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Chapter 6 The First Day

I had a dreamless night.

Feng Xi heard noises next door just after dawn. It was Feng Aihua and Ma Hong's turn to cook today, so they had to get up earlier than others to make breakfast.

After waking up, Feng Xi didn't say that he would take a nap or something, after all, the conditions didn't allow it. Besides, he couldn't be called a lazy ghost on his first day at the educated youth point. So he struggled to get up from the bed, put on his clothes, tied his hair, and then went to get toothpaste, toothbrush and towel to wash up.

After washing his face and returning to the room, Feng Xi thought that last night's dinner was just so-so, and he didn't have much hope for breakfast, so he prepared to order takeout.

Feng Xi looked at the various types of noodles on the takeaway page and couldn't help swallowing her saliva. She wanted to eat noodles~

But this was impossible. After all, there were so many people in the educated youth point, it was not convenient at all. Moreover, she didn't have an independent space, and she couldn't explain it clearly if she was seen. Alas, she could only hope to move out of the educated youth point or build a house in the village in the future. Although it was a bit ostentatious, it was worth it for the better life in the future.

Putting aside her thoughts, Feng Xi clicked into a bakery and bought a lot of bread in individual packages. She bought some original flavor, milk flavor, strawberry flavor, yogurt flavor, and matcha flavor. In the end, she also bought two bottles of milk. While Lin Tang was still asleep, she poured the milk into the military water bottle. Then she took a few small cakes, unwrapped them, wrapped them in oil paper and put them in her schoolbag to eat when she went to work.

After doing all this, Feng Xi saw that other educated youth had already gotten up and washed outside, so she woke up Lin Tang.

"Lin Tang, get up."

"Ah, so early? I haven't slept enough." Lin Tang rubbed her face, and seeing that everyone else in the room had gotten up, she also got up quickly and put on her clothes.

"Yeah, while there are not so many people outside now, you should brush your teeth and wash your face first. It will be inconvenient when there are too many people."

"Okay, thank you Sister Feng Xi." Lin Tang saw that there were indeed no people outside, so she went to wash first.

Feng Xi was bored alone in the room, so she ate a small cake and then drank a sip of milk. Well, I can only relax now. I will be hot and tired after work.

Thinking of work, Feng Xi took out the cotton gloves made by Feng's mother and put them in his schoolbag, and applied some vanishing cream. There was no other way. There was no sunscreen at that time, so he could only apply vanishing cream.

After a while, breakfast was ready, sweet potato and brown rice. Simply put, wash the sweet potatoes, cut them into pieces without peeling them, and then put some brown rice in and cook them together. This method is not delicious, but it can satisfy hunger.

Feng Xi couldn't help but wipe his face. Oh, what a hard life.

"What is this? It's so unpalatable. I've never eaten this kind of thing at home." Tang Qingqing almost cried when she saw this breakfast. Her parents' life in Beijing was hard, so sending her to the countryside was the best choice. She knew that life in the countryside was hard, and she had already restrained her temper, but this breakfast was really unpalatable.

"What do you mean by that? I got up so early to cook for you, why are you complaining? If you don't want to eat, just tell me earlier. I don't want to cook yet." Ma Hong was very angry. She didn't want to eat these either, but life was so hard, what could she do.

Feng Aihua was also a little angry, but thinking that it was their first time and they might not be used to it, she patiently persuaded them: "When we first came here, we were also not used to everything like you. It will be fine once we get used to it. This sweet potato brown rice is a little unpalatable, but it is very filling. After eating it, you will have the strength to go to work later."

The two new male educated youths did not say anything. They were men and were not so particular about food. He Hua's family was poor and they were not full at home. It was good to have something to eat. Lin Tang's family was well-off. Although he had never eaten these, he could still accept them. Feng Xi looked at the sweet potato brown rice in the bowl and couldn't swallow it. It was really stuck in his throat.

As the saying goes, a day's plan begins in the morning. If you don't eat well in the morning, you won't have energy for the whole day. If you don't eat enough in the morning, you won't have energy for the whole day. What can Feng Xi do? She can only eat it with her head held high. Fortunately, she still has cake in her bag, otherwise her life would be too miserable.

Tang Qingqing watched everyone eating breakfast, and the new educated youth didn't stand on her side. She felt so depressed. She thought Feng Xi couldn't eat like that, but she lowered her head and ate happily.

If Feng Xi heard this, she would probably roll her eyes and say, which eye of yours saw me eating happily.

He Jiandang had a crush on Tang Qingqing yesterday. After all, she was pretty and her family was rich. At this time, all she could do was comfort her and say, "Comrade Tang, although life in the countryside is hard, it can temper our will. Besides, if you don't eat enough breakfast, you will have no energy to work later, and the team leader will deduct your work points."

"Hmph, she still thinks she is a big lady in the city. Look at her pretentiousness. You will know when she suffers in the future." Wang Xiaomei didn't like Tang Qingqing in the first place, and she would scold her as soon as she got the chance.

"I want you to take care of it."

Tang Qingqing was very angry. She didn't want to eat sweet potato brown rice, but she also knew that she couldn't go without breakfast, so she went back to her room to eat snacks and made a pot of malt milk.

He Hua saw that Tang Qingqing's breakfast was untouched, so she got up and took her breakfast to find Tang Qingqing. Tang Qingqing got angry when she saw the breakfast, so she asked He Hua to help her eat.

He Hua was very happy in her heart, she knew Tang Qingqing was generous.

"Okay, everyone, eat quickly, and go to work after eating. If you are late, the captain will also deduct work points."

Feng Xi cried, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. She couldn't finish it, but in this era, wasting food was shameful, and she didn't want to be a shameful person. She glanced at Lin Tang and saw that the other party also had a bitter face, and knew that the other party was also in trouble.

Liu Zhaodi knew yesterday that Feng Xi, Tang Qingqing, and Lin Tang, the three new educated youth, came from wealthy families. When she was having dinner last night, she saw that Feng Xi hardly ate any meat. How rich must she be to not even like to eat meat? But it doesn't matter, if she doesn't eat, then she can eat more. Seeing how she ate breakfast, I knew she might not be able to finish it, so I shamelessly asked quietly: "Little Feng Zhiqing, if you can't finish it, you can give it to me. I have a big appetite and can help you solve it."

Feng Xi's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he replied: "Hey, thank you, Liu Zhiqing." Then he shoveled the rice in the bowl to Liu Zhaodi, and then went to wash the dishes happily. It seems that I have to ask them to cook less rice for themselves in the future, and try to create an image of having a small appetite in the future.

Liu Zhaodi was very happy, in fact, she was very happy to get the advantage.

"Sister Feng Xi, aren't you hungry since you eat so little?" Lin Tang just saw Feng Xi give almost all of her breakfast to Liu Zhaodi. Although she didn't like to eat, she would be hungry if she didn't eat.

"It's okay, I have something else to eat, don't worry about me. Okay, let's pack up and go to work later."


Seeing that everyone had finished breakfast, He Jiandang organized everyone to go out to work together.

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