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Chapter 107 Election of Class Committee Members

The six girls from Dormitory 201 came to the classroom together and found a seat in the middle of the classroom to sit together.

There were already quite a few people in the classroom at this time. Feng Xi simply looked at the classmates around her. Great, they were all girls.

After the bell rang, everyone looked at the door expectantly, waiting for the teacher to come.

Tonight was their first class after graduating from high school, and also their first class in college. Everyone was very excited.

Feng Xi was also very excited. She hadn't been to class for a long time.

Everyone didn't wait for long. The bell rang for just three seconds before the teacher came.

A amiable and elegant old lady wearing a Zhongshan suit walked slowly to the podium.

"Hello, students. I am the director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. You can call me Director Guan. I will lead your class in the future. You are the first batch of college students after the college entrance examination was resumed. I believe everyone is looking forward to their college life. But here, I want to tell you in advance that the professional courses in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology are very demanding. I hope everyone can take classes seriously in the future. If anyone fails the final evaluation of the professional course, they can only retake the exam. If they still cannot pass the exam before graduation, they can only graduate after passing the exam. Did everyone hear it clearly?"

The students sitting in the classroom were shocked. Although they also knew this truth, they were a little panicked after listening to Director Guan's words, fearing that they would fail.

Feng Xi couldn't help swallowing her saliva. She shouldn't fail the course, right?

Director Guan glanced at the students under the podium and was satisfied to see that everyone was nervous. But today, the class has not officially started yet, so he planned to say something else to ease the atmosphere.

"The class has not started yet, everyone can relax. All the students come from all over the world, and it is a kind of fate to gather here. Now, please introduce yourself and let's get to know each other. Start with the female student on the left in the first row."

The female student who was called was not panicked. After walking up to the podium, she said loudly to all the students: "Hello, students, my name is Bai Meng, from Hubei Province, this year Twenty-five years old. I have a warm and cheerful personality. I like reading books and newspapers. I am very happy to sit in the same classroom with all my classmates and look forward to making progress with everyone in the future. My speech is over. Thank you all. "

After Bai Meng finished speaking, Director Guan led the applause and said, "Next."

Other students came up to the stage one after another to introduce themselves, and soon it was Feng Xi's turn.

Feng Xi walked up to the podium calmly and said calmly: "Hello, classmates, my name is Feng Xi, I am from Beijing, and I am nineteen years old this year."

Director Guan glanced at Feng Xi. That's it? No more words? But it doesn't matter, I still have to say it later.

After Feng Xi finished speaking, it was Tang Qingqing's turn. Tang Qingqing was even more casual and said directly: "Hello everyone, my name is Tang Qingqing."

Director Guan watched Tang Qingqing walk off the podium like this. Forget it, this kid is still the same.

Soon, the self-introduction session came to an end.

The last female student who introduced herself was a little shy and stammered, "Hello, everyone. My name is He Lai Di, and I'm from Hai City."

After Director Guan applauded, he said, "Okay, the self-introduction session ends here. Next, we have to elect a few class committee members. Students who want to be class committee members can come to the podium and speak. I will select a few students from the students who speak to be class committee members."

Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing looked at each other and confirmed that they both didn't want to be class committee members.

Bai Meng was closest to the podium, so she knew there was a class election. As soon as Director Guan finished speaking, she walked to the podium and said again: "Hello, students. My name is Bai Meng. I wonder if you still remember me."

When Bai Meng heard that some students said they remembered her, she continued, "I want to run for class monitor. I have rich experience as a class monitor. I have been a class monitor from elementary school to high school, and I hope I can be a class monitor in college. If I succeed in becoming a class monitor, I will serve my classmates wholeheartedly. No matter what you do in study, life or other aspects, I will help you. You can ask me any questions, I will answer them all. I have finished my speech, thank you all. "

Zhu Zhu also came on stage and said: "Hello everyone, I am Zhu Zhu, I want to run for the entertainment committee. I have won the first prize in the Beijing dance competition and the second prize in the singing competition. If I am elected as the entertainment committee, I will definitely make our class stand out in the arts evening party."

After that, many students also came on stage to run for election. In addition to Zhu Zhu, Wu Ping also ran for class monitor and Li Li ran for discipline committee member in dormitory 201.

After waiting for a while, Director Guan saw that no one came on stage, and looked in the direction of Feng Xi.

Feng Xi thought Director Guan was looking at Tang Qingqing, but he still straightened his back, put his left hand on his right hand, and looked at the blackboard seriously with his beautiful peach blossom eyes.

Director Guan saw that Feng Xi did not respond, so he said: "Are there any students who want to run for class committee?"

The classroom was silent, and no one came to the stage.

"Although our Beijing Medical University is not a top university, it is also a famous university. Everyone can be admitted here, I believe everyone's college entrance examination scores are not low. Here I want to ask, do you know what is the highest admission score of our Beijing Medical University this year?"

The other students in dormitory 201 all looked at Feng Xi.

Feng Xi looked calm, but a little panicked in his heart: there was an ominous premonition.

Tang Qingqing glanced at Feng Xi: You're done...

Bai Meng raised her hand and answered: "More than 360 points?"

She herself had 350 points, and was ranked in the top 50 in Hubei Province at that time.

"370 points?"

"350 points?"

Director Guan shook his head and said: "Neither is right, it's 395 points!"

The other students were all shocked and wide-eyed, and were talking about it. Who is this? What major? Is it a boy or a girl? Such a high score!

"She is the top scorer in the Northeast College Entrance Examination, and she was in the newspaper at that time. She is in our obstetrics and gynecology major."

The students looked at each other and looked at each other.

Feng Xi couldn't help but cover her face. She didn't want to be so high-profile.

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