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Chapter 20 Talking to the Village Chief

Xu Hai was a little happy when he saw the little girl coming home on her own initiative. He led the little girl into the main hall and poured a glass of sugar water for the two female comrades.

"Sit down and have a drink of water first. My father should be back soon."

"Uncle San, these two sisters are so beautiful."

Feng Xi was drinking the sugar water quietly. When she heard such a soft and sticky voice, her heart melted. When she looked up, she saw two little girls with pigtails, one big and one small, looking at her brightly.

"Hello, my name is Feng Xi. You can call me Sister Feng. You can call the little sister next to me Sister Tang."

Feng Xi touched his trouser pocket, took out two pieces of candy, and handed them to the two little girls.

The eldest and second girls were very happy to see this beautiful young lady giving them candy. They looked at their third uncle and happily took a piece of candy each when he nodded.

"Thank you, beautiful sister."

"Oh, you are so good."

Tang Qingqing didn't have any candy on her, but she had a pound of fruit candy in her hand, but Xu Hai was still here, and she was embarrassed to give candy to a child. She secretly decided to prepare some candy in the future.

Not long after, Village Chief Xu came back. When she returned home and saw these two most talked-about figures in the village, bringing gifts to her home, she trembled in her heart, could it be that something strange happened again?

"Little Feng Zhiqing, Tang Zhiqing, what's wrong with you two?"

Feng Xi smiled at Village Chief Xu and said sincerely: "Uncle Village Chief, we have something to ask you."

Tang Qingqing also smiled. She was not good at dealing with people. With Feng Xi around, she could just be a vase quietly.

"What's the matter? If it's something in the field, it's not my business. If you want to find someone, go find the team leader."

Xu Hai glared at his father when he heard this. The little girl hadn't said anything yet, so why were they so anxious to drive her out?

Village Chief Xu was glared at by his third son and felt puzzled. Did this kid deserve a beating?

"What the village chief said is not about the farmland. That's right, we heard from the aunt in the village that no one seems to be buying the four houses behind the educated youth site?"

After hearing this, Village Chief Xu stroked his beard. He had discussed the situation of these four houses with the team leader, Accountant Chen, yesterday.

Originally, the harvest this year was not very good, and they had to pay more public grain at the end of the year, which would make the villagers' lives even more difficult next year.

No one would buy these four houses in the village. No one was rich in this era. They were still thinking about whether to lower the price. They would sell as many as they could, so that the team could have some income.

From what the educated youth Xiao Feng said, it seemed that he wanted to buy them. But he heard from his wife that these two were not short of money.

This solved the village's troubles. Facing the two gods of wealth, the village chief's face full of sorrow was forced to smile like a chrysanthemum and asked, "Do you want to buy that house?"

Feng Xi looked at the village chief's smile, so brilliant? Feeling that this could be done, he quickly said, "Yes, Uncle Village Chief, we want to buy a house each. There are too many people in this youth educated camp, which is inconvenient, and we are not so used to it."

Village Chief Xu was also afraid of the long night and many dreams, so he said happily, "Okay, then I will take you two to register with Accountant Chen now, and you can move in after paying the money."

"Yes, okay, thank you, Uncle Village Chief."

When Village Chief Xu walked to the door, he thought of the two houses that were still available, and after thinking for a while, he asked, "Xiao Feng Youth Educated, is there anyone else in your youth educated camp who wants to buy a house?"

Feng Xi had asked Lin Tang before, and Lin Tang said that she didn't plan to buy if she didn't have enough money, and she didn't ask anyone else.

"I haven't asked them yet. Why don't we go ask them now?"

When Village Chief Xu heard this, he felt that there was still hope, and then the group went to the educated youth site.

In the educated youth site, except for Liu Zhaodi and Wang Xiaomei who were making dinner, everyone else was in the yard.

When He Jiandang saw the village chief and Xu Jiyuan following Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing back, he thought that the two had done something wrong, and hurriedly said: "Village chief, Xu Jiyuan, why are you here, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, nothing, I just came to see you. How are you, are you used to living in the village?"

"I was not used to it at the beginning, but now it's much better."

"Yes, me too."

Village Chief Xu originally wanted to say hello, and without much nonsense, he just He said, "I came here to ask you one more thing. There are only three rooms in the youth education center, and you have thirteen people. It will be inconvenient to have more people. There are four more houses behind the youth education center. Each house is 40 yuan. Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing bought one each. There are two left. Do you think anyone wants to buy one?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the village chief's words. Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing wanted to move out of the youth education center. This has never happened before.

As the leader of the youth education center, He Jiandang felt that it was time for him to say something, so he called Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing aside.

The village chief was not in a hurry to see them discussing, because he had time anyway.

"Feng Xi, Tang Qingqing, are you two really going to move out of the educated youth camp? We educated youth are a group. Only when we unite can we better build the countryside."

Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing couldn't help rolling their eyes. Is he sure that the two of us can build the countryside?

"He Zhiqing, I know that we educated youth are a group. If we move out, will we no longer be educated youth? Besides, if the two of us move out, there will be two fewer people in the educated youth camp, and there will be more space for sleeping." Feng Xi had something on her mind. She must move out.

He Jiandang thought about it and felt that it made sense, but he liked Tang Qingqing and wanted to be close to her~

The other educated youth didn't say anything. They had the money to buy it, so it was none of their business. Wang Xiaomei snorted, but it was better for the two to move out, so she wouldn't be upset.

What Feng Xi didn't expect was that Bai Feng also bought a house.

So Feng Xi and the other two followed the village chief and Xu Hai to Chen the accountant to register and pay the money.

"By buying these three houses, you have solved a problem in the village. Let me make the decision. Tomorrow, you three will take a day off to clean up the houses. I'll call a few more people to help you build a yard and do some repairs."

Feng Xi and the other two hurriedly thanked him after hearing this.

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