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Chapter 110 Success

The evening class was just as Tang Qingqing expected. Feng Xi was questioned three times by the teacher. Fortunately, she had an excellent memory, otherwise she would have been in big trouble.

After the bell rang, Feng Xi lay on the table. She was a little tired.

Tang Qingqing patted Feng Xi on the shoulder and said sympathetically: "You are such a pitiful student committee member. The teacher asks you questions in every class."

Feng Xi sighed helplessly and looked at Wu Ping pitifully: "Sister, can I switch positions with you?"

Wu Ping also sympathized with Feng Xi and said: "Xixi, I think you are a very good student committee member. I definitely can't be the student committee member."

Li Li couldn't help laughing and said: "Xixi, with you as a student committee member, I don't have to worry about being questioned by the teacher anymore."

Feng Xi raised her hand to support her forehead. She originally thought that the task of the student committee member was to help answer difficult questions for classmates if she knew the answer. If she doesn't know, then there's nothing she can do. She can't mislead the students.

Who would have thought that every time the teacher encountered a question that no one raised their hands to answer, they would ask the learning committee members to answer the questions. How could people live like this?

"Is it too late for me to resign now?"

Wu Ping shook her head seriously at Feng Xi and said, "You are the learning committee member appointed directly by Director Guan, I'm afraid it won't work. But Xixi, you are already very good, you can answer all the questions asked by the teacher."

Feng Xi said pitifully, "Actually, I am lucky, but I won't be so lucky later."

Her theoretical knowledge is indeed good now, but it will not work in practice later. Her practical experience is almost zero.

It seems that she has to go back to Modern Times to make up for her knowledge when she has time.

The time of study is always short but fulfilling. In a blink of an eye, a week has almost passed.

Feng Xi has been accustomed to being called upon to answer questions during this week, and she doesn't expect anything more.

She can even find her own shortcomings in the process of being asked questions, and finally go to the library to check relevant materials to fill in her knowledge gaps.

Seeing how powerful and diligent Feng Xi is, other people in dormitory 201 even go to the library to study. Thinking that their professional knowledge is not as good as Feng Xi, they can't be left too far behind, so they also go to the library to study.

The students in the first class of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology were inspired by Feng Xi's talent and read books every day during class. Now that they saw the study committee members go to the library to study, what reason do they have not to go to the library to study?

In a short time, the news that the first class of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology went to the library to study spread throughout the Beijing Medical University.

The school leaders of Beijing Medical University were very happy. As expected, they were the first batch of college students to resume the college entrance examination. They just love to study.

Therefore, when the Education Bureau organized a meeting of the presidents of various universities in Beijing this week, President Wang of Beijing Medical University emphasized the importance of going to the library to study.

He also mentioned the example of all the students in the first class of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology going to the library to study, and even emphasized at the end that this "library learning trend" was brought up by Feng Xi, the top scorer in the Northeast College Entrance Examination.

The leaders of the Education Bureau also thought it was good, and praised the education of Beijing Medical University, and suggested that other universities should learn from Beijing Medical University.

President Wang of Beijing Medical University was very proud for a while, and looked at the presidents of other universities in Beijing asking him questions.

After returning to school, President Wang immediately convened a meeting. He emphasized the good teaching of Director Guan and the learning spirit of the first class of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and called on the teachers in other departments to learn more from Director Guan.

The director of the Department of Clinical Medicine was a little upset. Feng Xi should have been his student. If only he could have kept her.

Director Guan was also very happy. She knew that the students in the first class of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology went to the library to study. She was very pleased that the children loved to study. She was very supportive at the time. She didn't expect to be praised by the leaders of the Education Bureau.

The last class on Friday was Director Guan's class. Feng Xi found that Director Guan seemed to be particularly happy today. He didn't ask any questions for the first time. This was really great.

When there was still half an hour left before school was about to end, Director Guan said: "Let's stop here for today's class. Now I have good news to tell you."

After Director Guan said this, he looked at Feng Xi with admiration.

This look frightened Feng Xi greatly. What was he asking her to do?

"A few days ago, the students in our obstetrics and gynecology class followed the study committee to the library to study. I support this very much. When you study in college, in addition to learning professional knowledge, extracurricular learning is also very important. As long as you learn, you will gain something."

"When I went to the meeting this morning, the principal praised our class's learning spirit. Not only that, even the leaders of the Education Bureau praised our classmates. I am very proud of you. I hope you will continue to work hard and get good grades at the end of the semester!"

Bai Meng asked curiously: "Director Guan, our class was really praised by the leaders of the Education Bureau and the principal?"

Director Guan nodded, and then led the applause.

Everyone applauded excitedly when they saw Director Guan nod. Their Obstetrics and Gynecology Class 1 has made great progress!

Feng Xi was also very surprised. She didn't expect that their class was so good that they even got a place in front of the leaders.

After school, students who lived far away stayed at the school, and students who lived in Beijing basically went home.

Wu Ping, Tian Caicai and Li Li from Dormitory 201 continued to live at the school. The three children of course ran away as soon as school was over.

After saying goodbye to Tang Qingqing at the school gate, Feng Xi waited for Xu Hai to come at the gate.

After a while, Xu Hai came on a bicycle.

Feng Xi came to Xu Hai happily: "How did you get a bicycle?"

"I bought it on the black market the day before yesterday. Get on the bike."


Xu Hai rode his bicycle, thinking of what his roommate was discussing, and asked: "Xi Xi, are you in the first class of the obstetrics and gynecology department?"

Feng Xi: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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