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Chapter 21 Connection

Village Chief Xu successfully sold the three houses, and he was so proud that he even grinned at dinner.

Looking at her old man's boastful look, Xu's mother felt that something big was going to happen, so she asked, "Old man, what are you so happy about?"

Village Chief Xu thought that his wife was giving him face, and she didn't see that he had been happy for so long, so he said proudly, "I sold the three houses behind the educated youth site today. With this income, the villagers will have a better life."

"This is a great thing. Those houses have been idle for so long, and I thought no one would buy them?"

"Dad, who bought these houses?"

Xu's mother glanced at her eldest daughter-in-law, Chen Cuihua. This family loves gossip. Well, she wanted to know too~

"It's the new educated youth Xiao Feng, Tang and Bai. The two girls came home today just for this matter."

Mother Xu knew that Xiao Feng and Tang came home this afternoon and brought so many valuable things. She thought they were trying to avoid labor.

Xu's mother sighed: "I heard that these two people's families are quite rich. They are so beautiful and look like they were raised by their families. Why can't they think of being sent to work in the countryside as educated youth?"

Village Chief Xu sighed when he thought of this. Fortunately, he didn't care about the farm work and snorted: "They can do it after they are full."

Chen Cuihua couldn't help but say: "That's right, these two people can't do anything. They only earn four work points a day, and my eldest child is only eight years old and can earn three work points a day. Besides, they are crying even though they can't do anything. At the end of the year, they will probably have to give money to the team."

Xu Hai couldn't help but say, "These two people are not as bad as my sister-in-law said. They have completed their tasks in the fields in the past few days. Besides, the one crying is Tang Zhiqing. Xiao Feng Zhiqing is very active in work, much better than those old Zhiqing when they first came."

Hearing this, Xu's mother looked at her third son suspiciously. When did her son care so much about female comrades?

Xu Yang also said, "Besides, Xiao Feng Zhiqing and Tang Zhiqing are particularly good-looking."

Hearing this nonsense, Village Chief Xu couldn't help but scold, "Can good looks be eaten or used as money? What are you thinking about every day?"

Xu Yang felt wronged. He was right.

"By the way, Boss, take two people to the youth camp tomorrow and build a yard for the three youths' houses. If you see anything missing, fix it. It's not in vain, and you'll get work points."

Before Xu Jiang could say anything, Xu Hai couldn't help but say, "Brother has to go to work tomorrow, so I'll get some work points tomorrow. Besides, I'm better at this job than you, so leave it to me."

Village Chief Xu nodded indifferently. Anyway, he trusted his son, so it didn't matter who he gave it to.


Feng Xi was very satisfied with the house issue being resolved today. If nothing unexpected happened, she could move in tomorrow. However, if she could really travel back tonight, the money she spent on buying the house would be wasted.

Oh, that's not right. If she could travel back, what use would she have for the house? If not, she could still have a good life with the cheat of ordering takeout.

Feng Xi didn't have dinner tonight. If she guessed correctly, she should be able to return to the modern world tonight.

When she was in the modern world, she ordered a bowl of beef noodles from the menu, but she didn't eat it, and the takeout page became a portable cheat for her. So she saw the same dish in the state-owned hotel today and ate beef noodles. Maybe there is some connection between the two?

Soon, Feng Xi fell asleep.

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