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Chapter 2 Discovering the Golden Finger

As Feng Xi thought about it, he felt hungry. Although the steamed buns, scrambled eggs, stir-fried cabbage with meat and cornmeal porridge for dinner were already very rich in this era, they were definitely not enough for Feng Xi, a foodie.

Feng Xi missed the days when he could order takeout.

Suddenly, a page similar to takeout appeared in front of Feng Xi without any warning. Feng Xi couldn't help rubbing his eyes and sighed slightly in his heart.

"I must have been confused, so I was dazzled."

Feng Xi opened his eyes, was startled, stared at the takeout page for a long time, and then grinned with a big arc.

As an expert in online novels and a bookworm for more than a decade, she knows all too well about the golden finger.

She originally thought she had nothing and secretly cursed herself for having bad luck, but now a takeaway golden finger has appeared. Feng Xi said that she was alive again.

Feng Xi touched the page with her hand and found that this page was almost the same as the takeaway page on her mobile phone before she traveled through time. Feng Xi was excited. Thinking of how she bound her bank card decisively when she needed to withdraw cash in order to earn a little money before traveling through time, she clicked into her wallet and found that there was indeed a bank card with almost all of her assets bound there. Feng Xi was so happy that she wanted to go to heaven.

Looking at her sleeping sister, Feng Xi quietly ordered a ten-yuan bubble tea, placed the order, and paid.

The next second, the takeaway page disappeared, and a cup of freshly made bubble tea appeared in front of Feng Xi out of thin air.

Feng Xi couldn't wait to open the straw and drink it, and she was so excited that tears were about to flow out.

She didn't wake up Feng Wan, after all, this kind of thing was not in line with common sense. In fact, Feng Xi didn't plan to tell anyone about this golden finger. You can say she is selfish, after all, she is not a saintly person. At this time, she just wants to go to the countryside quietly and make a fortune if she has the opportunity. She didn't have any big dreams, just waiting for the college entrance examination to resume in a year. She wanted to go to college. After all, she knew how valuable the first batch of college students were.

As for the Feng family, she remembered all their kindness to her, and she would definitely be filial to them in the future. As for the secret of the golden finger, she would not tell them.

After a while, the milk tea was finished. Feng Xi looked at this technological milk tea packaging cup and felt a little worried.

It was late at night now, and burning it with fire was indeed a good idea, but she was afraid of waking up her family, and she would not be able to explain it clearly at that time.

"Hey, will there be any way to recycle the takeaway page?"

Feng Xi thought about it. Before, after she ordered takeaway and paid for it, the takeaway page disappeared automatically. The takeaway page appeared because she had silently thought about ordering takeaway.

Sure enough, Feng Xi had just finished thinking about ordering takeaway when the takeaway page appeared. Feng Xi carefully studied her golden finger and found the word "recycling" below, so she reached out and clicked it. Sure enough, the next second, the empty milk tea packaging cup disappeared.

With this golden finger, Feng Xi said she was very happy and didn't have to worry about not having enough to eat in this era. There are more than 300,000 yuan in the bank card, which can at least last for about five years if she saves. After five years, the policy is estimated to be not so strict, and she can also do some small transactions to make some money.

In short, everything is under control. Feng Xi thought happily.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but Feng Xi got up before dawn the next day.

The train was to depart at 7am. Feng's mother had already gotten up and was filling her lunch box with dried meat, bacon and sausage wrapped in oil paper, baked cakes, and six eggs.

"I'll put these foods in your schoolbag, and I'll fill your water bottle with water. Remember to take good care of your luggage on the train, don't be cheated, be careful about everything, and write or send a telegram to tell your family if anything happens."

Feng's mother was afraid that Feng Xi was simply ignorant and that he couldn't carry too much luggage or lost it, so she tried to take as little as possible. She planned to mail the thick quilts and large cotton quilts, but she still had a large sack, a small sack, and a schoolbag.

The small sacks were filled with sugar, maltose, snacks, toiletries, enamel cups, etc. The big sacks were filled with three sets of quilts and clothes. The schoolbags were filled with food and bills.

There weren't many things, and Feng Xi could barely carry them.

Feng's father also got up and helped Feng Xi carry the luggage to the train station.

Parting is always sad, and when they were about to get on the train, the eyes of both mother and daughter were wet.

Feng's mother looked at her lively daughter, who had never suffered since she was a child. Now she was going to the countryside, and she didn't know what to do in the future.

Feng's father was also very upset. His daughter was going to the countryside, but he, as a father, could do nothing.

Feng Xi was very touched when she saw her father and mother caring about him so much. He could only smile and comfort them.

"Dad, Mom, I have grown up. I will take good care of myself when I go to the countryside. You don't have to worry about me. Go back quickly, the train is about to leave."

Finally, Feng Xi squeezed into the train. There were already quite a few people in the carriage at this time. Feng Xi sat down immediately when he saw an empty seat.

This carriage was almost full of educated youth who went to the countryside. Feng Xi looked at these educated youth who had an unknown future and were even full of expectations for the future, and sighed in his heart. They were only full of energy at this time.

Feng Xi tiptoed to put his small sack on the shelf on the car. Just when Feng Xi wanted to put the big sack on the shelf in one go, a soft and sticky voice came from the side.

"Comrade, do you need help?"

Before Feng Xi could speak, the big sack was put on the shelf by two girls.

"Thank you."

Feng Xi turned around and saw a 1.6-meter-tall, round-faced, round-eyed, chubby little girl.

After Feng Xi thanked her, he sat down and looked at the people in the car.

Speaking of which, Feng Xi looked at his appearance when he just came through. He looked the same as he did in modern times, a dozen years younger, a real little beauty.

She is 1.63 meters tall, with a standard oval face, peach eyes, and a cherry mouth. The Feng family has good food, so she is white and plump. Not too fat, just a little bit fat, and looks cute and obedient.

The little girl sitting next to her is the little girl who just helped her. She looks younger than her. She is also chubby, but fatter than Feng Xi.

If Feng Xi hadn't seen that the people opposite and around her were all dark and skinny, Feng Xi would have almost suspected that everyone's family was very rich.

There were also two girls opposite her. One of them seemed to be timid and had several patches on her clothes. Feng Xi guessed that her family might not be very good. The other girl's clothes didn't have any patches, but she kept looking around, probably looking at everyone like herself.

The train compartment smelled bad, Feng Xi had nothing to do, so he could only look out the window and listen to the chatter of the educated youth next to him.

Travel back to the 1970s to order takeoutWhere stories live. Discover now