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Chapter 81 I suspect they were in collusion

"That's right. If it wasn't for Xiao Feng, we would have thought that the person Xu Erzhu was holding was Tang Zhiqing."

"Guihua, what are you talking about? Your son is the one who got cheated on."

Auntie Guihua looked at Mrs. Tian with sympathy. Tsk tsk tsk, Tian Erzhuang is such a pitiful child.

Xu Erzhu said anxiously, "What are you talking about? How could I possibly like Erzhuang's wife!"

Auntie Guihua didn't believe it and asked, "Did you hold He Hua in the water just now?"

Xu Erzhu didn't understand why the matter turned out like this. He did hold He Hua, but he also held Tang Qingqing, but she was later snatched away by Feng Xi.

"Hey, you are speechless, right? Aunt Guihua understands. The boy is still young, if you like her, just be brave and rush over!"

"No, I don't like He Hua, I like..."

Mrs. Xu saw that her son was about to make trouble, and hurriedly stopped him: "Guihua, what are you talking about? I clearly saw that the person my son was holding was Tang Zhiqing, and Xiao Feng Zhiqing, don't talk nonsense."

Feng Xi snorted She said, "Mrs. Xu is really good at joking. I don't know who I am holding. And I remember that Mrs. Xu came with the other ladies. Aunt Guihua, tell me, what did you see at that time?"

When Aunt Guihua heard Feng Xi calling her, she knew that her chance to show off had come, and she quickly said, "I was following Mrs. Xu just now, but I didn't see Xu Erzhu holding Tang Zhiqing. What I saw was It was the two strong daughter -in -law and Xu Erzhu very close to. I saw that we came a little bit, and I didn't know if it was a thief. " The person hugged by Brother Zhu was He Huazi. If the situation is not good, you can only give up this plan. She winked at Mrs. Tian, ​​and the affair between them must not be discovered.

Mrs. Tian also knew that this matter must not be discovered, and glared at He Hua fiercely, saying: "Why are you in a daze? People just spread rumors about you, why didn't you say anything, dumb."

"No! Xu Erzhu was holding Tang Qingqing at that time, yes, it was her! Not me!"

He Hua couldn't listen to anything now, she just wanted Tang Qingqing to marry Xu Erzhu smoothly.

She knew the plan of her mother-in-law and Mrs. Xu, and she was very excited when she heard it. If Tang Qingqing married Xu Erzhu, then Tang Qingqing's future life would be almost the same as hers.

She used to think that life would be much better after getting married, but she didn't expect that her mother-in-law would dislike her every day because she couldn't have children. As time went by, even Tian Erzhuang had opinions about her.

Every time she saw Tang Qingqing and Feng Xi talking and laughing from afar, she couldn't help but feel jealous. Why were they so dazzling, and why was she so miserable? Why was God so unfair!

The plan was so perfect, why did it fail! Tang Qingqing was just one step away from marrying Xu Erzhu, why?

Suddenly, He Hua raised her head and looked at Feng Xi.

It was her! She was the one who messed things up!

Feng Xi was a little surprised to see He Hua's angry look, and she got anxious.

Tang Qingqing had just heard He Hua's confusing screams and was thinking about what to say, but suddenly she saw He Hua suddenly become so scary, and suddenly she didn't know what to say.

The aunts next to her saw the usually timid He Hua suddenly screaming, and they all stepped back silently. This child was going crazy.

Suddenly, He Hua rushed straight to Feng Xi and wanted to grab Feng Xi's face with her hands.

However, Feng Xi was prepared. He twisted He Hua's wrist, threw her over his shoulder, and then kicked her hard, trying to kick her two meters away.

Feng Xi kicked hard, but it didn't move.

She clapped her hands in a pretentious manner and said, "Is this because of shame or because of a guilty conscience?"

Tang Qingqing saw He Hua lying on the ground and couldn't help kicking her twice: "I told you not to slander me!"

Mrs. Tian and Mrs. Xu didn't expect He Hua to suddenly get angry. Seeing Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing so fierce, they didn't dare to have any ideas. Anyway, no one would know if they didn't say anything.

It happened that at this time, Village Chief Xu and Captain Xu came.

"What's going on? You are so idle that you are panicking after not working for a day, right?"

Auntie Guihua refused to agree. This matter had nothing to do with her. She quickly told Village Chief Xu and Captain Xu what she saw.

Village Chief Xu glanced at He Hua on the ground, then at Feng Xi, and then asked Tang Qingqing: "Tell me, how did you and He Hua suddenly fall into the water."

"I don't know what happened. He Hua asked me to come here to talk about something important. I was bored at home anyway, so I followed her. We haven't said anything yet, and He Hua said there was a snake, and then He Hua pushed me. I had no choice but to hold He Hua, and then we both fell into the water."

He Hua was sober now, and she couldn't let anyone catch her, so she said quickly : "I'm afraid of snakes, so I was hiding and accidentally pushed Tang Qingqing."

Feng Xi couldn't help but narrow his eyes: "Did you do it on purpose or by accident?"

"I was just careless!"

Tang Qingqing snorted and said: "I think you did it on purpose. If Xixi hadn't come, I don't know what would have happened. Village Chief Xu, Captain Xu, I don't care, I must report He Hua."

Feng Xi nodded: "Not only He Hua, I think Xu Pozi is also weird, I suspect they are in collusion!"

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