for a bowl, and Feng Aihua asked for a bowl of cornmeal porridge.

After Feng Xi finished breakfast, he felt that there was nothing to do. At that time, the hospital had no TV, and they had no poker to play, so they could only chat and listen to gossip.

Fortunately, Feng Xi knew his own limitations and brought wool to weave scarves. Feng Aihua also brought wool. Tang Qingqing and Wang Xiaomei were seriously injured, and they could only lie in bed for the next few days.

I don't know how long it took, but Feng Xi finally wove another scarf. I raised my hand to look at my watch, and saw that it was almost time for lunch, so I prepared to call Feng Aihua.

Suddenly, the door of the ward opened and Xu Hai walked in with something in his hand.

"Hello, hello, I'm here to visit you."

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