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Chapter 142 New Year's Eve Party

Actually, no one took Feng Xi's words seriously. How could they make six dance costumes in one night?

In addition, they thought Feng Xi had a solution, but he went out for a while, saying that he had a midnight snack.

Now he is lying on the bed and sleeping! ! !

The five people in the dormitory looked at each other. Forget it. They didn't have much hope.

After Feng Xi returned to the modern world, he went directly to a big shopping mall and visited many clothing stores before finding similar dance costumes.

The original dance costumes of the six people were all bright red, with some beads and sequins on the neckline.

Feng Xi chose a similar one, which not only had beads and sequins, but also some embroidery and feathers, which looked more advanced.

Feng Xi bought six dance costumes without hesitation, and also bought a lot of cosmetics at the cosmetics store next door.

Just kidding, her makeup skills can't be buried!

The next day was New Year's Day, and Beijing Medical University was on holiday for half a day, which meant that there were classes in the morning, but no classes in the afternoon and evening.

After Feng Xi woke up, she put the dance costumes and cosmetics into a big bag.

After class in the morning, everyone was nervously rehearsing in an empty classroom.

Feng Xi left for a while in the middle of the class, saying that the dance costumes should be made and she went to get them.

Although others didn't quite believe it, they also looked forward to Feng Xi finding someone to help make the dance costumes.

Tang Qingqing pulled Feng Xi's hand and said, "Xixi, I'll go with you to get it."

"Yes, Lao Wu, we'll go with you to get the dance costume!"

What happened yesterday left a shadow in everyone's heart, and no one was comfortable letting Feng Xi go out alone.

Feng Xi actually got it in the dormitory, but she couldn't let anyone go with her, what if she was exposed.

She used the excuse that her friend didn't like strangers to go to her house, and her friend's house was very close to the school, so she could go by herself.

Feng Xi persuaded everyone not to go with her after much persuasion.

Feng Xi returned to the dormitory, picked up the big bag she had packed today, and waited in the dormitory for half an hour before slowly taking the dance costume to the classroom where they were rehearsing.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Feng Xi return safely.

Feng Xi opened the big bag and said, "Sisters, come and see how this dance costume looks like?"

Li Li picked up a dance costume and said in surprise, "This dance costume is so beautiful!"

Tian Caicai also said, "Wow, this is the first time I have seen such a beautiful dance costume!"

Wu Ping also liked this dance costume very much, which was much better than the one she customized before: "Fifth sister is great, and your friend is also amazing! Such a beautiful dance costume can be made in such a short time! "

Tang Qingqing picked up the dance costume and compared it to her body. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it. She said, "Xixi, I like this dance costume so much!"

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