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Chapter 73 Blame me for hiding it too deeply

At this time, Feng Xi's mouth twitched as she watched the director of the Revolutionary Committee force a large net bag of things into her, including maltose, sugar, and some apple snacks.

Listening to the director of the Revolutionary Committee constantly saying: "It's really hard for us female comrades. How are you? Are you okay? Does your head still hurt? Do you need to go to the hospital for a checkup? I will never let that damn man go..."

She was actually a little surprised. She didn't expect Uncle Feng's comrades to be so powerful. Just now, she knew that Captain Hongbu was dismissed, and she also heard Captain Hongbu screaming like a pig in prison.

"Is it okay? I don't need to go to the hospital."

"Oh, that won't do. You must go to the hospital. You can't let anything happen to you."

Zheng, the county governor, also said, "Concussion is not a trivial matter. You must go to the hospital again. Otherwise, how can I explain to your uncle?"

"Okay, thank you, Uncle Zheng."

When the group walked to the door, Wang Fulai pulled Feng Xi's clothes and said, "Sister Feng Xi, I may have to go home. I haven't been home for a day. I'm afraid Fulin will worry."

Although Wang Fulai had told his brother before that if he didn't go home, he didn't need to worry about him. He would be fine. But Fulin was still young, so he was still worried.

"Well, you should stay with Fulin these days. Nothing will happen these days."

Wang Fulai understood, said goodbye to Feng Xi and ran home.


"It's no big deal. Take some rest these days and don't do strenuous exercise."

Feng Xi replied obediently: "Okay, thank you, doctor."

"It's good that you are fine. Feng Xi must be hungry. Let's go to the state-owned hotel for a meal together. And Village Chief Xu, you two should come too?" County Chief Zheng asked.

Village Chief Xu wanted to have a meal at the state-owned hotel, and said, "Okay, but I'll treat you. County Chief Zheng has helped us so much this time, and I haven't thanked you properly yet."

County Chief Zheng didn't argue with Village Chief Xu, but when they arrived at the state-owned hotel, Secretary Li gave the money first. Village Chief Xu had no choice but to give the money to County Chief Zheng.

County Chief Zheng waved his hand and said, "No, it's just a matter of convenience. I used to be a staff officer beside Feng Xi's uncle. When I was in the army, I received a lot of care from Commander Feng. His niece is my niece."

Village Chief Xu is old and shrewd, so he naturally knows that County Chief Zheng hopes that he will take care of Feng Xi more in the future. He had no problem with this, after all, his third son was dating someone.

"We are really indebted to Miss Feng Xi this time, otherwise we wouldn't know what to do. You three should thank Miss Feng Xi very much, otherwise you don't know how long you will stay in jail."

Zheng County Chief was satisfied with seeing Village Chief Xu being so sensible, thinking that he was lucky to have helped the right person.

After dinner, County Chief Zheng said, "Feng Xi, if something similar happens in the future, remember to call Uncle Zheng. If I'm not free, you can go to Town Chief Tian, ​​I've already told him."

Feng Xi said sweetly, "Okay, I got it, thank you Uncle Zheng."

After that, County Chief Zheng took Feng Xi and his group to the post office to report to Uncle Feng that they were safe, and then arranged for Secretary Li to drive Feng Xi and Village Chief Xu back to the village, while Monkey went back to his home in the town.

After Feng Xi got home, she went back to Modern, first went to a store to buy something, then went to Modern Hospital for a re-examination, took some anti-edema lotion and applied it, then went home to sleep.

It's not that she doesn't trust doctors in the 1970s, she just doesn't trust the medical level in the 1970s. This is a concussion. What if her smart brain is damaged?

The next morning, when Feng Xi was getting ready to wash up, she saw Xu Hai standing at the door. She quickly ran over to open the door and said, "Why are you here?"

"I came to see you. Does your head still hurt?"

"No, it's still a little swollen."

Xu Hai looked at Feng Xi's forehead, which was indeed swollen. The little girl was white and tender, and there was suddenly a bump on her forehead, which looked quite obvious.


Feng Xi shook his head and said, "No."

Xu Hai looked at Feng Xi holding the toiletries and said, "You haven't had breakfast yet? I'll make it for you. What do you want to eat?"

"White porridge, please. Oh, and make some for Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng."

Speaking of this, Feng Xi secretly thought that it was a good thing that he had prepared for a rainy day. A few days ago, he gave Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng a week's worth of steamed buns and white flour buns. He planned to deliver porridge, soup or noodles when he was free, and ask them to steam buns or steamed buns for themselves when he was not free.

Feng Xi thought that he would be too busy to sell things and cook for Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng in the future. Now she is very rich, and doesn't care about the food money as much as when she first went to the countryside. Besides, Bai Feng should be fine now that Xu Meimei is helping him. Tang Qingqing has been learning from her for so long these days, so she should be able to do it too. Feng Xi made a decision in her heart.

After Xu Hai saw Feng Xi finish breakfast, he said, "Xixi, are you free today? Maybe I need to go to Monkey's house to discuss something later."

Feng Xi nodded, thinking that it was probably for the batch of goods, and said, "I'm free!"

The two rode their bicycles, delivered porridge to Tang Qingqing and Bai Feng, and then went to Monkey's house.

Monkey couldn't help asking, "Sister, what happened the day before yesterday? Where did all those goods go?"

Xu Hai, Xu Yang, Monkey and Wang Fulai all looked at Feng Xi. Feng Xi touched his right forearm, sighed and said, "There is something you may not know. It's my fault for hiding it too deeply."

Then Feng Xi stood up, raised his right hand, and slammed it hard on the table.

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